Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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860 ikCu iksI kY hiQ nwhI myry suAwmI AYsI myrY siqguir bUJ buJweI ] (860-1)kichh kisee kai hath naahee mayray su-aamee aisee mayrai satgur boojh bujhaa-ee. Nothing is in the hands of anyone, O my Lord and Master; such is the understanding the True Guru has given me to understand. jn nwnk kI Aws qU jwxih hir drsnu dyiK hir drsin iqRpqweI ]4]1] (860-2)jan naanak kee aas too jaaneh har darsan daykh har darsan tariptaa-ee. ||4||1|| You alone know the hope of servant Nanak, O Lord; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, he is satisfied. ||4||1|| goNf mhlw 4 ] (860-3)gond mehlaa 4. Gond, Fourth Mehl: AYsw hir syvIAY inq iDAweIAY jo iKn mih iklivK siB kry ibnwsw ] (860-3)aisaa har sayvee-ai nit Dhi-aa-ee-ai jo khin meh kilvikh sabh karay binaasaa. Serve such a Lord, and ever meditate on Him, who in an instant erases all sins and mistakes. jy hir iqAwig Avr kI Aws kIjY qw hir inhPl sB Gwl gvwsw ] (860-4)jay har ti-aag avar kee aas keejai taa har nihfal sabh ghaal gavaasaa. If someone forsakes the Lord and places his hopes in another, then all his service to the Lord is rendered fruitless. myry mn hir syivhu suKdwqw suAwmI ijsu syivAY sB BuK lhwsw ]1] (860-4)mayray man har sayvihu sukh-daata su-aamee jis sayvi-ai sabh bhukh lahaasaa. ||1|| O my mind, serve the Lord, the Giver of peace; serving Him, all your hunger shall depart. ||1|| myry mn hir aUpir kIjY Brvwsw ] (860-5)mayray man har oopar keejai bharvaasaa. O my mind, place your faith in the Lord. jh jweIAY qh nwil myrw suAwmI hir ApnI pYj rKY jn dwsw ]1] rhwau ] (860-6)jah jaa-ee-ai tah naal mayraa su-aamee har apnee paij rakhai jan daasaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Wherever I go, my Lord and Master is there with me. The Lord saves the honor of His humble servants and slaves. ||1||Pause|| jy ApnI ibrQw khhu Avrw pih qw AwgY ApnI ibrQw bhu bhuqu kFwsw ] (860-6)jay apnee birthaa kahhu avraa peh taa aagai apnee birthaa baho bahut kadhaasaa. If you tell your sorrows to another, then he, in return, will tell you of his greater sorrows. ApnI ibrQw khhu hir Apuny suAwmI pih jo qum@ry dUK qqkwl ktwsw ] (860-7)apnee birthaa kahhu har apunay su-aamee peh jo tumHray dookh tatkaal kataasaa. So tell your sorrows to the Lord, your Lord and Master, who shall instantly dispel your pain. so AYsw pRBu Coif ApnI ibrQw Avrw pih khIAY Avrw pih kih mn lwj mrwsw ]2] (860-8)so aisaa parabh chhod apnee birthaa avraa peh kahee-ai avraa peh kahi man laaj maraasaa. ||2|| Forsaking such a Lord God, if you tell your sorrows to another, then you shall die of shame. ||2|| jo sMswrY ky kutMb imqR BweI dIsih mn myry qy siB ApnY suAwie imlwsw ] (860-9)jo sansaarai kay kutamb mitar bhaa-ee deeseh man mayray tay sabh apnai su-aa-ay milaasaa. The relatives, friends and siblings of the world that you see, O my mind, all meet with you for their own purposes. ijqu idin aun@ kw suAwau hoie n AwvY iqqu idin nyVY ko n Fukwsw ] (860-10)jit din unH kaa su-aa-o ho-ay na aavai tit din nayrhai ko na dhukaasaa. And that day, when their self-interests are not served, on that day, they shall not come near you. mn myry Apnw hir syiv idnu rwqI jo quDu aupkrY dUiK suKwsw ]3] (860-11)man mayray apnaa har sayv din raatee jo tuDh upkarai dookh sukhaasaa. ||3|| O my mind, serve your Lord, day and night; He shall help you in good times and bad. ||3|| iqs kw Brvwsw ikau kIjY mn myry jo AMqI Aausir riK n skwsw ] (860-11)tis kaa bharvaasaa ki-o keejai man mayray jo antee a-osar rakh na sakaasaa. Why place your faith in anyone, O my mind, who cannot come to your rescue at the last instant? hir jpu mMqu gur aupdysu lY jwphu iqn@ AMiq Cfwey ijn@ hir pRIiq icqwsw ] (860-12)har jap mant gur updays lai jaapahu tinH ant chhadaa-ay jinH har pareet chitaasaa. Chant the Lord's Mantra, take the Guru's Teachings, and meditate on Him. In the end, the Lord saves those who love Him in their consciousness. jn nwnk Anidnu nwmu jphu hir sMqhu iehu CUtx kw swcw Brvwsw ]4]2] (860-13)jan naanak an-din naam japahu har santahu ih chhootan kaa saachaa bharvaasaa. ||4||2|| Servant Nanak speaks: night and day, chant the Lord's Name, O Saints; this is the only true hope for emancipation. ||4||2|| goNf mhlw 4 ] (860-14)gond mehlaa 4. Gond, Fourth Mehl: hir ismrq sdw hoie Anµdu suKu AMqir sWiq sIql mnu Apnw ] (860-14)har simrat sadaa ho-ay anand sukh antar saaNt seetal man apnaa. Remembering the Lord in meditation, you shall find bliss and peace forever deep within, and your mind will become tranquil and cool. jYsy skiq sUru bhu jlqw gur sis dyKy lih jwie sB qpnw ]1] (860-15)jaisay sakat soor baho jaltaa gur sas daykhay leh jaa-ay sabh tapnaa. ||1|| It is like the harsh sun of Maya, with its burning heat; seeing the moon, the Guru, its heat totally vanishes. ||1|| myry mn Anidnu iDAwie nwmu hir jpnw ] (860-15)mayray man an-din Dhi-aa-ay naam har japnaa. O my mind, night and day, meditate, and chant the Lord's Name. jhw khw quJu rwKY sB TweI so AYsw pRBu syiv sdw qU Apnw ]1] rhwau ] (860-16)jahaa kahaa tujh raakhai sabh thaa-ee so aisaa parabh sayv sadaa too apnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Here and hereafter, He shall protect you, everywhere; serve such a God forever. ||1||Pause|| jw mih siB inDwn so hir jip mn myry gurmuiK Koij lhhu hir rqnw ] (860-17)jaa meh sabh niDhaan so har jap man mayray gurmukh khoj lahhu har ratnaa. Meditate on the Lord, who contains all treasures, O my mind; as Gurmukh, search for the jewel, the Lord. ijn hir iDAwieAw iqn hir pwieAw myrw suAwmI iqn ky crx mlhu hir dsnw ]2] (860-17)jin har Dhi-aa-i-aa tin har paa-i-aa mayraa su-aamee tin kay charan malahu har dasnaa. ||2|| Those who meditate on the Lord, find the Lord, my Lord and Master; I wash the feet of those slaves of the Lord. ||2|| sbdu pCwix rwm rsu pwvhu Ehu aUqmu sMqu BieE bf bfnw ] (860-18)sabad pachhaan raam ras paavhu oh ootam sant bha-i-o bad badnaa. One who realizes the Word of the Shabad, obtains the sublime essence of the Lord; such a Saint is lofty and sublime, the greatest of the great. iqsu jn kI vifAweI hir Awip vDweI Ehu GtY n iksY kI GtweI ieku iqlu iqlu iqlnw ]3] (860-19)tis jan kee vadi-aa-ee har aap vaDhaa-ee oh ghatai na kisai kee ghataa-ee ik til til tilnaa. ||3|| The Lord Himself magnifies the glory of that humble servant. No one can lessen or decrease that glory, not even a bit. ||3|| |
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