Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


iek bsqu Agocr lhIAY ] (656-1)
ik basat agochar lahee-ai.
to find the incomprehensible thing.

bsqu Agocr pweI ] (656-1)
basat agochar paa-ee.
I have found this incomprehensible thing;

Git dIpku rihAw smweI ]2] (656-1)
ghat deepak rahi-aa samaa-ee. ||2||
my mind is illuminated and enlightened. ||2||

kih kbIr Ab jwinAw ] (656-1)
kahi kabeer ab jaani-aa.
Says Kabeer, now I know Him;

jb jwinAw qau mnu mwinAw ] (656-2)
jab jaani-aa ta-o man maani-aa.
since I know Him, my mind is pleased and appeased.

mn mwny logu n pqIjY ] (656-2)
man maanay log na pateejai.
My mind is pleased and appeased, and yet, people do not believe it.

n pqIjY qau ikAw kIjY ]3]7] (656-2)
na pateejai ta-o ki-aa keejai. ||3||7||
They do not believe it, so what can I do? ||3||7||

ihRdY kptu muK igAwnI ] (656-3)
hirdai kapat mukh gi-aanee.
In his heart there is deception, and yet in his mouth are words of wisdom.

JUTy khw iblovis pwnI ]1] (656-3)
jhoothay kahaa bilovas paanee. ||1||
You are false - why are you churning water? ||1||

kWieAw mWjis kaun gunW ] (656-3)
kaaN-i-aa maaNjas ka-un gunaaN.
Why do you bother to wash your body?

jau Gt BIqir hY mlnW ]1] rhwau ] (656-4)
ja-o ghat bheetar hai malnaaN. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your heart is still full of filth. ||1||Pause||

laukI ATsiT qIrQ n@weI ] (656-4)
la-ukee athsath tirath nHaa-ee.
The gourd may be washed at the sixty-eight sacred shrines,

kaurwpnu qaU n jweI ]2] (656-4)
ka-uraapan ta-oo na jaa-ee. ||2||
but even then, its bitterness is not removed. ||2||

kih kbIr bIcwrI ] (656-5)
kahi kabeer beechaaree.
Says Kabeer after deep contemplation,

Bv swgru qwir murwrI ]3]8] (656-5)
bhav saagar taar muraaree. ||3||8||
please help me cross over the terrifying world-ocean, O Lord, O Destroyer of ego. ||3||8||

soriT (656-6)

<> siqgur pRswid ] (656-6)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

bhu prpMc kir pr Dnu ilAwvY ] (656-7)
baho parpanch kar par Dhan li-aavai.
Practicing great hypocrisy, he acquires the wealth of others.

suq dwrw pih Awin lutwvY ]1] (656-7)
sut daaraa peh aan lutaavai. ||1||
Returning home, he squanders it on his wife and children. ||1||

mn myry BUly kptu n kIjY ] (656-7)
man mayray bhoolay kapat na keejai.
O my mind, do not practice deception, even inadvertently.

AMiq inbyrw qyry jIA pih lIjY ]1] rhwau ] (656-8)
ant nibayraa tayray jee-a peh leejai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
In the end, your own soul shall have to answer for its account. ||1||Pause||

iCnu iCnu qnu CIjY jrw jnwvY ] (656-8)
chhin chhin tan chheejai jaraa janaavai.
Moment by moment, the body is wearing away, and old age is asserting itself.

qb qyrI Ek koeI pwnIE n pwvY ]2] (656-8)
tab tayree ok ko-ee paanee-o na paavai. ||2||
And then, when you are old, no one shall pour water into your cup. ||2||

khqu kbIru koeI nhI qyrw ] (656-9)
kahat kabeer ko-ee nahee tayraa.
Says Kabeer, no one belongs to you.

ihrdY rwmu kI n jpih svyrw ]3]9] (656-9)
hirdai raam kee na jaapeh savayraa. ||3||9||
Why not chant the Lord's Name in your heart, when you are still young? ||3||9||

sMqhu mn pvnY suKu binAw ] (656-9)
santahu man pavnai sukh bani-aa.
O Saints, my windy mind has now become peaceful and still.

ikCu jogu prwpiq ginAw ] rhwau ] (656-10)
kichh jog paraapat gani-aa. rahaa-o.
It seems that I have learned something of the science of Yoga. ||Pause||

guir idKlweI morI ] (656-10)
gur dikhlaa-ee moree.
The Guru has shown me the hole,

ijqu imrg pVq hY corI ] (656-10)
jit mirag parhat hai choree.
through which the deer carefully enters.

mUMid lIey drvwjy ] (656-11)
moond lee-ay darvaajay.
I have now closed off the doors,

bwjIAly Anhd bwjy ]1] (656-11)
baajee-alay anhad baajay. ||1||
and the unstruck celestial sound current resounds. ||1||

kuMB kmlu jil BirAw ] (656-11)
kumbh kamal jal bhari-aa.
The pitcher of my heart-lotus is filled with water;

jlu myitAw aUBw kirAw ] (656-11)
jal mayti-aa oobhaa kari-aa.
I have spilled out the water, and set it upright.

khu kbIr jn jwinAw ] (656-12)
kaho kabeer jan jaani-aa.
Says Kabeer, the Lord's humble servant, this I know.

jau jwinAw qau mnu mwinAw ]2]10] (656-12)
ja-o jaani-aa ta-o man maani-aa. ||2||10||
Now that I know this, my mind is pleased and appeased. ||2||10||

rwgu soriT ] (656-13)
raag sorath.
Raag Sorat'h:

BUKy Bgiq n kIjY ] (656-13)
bhookhay bhagat na keejai.
I am so hungry, I cannot perform devotional worship service.

Xh mwlw ApnI lIjY ] (656-13)
yeh maalaa apnee leejai.
Here, Lord, take back Your mala.

hau mWgau sMqn rynw ] (656-13)
ha-o maaNga-o santan raynaa.
I beg for the dust of the feet of the Saints.

mY nwhI iksI kw dynw ]1] (656-13)
mai naahee kisee kaa daynaa. ||1||
I do not owe anyone anything. ||1||

mwDo kYsI bnY qum sMgy ] (656-14)
maaDho kaisee banai tum sangay.
O Lord, how can I be with You?

Awip n dyhu q lyvau mMgy ] rhwau ] (656-14)
aap na dayh ta layva-o mangay. rahaa-o.
If You do not give me Yourself, then I shall beg until I get You. ||Pause||

duie syr mWgau cUnw ] (656-14)
du-ay sayr maaNga-o choonaa.
I ask for two kilos of flour,

pwau GIau sMig lUnw ] (656-15)
paa-o ghee-o sang loonaa.
and half a pound of ghee, and salt.

AD syru mWgau dwly ] (656-15)
aDh sayr maaNga-o daalay.
I ask for a pound of beans,

mo kau donau vKq ijvwly ]2] (656-15)
mo ka-o don-o vakhat jivaalay. ||2||
which I shall eat twice a day. ||2||

Kwt mWgau caupweI ] (656-15)
khaat maaNga-o cha-upaa-ee.
I ask for a cot, with four legs,

isrhwnw Avr qulweI ] (656-16)
sirhaanaa avar tulaa-ee.
and a pillow and mattress.

aUpr kau mWgau KINDw ] (656-16)
oopar ka-o maaNga-o kheeNDhaa.
I ask for a quit to cover myself.

qyrI Bgiq krY jnu QˆØIDw ]3] (656-16)
tayree bhagat karai jan theeNDhaa. ||3||
Your humble servant shall perform Your devotional worship service with love. ||3||

mY nwhI kIqw lbo ] (656-16)
mai naahee keetaa labo.
I have no greed;

ieku nwau qyrw mY Pbo ] (656-17)
ik naa-o tayraa mai fabo.
Your Name is the only ornament I wish for.

kih kbIr mnu mwinAw ] (656-17)
kahi kabeer man maani-aa.
Says Kabeer, my mind is pleased and appeased;

mnu mwinAw qau hir jwinAw ]4]11] (656-17)
man maani-aa ta-o har jaani-aa. ||4||11||
now that my mind is pleased and appeased, I have come to know the Lord. ||4||11||

rwgu soriT bwxI Bgq nwmdy jI kI Gru 2 (656-19)
raag sorath banee bhagat naamday jee kee ghar 2
Raag Sorat'h, The Word Of Devotee Naam Dayv Jee, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (656-19)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jb dyKw qb gwvw ] (656-19)
jab daykhaa tab gaavaa.
When I see Him, I sing His Praises.

qau jn DIrju pwvw ]1] (656-19)
ta-o jan Dheeraj paavaa. ||1||
Then I, his humble servant, become patient. ||1||