Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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975 (975-1)raag nat naaraa-in mehlaa 4 Raag Nat Naaraayan, Fourth Mehl: <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (975-2)ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: myry mn jip Aihinis nwmu hry ] (975-4)mayray man jap ahinis naam haray. O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, day and night. koit koit doK bhu kIny sB prhir pwis Dry ]1] rhwau ] (975-4)kot kot dokh baho keenay sabh parhar paas Dharay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Millions and millions of sins and mistakes, committed through countless lifetimes, shall all be put aside and sent away. ||1||Pause|| hir hir nwmu jpih AwrwDih syvk Bwie Kry ] (975-5)har har naam jaapeh aaraaDheh sayvak bhaa-ay kharay. Those who chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and worship Him in adoration, and serve Him with love, are genuine. iklibK doK gey sB nIkir ijau pwnI mYlu hry ]1] (975-5)kilbikh dokh ga-ay sabh neekar ji-o paanee mail haray. ||1|| All their sins are erased, just as water washes off the dirt. ||1|| iKnu iKnu nru nwrwienu gwvih muiK bolih nr nrhry ] (975-6)khin khin nar naaraa-in gaavahi mukh boleh nar narharay. That being, who sings the Lord's Praises each and every instant, chants with his mouth the Name of the Lord. pMc doK AswD ngr mih ieku iKnu plu dUir kry ]2] (975-6)panch dokh asaaDh nagar meh ik khin pal door karay. ||2|| In a moment, in an instant, the Lord rids him of the five incurable diseases of the body-village. ||2|| vfBwgI hir nwmu iDAwvih hir ky Bgq hry ] (975-7)vadbhaagee har naam Dhi-aavahi har kay bhagat haray. Very fortunate are those who meditate on the Lord's Name; they alone are the Lord's devotees. iqn kI sMgiq dyih pRB jwcau mY mUV mugD insqry ]3] (975-7)tin kee sangat deh parabh jaacha-o mai moorh mugaDh nistaray. ||3|| I beg for the Sangat, the Congregation; O God, please bless me with them. I am a fool, and an idiot - please save me! ||3|| ik®pw ik®pw Dwir jgjIvn riK lyvhu srin pry ] (975-8)kirpaa kirpaa Dhaar jagjeevan rakh layvhu saran paray. Shower me with Your Mercy and Grace, O Life of the World; save me, I seek Your Sanctuary. nwnku jnu qumrI srnweI hir rwKhu lwj hry ]4]1] (975-9)naanak jan tumree sarnaa-ee har raakho laaj haray. ||4||1|| Servant Nanak has entered Your Sanctuary; O Lord, please preserve my honor! ||4||1|| nt mhlw 4 ] (975-9)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: rwm jip jn rwmY nwim rly ] (975-9)raam jap jan raamai naam ralay. Meditating on the Lord, His humble servants are blended with the Lord's Name. rwm nwmu jipE gur bcnI hir DwrI hir ik®ply ]1] rhwau ] (975-10)raam naam japi-o gur bachnee har Dhaaree har kiraplay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Chanting the Lord's Name, following the Guru's Teachings, the Lord showers His Mercy upon them. ||1||Pause|| hir hir Agm Agocru suAwmI jn jip imil sll slly ] (975-10)har har agam agochar su-aamee jan jap mil salal sallay. Our Lord and Master, Har, Har, is inaccessible and unfathomable. Meditating on Him, His humble servant merges with Him, like water with water. hir ky sMq imil rwm rsu pwieAw hm jn kY bil blly ]1] (975-11)har kay sant mil raam ras paa-i-aa ham jan kai bal ballay. ||1|| Meeting with the Lord's Saints, I have obtained the sublime essence of the Lord. I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to His humble servants. ||1|| purKoqmu hir nwmu jin gwieE siB dwld duK dlly ] (975-12)purkhotam har naam jan gaa-i-o sabh daalad dukh dallay. The Lord's humble servant sings the Praises of the Name of the Supreme, Primal Soul, and all poverty and pain are destroyed. ivic dyhI doK AswD pMc DwqU hir kIey iKn prly ]2] (975-12)vich dayhee dokh asaaDh panch Dhaatoo har kee-ay khin parlay. ||2|| Within the body are the five evil and uncontrollable passions. The Lord destroys them in an instant. ||2|| hir ky sMq min pRIiq lgweI ijau dyKY sis kmly ] (975-13)har kay sant man pareet lagaa-ee ji-o daykhai sas kamlay. The Lord's Saint loves the Lord in his mind, like the lotus flower gazing at the moon. aunvY Gnu Gn Ginhru grjY min ibgsY mor murly ]3] (975-13)unvai ghan ghan ghanihar garjai man bigsai mor murlay. ||3|| The clouds hang low, the clouds tremble with thunder, and the mind dances joyfully like the peacock. ||3|| hmrY suAwmI loc hm lweI hm jIvih dyiK hir imly ] (975-14)hamrai su-aamee loch ham laa-ee ham jeeveh daykh har milay. My Lord and Master has placed this yearning within me; I live by seeing and meeting my Lord. jn nwnk hir Aml hir lwey hir mylhu And Bly ]4]2] (975-15)jan naanak har amal har laa-ay har maylhu anad bhalay. ||4||2|| Servant Nanak is addicted to the intoxication of the Lord; meeting with the Lord, he finds sublime bliss. ||4||2|| nt mhlw 4 ] (975-15)nat mehlaa 4. Nat, Fourth Mehl: myry mn jip hir hir nwmu sKy ] (975-15)mayray man jap har har naam sakhay. O my mind, chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, your only Friend. |
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