Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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594 sbdY swdu n AwieE nwim n lgo ipAwru ] (594-1)sabdai saad na aa-i-o naam na lago pi-aar. One who does not savor the taste of the Shabad, who does not love the Naam, the Name of the Lord, rsnw iPkw bolxw inq inq hoie KuAwru ] (594-1)rasnaa fikaa bolnaa nit nit ho-ay khu-aar. and who speaks insipid words with his tongue, is ruined, again and again. nwnk ikriq pieAY kmwvxw koie n mytxhwru ]2] (594-1)naanak kirat pa-i-ai kamaavanaa ko-ay na maytanhaar. ||2|| O Nanak, he acts according to the karma of his past actions, which no one can erase. ||2|| pauVI ] (594-2)pa-orhee. Pauree: Dnu Dnu sq purKu siqgurU hmwrw ijqu imilAY hm kau sWiq AweI ] (594-2)Dhan Dhan sat purakh satguroo hamaaraa jit mili-ai ham ka-o saaNt aa-ee. Blessed, blessed is the True Being, my True Guru; meeting Him, I have found peace. Dnu Dnu sq purKu siqgurU hmwrw ijqu imilAY hm hir Bgiq pweI ] (594-3)Dhan Dhan sat purakh satguroo hamaaraa jit mili-ai ham har bhagat paa-ee. Blessed, blessed is the True Being, my True Guru; meeting Him, I have attained the Lord's devotional worship. Dnu Dnu hir Bgqu siqgurU hmwrw ijs kI syvw qy hm hir nwim ilv lweI ] (594-4)Dhan Dhan har bhagat satguroo hamaaraa jis kee sayvaa tay ham har naam liv laa-ee. Blessed, blessed is the Lord's devotee, my True Guru; serving Him, I have come to enshrine love for the Name of the Lord. Dnu Dnu hir igAwnI siqgurU hmwrw ijin vYrI imqRü hm kau sB sm idRsit idKweI ] (594-4)Dhan Dhan har gi-aanee satguroo hamaaraa jin vairee mitar ham ka-o sabh sam darisat dikhaa-ee. Blessed, blessed is the Knower of the Lord, my True Guru; He has taught me to look upon friend and foe alike. Dnu Dnu siqgurU imqRü hmwrw ijin hir nwm isau hmwrI pRIiq bxweI ]19] (594-5)Dhan Dhan satguroo mitar hamaaraa jin har naam si-o hamaaree pareet banaa-ee. ||19|| Blessed, blessed is the True Guru, my best friend; He has led me to embrace love for the Name of the Lord. ||19|| sloku mÚ 1 ] (594-6)salok mehlaa 1. Shalok, First Mehl: Gr hI muMiD ivdyis ipru inq JUry sMmHwly ] (594-6)ghar hee munDh vidays pir nit jhooray sammHaalay. The soul-bride is at home, while the Husband Lord is away; she cherishes His memory, and mourns His absence. imlidAw iFl n hoveI jy nIAiq rwis kry ]1] (594-7)mildi-aaN dhil na hova-ee jay nee-at raas karay. ||1|| She shall meet Him without delay, if she rids herself of duality. ||1|| mÚ 1 ] (594-7)mehlaa 1. First Mehl: nwnk gwlI kUVIAw bwJu prIiq kryie ] (594-7)naanak gaalee koorhee-aa baajh pareet karay-i. O Nanak, false is the speech of one who acts without loving the Lord. iqcru jwxY Blw kir ijcru lyvY dyie ]2] (594-8)tichar jaanai bhalaa kar jichar layvai day-ay. ||2|| He judges things to be good, only as long as the Lord gives and he receives. ||2|| pauVI ] (594-8)pa-orhee. Pauree: ijin aupwey jIA iqin hir rwiKAw ] (594-8)jin upaa-ay jee-a tin har raakhi-aa. The Lord, who created the creatures, also protects them. AMimRqu scw nwau Bojnu cwiKAw ] (594-9)amrit sachaa naa-o bhojan chaakhi-aa. I have tasted the food of Ambrosial Nectar, the True Name. iqpiq rhy AwGwie imtI BBwiKAw ] (594-9)tipat rahay aaghaa-ay mitee bhabhaakhi-aa. I am satisfied and satiated, and my hunger is appeased. sB AMdir ieku vrqY iknY ivrlY lwiKAw ] (594-9)sabh andar ik vartai kinai virlai laakhi-aa. The One Lord is pervading in all, but rare are those who realize this. jn nwnk Bey inhwlu pRB kI pwiKAw ]20] (594-10)jan naanak bha-ay nihaal parabh kee paakhi-aa. ||20|| Servant Nanak is enraptured, in the Protection of God. ||20|| sloku mÚ 3 ] (594-10)salok mehlaa 3. Shalok, Third Mehl: siqgur no sBu ko vyKdw jyqw jgqu sMswru ] (594-11)satgur no sabh ko vaykh-daa jaytaa jagat sansaar. All the living beings of the world behold the True Guru. ifTY mukiq n hoveI ijcru sbid n kry vIcwru ] (594-11)dithai mukat na hova-ee jichar sabad na karay veechaar. One is not liberated by merely seeing Him, unless one contemplates the Word of His Shabad. haumY mYlu n cukeI nwim n lgY ipAwru ] (594-12)ha-umai mail na chuk-ee naam na lagai pi-aar. The filth of ego is not removed, and he does not enshrine love for the Naam. ieik Awpy bKis imlwieAnu duibDw qij ivkwr ] (594-12)ik aapay bakhas milaa-i-an dubiDhaa taj vikaar. The Lord forgives some, and unites them with Himself; they forsake their duality and sinful ways. nwnk ieik drsnu dyiK mir imly siqgur hyiq ipAwir ]1] (594-13)naanak ik darsan daykh mar milay satgur hayt pi-aar. ||1|| O Nanak, some behold the Blessed Vision of the True Guru's Darshan, with love and affection; conquering their ego, they meet with the Lord. ||1|| mÚ 3 ] (594-13)mehlaa 3. Third Mehl: siqgurU n syivE mUrK AMD gvwir ] (594-13)satguroo na sayvi-o moorakh anDh gavaar. The foolish, blind clown does not serve the True Guru. dUjY Bwie bhuqu duKu lwgw jlqw kry pukwr ] (594-14)doojai bhaa-ay bahut dukh laagaa jaltaa karay pukaar. In love with duality, he endures terrible suffering, and burning, he cries out in pain. ijn kwrix gurU ivswirAw sy n aupkry AMqI vwr ] (594-14)jin kaaran guroo visaari-aa say na upkaray antee vaar. He forgets the Guru, for the sake of mere objects, but they will not come to his rescue in the end. nwnk gurmqI suKu pwieAw bKsy bKsxhwr ]2] (594-15)naanak gurmatee sukh paa-i-aa bakhsay bakhsanhaar. ||2|| Through the Guru's Instructions, Nanak has found peace; the Forgiving Lord has forgiven him. ||2|| pauVI ] (594-15)pa-orhee. Pauree: qU Awpy Awip Awip sBu krqw koeI dUjw hoie su Avro khIAY ] (594-15)too aapay aap aap sabh kartaa ko-ee doojaa ho-ay so avro kahee-ai. You Yourself, all by Yourself, are the Creator of all. If there were any other, then I would speak of another. hir Awpy bolY Awip bulwvY hir Awpy jil Qil riv rhIAY ] (594-16)har aapay bolai aap bulaavai har aapay jal thal rav rahee-ai. The Lord Himself speaks, and causes us to speak; He Himself is pervading the water and the land. hir Awpy mwrY hir Awpy CofY mn hir srxI piV rhIAY ] (594-17)har aapay maarai har aapay chhodai man har sarnee parh rahee-ai. The Lord Himself destroys, and the Lord Himself saves. O mind, seek and remain in the Lord's Sanctuary. hir ibnu koeI mwir jIvwil n skY mn hoie inicMd inslu hoie rhIAY ] (594-17)har bin ko-ee maar jeevaal na sakai man ho-ay nichind nisal ho-ay rahee-ai. Other than the Lord, no one can kill or rejuvenate. O mind, do not be anxious - remain fearless. auTidAw bhidAw suiqAw sdw sdw hir nwmu iDAweIAY jn nwnk gurmuiK hir lhIAY ]21]1] suDu (594-18)uth-di-aa bahdi-aa suti-aa sadaa sadaa har naam Dhi-aa-ee-ai jan naanak gurmukh har lahee-ai. ||21||1|| suDhu While standing, sitting, and sleeping, forever and ever, meditate on the Lord's Name; O servant Nanak, as Gurmukh, you shall attain the Lord. ||21||1||Sudh|| |
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