Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


AwigAw qumrI mITI lwgau kIE quhwro Bwvau ] (713-1)
aagi-aa tumree meethee laaga-o kee-o tuhaaro bhaava-o.
Your Will seems so sweet to me; whatever You do, is pleasing to me.

jo qU dyih qhI iehu iqRpqY Awn n kqhU Dwvau ]2] (713-1)
jo too deh tahee ih tariptai aan na kathoo Dhaava-o. ||2||
Whatever You give me, with that I am satisfied; I shall chase after no one else. ||2||

sd hI inkit jwnau pRB suAwmI sgl ryx hoie rhIAY ] (713-2)
sad hee nikat jaan-o parabh su-aamee sagal rayn ho-ay rahee-ai.
I know that my Lord and Master God is always with me; I am the dust of all men's feet.

swDU sMgiq hoie prwpiq qw pRBu Apunw lhIAY ]3] (713-3)
saaDhoo sangat ho-ay paraapat taa parabh apunaa lahee-ai. ||3||
If I find the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I shall obtain God. ||3||

sdw sdw hm Cohry qumry qU pRB hmro mIrw ] (713-3)
sadaa sadaa ham chhohray tumray too parabh hamro meeraa.
Forever and ever, I am Your child; You are my God, my King.

nwnk bwirk qum mwq ipqw muiK nwmu qumwro KIrw ]4]3]5] (713-4)
naanak baarik tum maat pitaa mukh naam tumaaro kheeraa. ||4||3||5||
Nanak is Your child; You are my mother and father; please, give me Your Name, like milk in my mouth. ||4||3||5||

tofI mhlw 5 Gru 2 dupdy (713-5)
todee mehlaa 5 ghar 2 dupday
Todee, Fifth Mehl, Second House, Du-Padas:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (713-5)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mwgau dwnu Twkur nwm ] (713-6)
maaga-o daan thaakur naam.
I beg for the Gift of Your Name, O my Lord and Master.

Avru kCU myrY sMig n cwlY imlY ik®pw gux gwm ]1] rhwau ] (713-6)
avar kachhoo mayrai sang na chaalai milai kirpaa gun gaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Nothing else shall go along with me in the end; by Your Grace, please allow me to sing Your Glorious Praises. ||1||Pause||

rwju mwlu Anyk Bog rs sgl qrvr kI Cwm ] (713-6)
raaj maal anayk bhog ras sagal tarvar kee chhaam.
Power, wealth, various pleasures and enjoyments, all are just like the shadow of a tree.

Dwie Dwie bhu ibiD kau DwvY sgl inrwrQ kwm ]1] (713-7)
Dhaa-ay Dhaa-ay baho biDh ka-o Dhaavai sagal niraarath kaam. ||1||
He runs, runs, runs around in many directions, but all of his pursuits are useless. ||1||

ibnu goivMd Avru jy cwhau dIsY sgl bwq hY Kwm ] (713-8)
bin govind avar jay chaaha-o deesai sagal baat hai khaam.
Except for the Lord of the Universe, everything he desires appears transitory.

khu nwnk sMq ryn mwgau myro mnu pwvY ibsRwm ]2]1]6] (713-8)
kaho naanak sant rayn maaga-o mayro man paavai bisraam. ||2||1||6||
Says Nanak, I beg for the dust of the feet of the Saints, so that my mind may find peace and tranquility. ||2||1||6||

tofI mhlw 5 ] (713-9)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

pRB jI ko nwmu mnih swDwrY ] (713-9)
parabh jee ko naam maneh saDhaarai.
The Naam, the Name of the Dear Lord, is the Support of my mind.

jIA pRwn sUK iesu mn kau brqin eyh hmwrY ]1] rhwau ] (713-9)
jee-a paraan sookh is man ka-o bartan ayh hamaarai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
It is my life, my breath of life, my peace of mind; for me, it is an article of daily use. ||1||Pause||

nwmu jwiq nwmu myrI piq hY nwmu myrY prvwrY ] (713-10)
naam jaat naam mayree pat hai naam mayrai parvaarai.
The Naam is my social status, the Naam is my honor; the Naam is my family.

nwmu sKweI sdw myrY sMig hir nwmu mo kau insqwrY ]1] (713-10)
naam sakhaa-ee sadaa mayrai sang har naam mo ka-o nistaarai. ||1||
The Naam is my companion; it is always with me. The Lord's Name is my emancipation. ||1||

ibKY iblws khIAq bhuqyry clq n kCU sMgwrY ] (713-11)
bikhai bilaas kahee-at bahutayray chalat na kachhoo sangaaray.
Sensual pleasures are talked about a lot, but none of them goes along with anyone in the end.

iestu mIqu nwmu nwnk ko hir nwmu myrY BMfwrY ]2]2]7] (713-12)
isat meet naam naanak ko har naam mayrai bhandaarai. ||2||2||7||
The Naam is Nanak's dearest friend; the Lord's Name is my treasure. ||2||2||7||

tofI mÚ 5 ] (713-12)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

nIky gux gwau imthI rog ] (713-12)
neekay gun gaa-o mithee rog.
Sing the sublime Praises of the Lord, and your disease shall be eradicated.

muK aUjl mnu inrml hoeI hY qyro rhY eIhw aUhw logu ]1] rhwau ] (713-13)
mukh oojal man nirmal ho-ee hai tayro rahai eehaa oohaa log. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your face shall become radiant and bright, and your mind shall be immaculately pure. You shall be saved here and hereafter. ||1||Pause||

crn pKwir krau gur syvw mnih crwvau Bog ] (713-13)
charan pakhaar kara-o gur sayvaa maneh charaava-o bhog.
I wash the Guru's feet and serve Him; I dedicate my mind as an offering to Him.

Coif Awpqu bwdu AhMkwrw mwnu soeI jo hogu ]1] (713-14)
chhod aapat baad ahaNkaaraa maan so-ee jo hog. ||1||
Renounce self-conceit, negativity and egotism, and accept what comes to pass. ||1||

sMq thl soeI hY lwgw ijsu msqik iliKAw ilKogu ] (713-14)
sant tahal so-ee hai laagaa jis mastak likhi-aa likhog.
He alone commits himself to the service of the Saints, upon whose forehead such destiny is inscribed.

khu nwnk eyk ibnu dUjw Avru n krxY jogu ]2]3]8] (713-15)
kaho naanak ayk bin doojaa avar na karnai jog. ||2||3||8||
Says Nanak, other than the One Lord, there is not any other able to act. ||2||3||8||

tofI mhlw 5 ] (713-16)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

siqgur AwieE srix quhwrI ] (713-16)
satgur aa-i-o saran tuhaaree.
O True Guru, I have come to Your Sanctuary.

imlY sUKu nwmu hir soBw icMqw lwih hmwrI ]1] rhwau ] (713-16)
milai sookh naam har sobhaa chintaa laahi hamaaree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Grant me the peace and glory of the Lord's Name, and remove my anxiety. ||1||Pause||

Avr n sUJY dUjI Twhr hwir pirE qau duAwrI ] (713-17)
avar na soojhai doojee thaahar haar pari-o ta-o du-aaree.
I cannot see any other place of shelter; I have grown weary, and collapsed at Your door.

lyKw Coif AlyKY CUth hm inrgun lyhu aubwrI ]1] (713-17)
laykhaa chhod alaykhai chhootah ham nirgun layho ubaaree. ||1||
Please ignore my account; only then may I be saved. I am worthless - please, save me! ||1||

sd bKisMdu sdw imhrvwnw sBnw dyie ADwrI ] (713-18)
sad bakhsind sadaa miharvaanaa sabhnaa day-ay aDhaaree.
You are always forgiving, and always merciful; You give support to all.

nwnk dws sMq pwCY pirE rwiK lyhu ieh bwrI ]2]4]9] (713-18)
naanak daas sant paachhai pari-o raakh layho ih baaree. ||2||4||9||
Slave Nanak follows the Path of the Saints; save him, O Lord, this time. ||2||4||9||

tofI mhlw 5 ] (713-19)
todee mehlaa 5.
Todee, Fifth Mehl:

rsnw gux gopwl iniD gwiex ] (713-19)
rasnaa gun gopaal niDh gaa-in.
My tongue sings the Praises of the Lord of the world, the ocean of virtue.

sWiq shju rhsu min aupijE sgly dUK plwiex ]1] rhwau ] (713-19)
saaNt sahj rahas man upji-o saglay dookh palaa-in. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Peace, tranquility, poise and delight well up in my mind, and all sorrows run away. ||1||Pause||