Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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596 bMnu bdIAw kir DwvxI qw ko AwKY DMnu ] (596-1)bann badee-aa kar Dhaavnee taa ko aakhai Dhan. Let your work be restraint from sin; only then will people call you blessed. nwnk vyKY ndir kir cVY cvgx vMnu ]4]2] (596-1)naanak vaykhai nadar kar charhai chavgan vann. ||4||2|| O Nanak, the Lord shall look upon you with His Glance of Grace, and you shall be blessed with honor four times over. ||4||2|| soriT mÚ 1 cauquky ] (596-2)sorath mehlaa 1 cha-utukay. Sorat'h, First Mehl, Chau-Tukas: mwie bwp ko bytw nIkw ssurY cquru jvweI ] (596-2)maa-ay baap ko baytaa neekaa sasurai chatur javaa-ee. The son is dear to his mother and father; he is the wise son-in-law to his father-in-law. bwl kMinAw kO bwpu ipAwrw BweI kO Aiq BweI ] (596-2)baal kanniaa kou baap pi-aaraa bhaa-ee kou at bhaa-ee. The father is dear to his son and daughter, and the brother is very dear to his brother. hukmu BieAw bwhru Gru CoifAw iKn mih BeI prweI ] (596-3)hukam bha-i-aa baahar ghar chhodi-aa khin meh bha-ee paraa-ee. By the Order of the Lord's Command, he leaves his house and goes outside, and in an instant, everything becomes alien to him. nwmu dwnu iesnwnu n mnmuiK iqqu qin DUiV DumweI ]1] (596-3)naam daan isnaan na manmukh tit tan Dhoorh Dhumaa-ee. ||1|| The self-willed manmukh does not remember the Name of the Lord, does not give in charity, and does not cleanse his consciousness; his body rolls in the dust. ||1|| mnu mwinAw nwmu sKweI ] (596-4)man maani-aa naam sakhaa-ee. The mind is comforted by the Comforter of the Naam. pwie prau gur kY bilhwrY ijin swcI bUJ buJweI ] rhwau ] (596-4)paa-ay para-o gur kai balihaarai jin saachee boojh bujhaa-ee. rahaa-o. I fall at the Guru's feet - I am a sacrifice to Him; He has given me to understand the true understanding. ||Pause|| jg isau JUT pRIiq mnu byiDAw jn isau vwdu rcweI ] (596-5)jag si-o jhooth pareet man bayDhi-aa jan si-o vaad rachaa-ee. The mind is impressed with the false love of the world; he quarrels with the Lord's humble servant. mwieAw mgnu Aihinis mgu johY nwmu n lyvY mrY ibKu KweI ] (596-5)maa-i-aa magan ahinis mag johai naam na layvai marai bikh khaa-ee. Infatuated with Maya, night and day, he sees only the worldly path; he does not chant the Naam, and drinking poison, he dies. gMDx vYix rqw ihqkwrI sbdY suriq n AweI ] (596-6)ganDhan vain rataa hitkaaree sabdai surat na aa-ee. He is imbued and infatuated with vicious talk; the Word of the Shabad does not come into his consciousness. rMig n rwqw ris nhI byiDAw mnmuiK piq gvweI ]2] (596-7)rang na raataa ras nahee bayDhi-aa manmukh pat gavaa-ee. ||2|| He is not imbued with the Lord's Love, and he is not impressed by the taste of the Name; the self-willed manmukh loses his honor. ||2|| swD sBw mih shju n cwiKAw ijhbw rsu nhI rweI ] (596-7)saaDh sabhaa meh sahj na chaakhi-aa jihbaa ras nahee raa-ee. He does not enjoy celestial peace in the Company of the Holy, and there is not even a bit of sweetness on his tongue. mnu qnu Dnu Apunw kir jwinAw dr kI Kbir n pweI ] (596-8)man tan Dhan apunaa kar jaani-aa dar kee khabar na paa-ee. He calls his mind, body and wealth his own; he has no knowledge of the Court of the Lord. AKI mIit cilAw AMiDAwrw Gru dru idsY n BweI ] (596-8)akhee meet chali-aa anDhi-aaraa ghar dar disai na bhaa-ee. Closing his eyes, he walks in darkness; he cannot see the home of his own being, O Siblings of Destiny. jm dir bwDw Taur n pwvY Apunw kIAw kmweI ]3] (596-9)jam dar baaDhaa tha-ur na paavai apunaa kee-aa kamaa-ee. ||3|| Tied up at Death's door, he finds no place of rest; he receives the rewards of his own actions. ||3|| ndir kry qw AKI vyKw khxw kQnu n jweI ] (596-10)nadar karay taa akhee vaykhaa kahnaa kathan na jaa-ee. When the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, then I see Him with my own eyes; He is indescribable, and cannot be described. kMnI suix suix sbid slwhI AMimRqu irdY vsweI ] (596-10)kannee sun sun sabad salaahee amrit ridai vasaa-ee. With my ears, I continually listen to the Word of the Shabad, and I praise Him; His Ambrosial Name abides within my heart. inrBau inrMkwru inrvYru pUrn joiq smweI ] (596-11)nirbha-o nirankaar nirvair pooran jot samaa-ee. He is Fearless, Formless and absolutely without vengeance; I am absorbed in His Perfect Light. nwnk gur ivxu Brmu n BwgY sic nwim vifAweI ]4]3] (596-11)naanak gur vin bharam na bhaagai sach naam vadi-aa-ee. ||4||3|| O Nanak, without the Guru, doubt is not dispelled; through the True Name, glorious greatness is obtained. ||4||3|| soriT mhlw 1 duquky ] (596-12)sorath mehlaa 1 dutukay. Sorat'h, First Mehl, Du-Tukas: puVu DrqI puVu pwxI Awsxu cwir kuMt caubwrw ] (596-12)purh Dhartee purh paanee aasan chaar kunt cha-ubaaraa. In the realm of land, and in the realm of water, Your seat is the chamber of the four directions. sgl Bvx kI mUriq eykw muiK qyrY tkswlw ]1] (596-13)sagal bhavan kee moorat aykaa mukh tayrai taksaalaa. ||1|| Yours is the one and only form of the entire universe; Your mouth is the mint to fashion all. ||1|| myry swihbw qyry coj ivfwxw ] (596-13)mayray saahibaa tayray choj vidaanaa. O my Lord Master, Your play is so wonderful! jil Qil mhIAil Birpuir lIxw Awpy srb smwxw ] rhwau ] (596-13)jal thal mahee-al bharipur leenaa aapay sarab samaanaa. rahaa-o. You are pervading and permeating the water, the land and the sky; You Yourself are contained in all. ||Pause|| jh jh dyKw qh joiq qumwrI qyrw rUpu iknyhw ] (596-14)jah jah daykhaa tah jot tumaaree tayraa roop kinayhaa. Wherever I look, there I see Your Light, but what is Your form? iekqu rUip iPrih prCMnw koie n iks hI jyhw ]2] (596-15)ikat roop fireh parchhannaa ko-ay na kis hee jayhaa. ||2|| You have one form, but it is unseen; there is none like any other. ||2|| AMfj jyrj auqBuj syqj qyry kIqy jMqw ] (596-15)andaj jayraj ut-bhuj saytaj tayray keetay jantaa. The beings born of eggs, born of the womb, born of the earth and born of sweat, all are created by You. eyku purbu mY qyrw dyiKAw qU sBnw mwih rvMqw ]3] (596-16)ayk purab mai tayraa daykhi-aa too sabhnaa maahi ravantaa. ||3|| I have seen one glory of Yours, that You are pervading and permeating in all. ||3|| qyry gux bhuqy mY eyku n jwixAw mY mUrK ikCu dIjY ] (596-16)tayray gun bahutay mai ayk na jaani-aa mai moorakh kichh deejai. Your Glories are so numerous, and I do not know even one of them; I am such a fool - please, give me some of them! pRxviq nwnk suix myry swihbw fubdw pQru lIjY ]4]4] (596-17)paranvat naanak sun mayray saahibaa dubdaa pathar leejai. ||4||4|| Prays Nanak, listen, O my Lord Master: I am sinking like a stone - please, save me! ||4||4|| soriT mhlw 1 ] (596-17)sorath mehlaa 1. Sorat'h, First Mehl: hau pwpI piqqu prm pwKMfI qU inrmlu inrMkwrI ] (596-17)ha-o paapee patit param paakhandee too nirmal nirankaaree. I am a wicked sinner and a great hypocrite; You are the Immaculate and Formless Lord. AMimRqu cwiK prm ris rwqy Twkur srix qumwrI ]1] (596-18)amrit chaakh param ras raatay thaakur saran tumaaree. ||1|| Tasting the Ambrosial Nectar, I am imbued with supreme bliss; O Lord and Master, I seek Your Sanctuary. ||1|| krqw qU mY mwxu inmwxy ] (596-19)kartaa too mai maan nimaanay. O Creator Lord, You are the honor of the dishonored. mwxu mhqu nwmu Dnu plY swcY sbid smwxy ] rhwau ] (596-19)maan mahat naam Dhan palai saachai sabad samaanay. rahaa-o. In my lap is the honor and glory of the wealth of the Name; I merge into the True Word of the Shabad. ||Pause|| qU pUrw hm aUry hoCy qU gaurw hm haury ] (596-19)too pooraa ham ooray hochhay too ga-uraa ham ha-uray. You are perfect, while I am worthless and imperfect. You are profound, while I am trivial. |
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