Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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727 jIvq lau ibauhwru hY jg kau qum jwnau ] (727-1)jeevat la-o bi-uhaar hai jag ka-o tum jaan-o. Your worldly affairs exist only as long as you are alive; know this well. nwnk hir gun gwie lY sB suPn smwnau ]2]2] (727-1)naanak har gun gaa-ay lai sabh sufan samaana-o. ||2||2|| O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; everything is like a dream. ||2||2|| iqlµg mhlw 9 ] (727-2)tilang mehlaa 9. Tilang, Ninth Mehl: hir jsu ry mnw gwie lY jo sMgI hY qyro ] (727-2)har jas ray manaa gaa-ay lai jo sangee hai tayro. Sing the Lord's Praises, O mind; He is your only true companion. Aausru bIiqE jwqu hY kihE mwn lY myro ]1] rhwau ] (727-2)a-osar beeti-o jaat hai kahi-o maan lai mayro. ||1|| rahaa-o. Your time is passing away; listen carefully to what I say. ||1||Pause|| sMpiq rQ Dn rwj isau Aiq nyhu lgwieE ] (727-3)sampat rath Dhan raaj si-o at nayhu lagaa-i-o. You are so in love with property, chariots, wealth and power. kwl Pws jb gil prI sB BieE prwieE ]1] (727-4)kaal faas jab gal paree sabh bha-i-o paraa-i-o. ||1|| When the noose of death tightens around your neck, they will all belong to others. ||1|| jwin bUJ kY bwvry qY kwju ibgwirE ] (727-4)jaan boojh kai baavray tai kaaj bigaari-o. Know this well, O madman - you have ruined your affairs. pwp krq sukicE nhI nh grbu invwirE ]2] (727-4)paap karat sukchi-o nahee nah garab nivaari-o. ||2|| You did not restrain yourself from committing sins, and you did not eradicate your ego. ||2|| ijh ibiD gur aupdyisAw so sunu ry BweI ] (727-5)jih biDh gur updaysi-aa so sun ray bhaa-ee. So listen to the Teachings imparted by the Guru, O Siblings of Destiny. nwnk khq pukwir kY ghu pRB srnweI ]3]3] (727-5)naanak kahat pukaar kai gahu parabh sarnaa-ee. ||3||3|| Nanak proclaims: hold tight to the Protection and the Sanctuary of God. ||3||3|| iqlµg bwxI Bgqw kI kbIr jI (727-7)tilang banee bhagtaa kee kabeer jee Tilang, The Word Of Devotee Kabeer Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] (727-7)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: byd kqyb iePqrw BweI idl kw iPkru n jwie ] (727-7)bayd katayb iftaraa bhaa-ee dil kaa fikar na jaa-ay. The Vedas and the Scriptures are only make-believe, O Siblings of Destiny; they do not relieve the anxiety of the heart. tuku dmu krwrI jau krhu hwijr hjUir Kudwie ]1] (727-8)tuk dam karaaree ja-o karahu haajir hajoor khudaa-ay. ||1|| If you will only center yourself on the Lord, even for just a breath, then you shall see the Lord face-to-face, present before you. ||1|| bMdy Koju idl hr roj nw iPru pryswnI mwih ] (727-8)banday khoj dil har roj naa fir paraysaanee maahi. O human being, search your own heart every day, and do not wander around in confusion. ieh ju dunIAw ishru mylw dsqgIrI nwih ]1] rhwau ] (727-9)ih jo dunee-aa sihar maylaa dasatgeeree naahi. ||1|| rahaa-o. This world is just a magic-show; no one will be holding your hand. ||1||Pause|| drogu piV piV KusI hoie byKbr bwdu bkwih ] (727-9)darog parh parh khusee ho-ay baykhabar baad bakaahi. Reading and studying falsehood, people are happy; in their ignorance, they speak nonsense. hku scu Kwlku Klk imAwny isAwm mUriq nwih ]2] (727-10)hak sach khaalak khalak mi-aanay si-aam moorat naahi. ||2|| The True Creator Lord is diffused into His creation; He is not just the dark-skinned Krishna of legends. ||2|| Asmwn im´wny lhMg drIAw gusl krdn bUd ] (727-10)asmaan mi-yaanay lahang daree-aa gusal kardan bood. Through the Tenth Gate, the stream of nectar flows; take your bath in this. kir Pkru dwiem lwie csmy jh qhw maujUdu ]3] (727-11)kar fakar daa-im laa-ay chasmay jah tahaa ma-ujood. ||3|| Serve the Lord forever; use your eyes, and see Him ever-present everywhere. ||3|| Alwh pwkM pwk hY sk krau jy dUsr hoie ] (727-11)alaah paakaN paak hai sak kara-o jay doosar ho-ay. The Lord is the purest of the pure; only through doubt could there be another. kbIr krmu krIm kw auhu krY jwnY soie ]4]1] (727-12)kabeer karam kareem kaa uho karai jaanai so-ay. ||4||1|| O Kabeer, mercy flows from the Merciful Lord; He alone knows who acts. ||4||1|| nwmdyv jI ] (727-12)naamdayv jee. Naam Dayv Jee: mY AMDuly kI tyk qyrw nwmu KuMdkwrw ] (727-12)mai anDhulay kee tayk tayraa naam khundkaaraa. I am blind; Your Name, O Creator Lord, is my only anchor and support. mY grIb mY mskIn qyrw nwmu hY ADwrw ]1] rhwau ] (727-13)mai gareeb mai maskeen tayraa naam hai aDhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o. I am poor, and I am meek. Your Name is my only support. ||1||Pause|| krImW rhImW Alwh qU gnˆØI ] (727-13)kareemaaN raheemaaN alaah too ganeeN. O beautiful Lord, benevolent and merciful Lord, You are so wealthy and generous. hwjrw hjUir dir pyis qUM mnˆØI ]1] (727-14)haajraa hajoor dar pays tooN maneeN. ||1|| You are ever-present in every presence, within and before me. ||1|| drIAwau qU idhMd qU ibsIAwr qU DnI ] (727-14)daree-aa-o too dihand too bisee-aar too Dhanee. You are the river of life, You are the Giver of all; You are so very wealthy. dyih lyih eyku qUM idgr ko nhI ]2] (727-14)deh layhi ayk tooN digar ko nahee. ||2|| You alone give, and You alone take away; there is no other at all. ||2|| qUM dwnW qUM bInW mY bIcwru ikAw krI ] (727-15)tooN daanaaN tooN beenaaN mai beechaar ki-aa karee. You are wise, You are the supreme seer; how could I make You an object of thought? nwmy cy suAwmI bKsMd qUM hrI ]3]1]2] (727-15)naamay chay su-aamee bakhsand tooN haree. ||3||1||2|| O Lord and Master of Naam Dayv, You are the merciful Lord of forgiveness. ||3||1||2|| hly XwrW hly XwrW KuisKbrI ] (727-16)halay yaaraaN halay yaaraaN khusikhabree. Hello, my friend, hello my friend. Is there any good news? bil bil jWau hau bil bil jWau ] (727-16)bal bal jaaN-o ha-o bal bal jaaN-o. I am a sacrifice, a devoted sacrifice, a dedicated and devoted sacrifice, to You. nIkI qyrI ibgwrI Awly qyrw nwau ]1] rhwau ] (727-16)neekee tayree bigaaree aalay tayraa naa-o. ||1|| rahaa-o. Slavery to You is so sublime; Your Name is noble and exalted. ||1||Pause|| kujw Awmd kujw rPqI kujw my rvI ] (727-17)kujaa aamad kujaa raftee kujaa may ravee. Where did you come from? Where have You been? And where are You going? dÍwirkw ngrI rwis bugoeI ]1] (727-17)davaarikaa nagree raas bugo-ee. ||1|| Tell me the truth, in the holy city of Dwaarikaa. ||1|| KUbu qyrI pgrI mITy qyry bol ] (727-17)khoob tayree pagree meethay tayray bol. How handsome is your turban! And how sweet is your speech. dÍwirkw ngrI kwhy ky mgol ]2] (727-18)davaarikaa nagree kaahay kay magol. ||2|| Why are there Moghals in the holy city of Dwaarikaa? ||2|| cMdˆØI hjwr Awlm eykl KwnW ] (727-18)chandeeN hajaar aalam aykal khaanaaN. You alone are the Lord of so many thousands of worlds. hm icnI pwiqswh sWvly brnW ]3] (727-18)ham chinee paatisaah saaNvlay barnaaN. ||3|| You are my Lord King, like the dark-skinned Krishna. ||3|| Aspiq gjpiq nrh nirMd ] (727-19)aspat gajpat narah narind. You are the Lord of the sun, Lord Indra and Lord Brahma, the King of men. nwmy ky sÍwmI mIr mukMd ]4]2]3] (727-19)naamay kay savaamee meer mukand. ||4||2||3|| You are the Lord and Master of Naam Dayv, the King, the Liberator of all. ||4||2||3|| |
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