Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1169 jwim n BIjY swc nwie ]1] rhwau ] (1169-1)jaam na bheejai saach naa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. if you are not drenched with the True Name. ||1||Pause|| ds AT lIKy hovih pwis ] (1169-1)das ath leekhay hoveh paas. One may have the eighteen Puraanas written in his own hand; cwry byd muKwgr pwiT ] (1169-1)chaaray bayd mukhaagar paath. he may recite the four Vedas by heart, purbI nwvY vrnW kI dwiq ] (1169-2)purbee naavai varnaaN kee daat. and take ritual baths at holy festivals and give charitable donations; vrq nym kry idn rwiq ]2] (1169-2)varat naym karay din raat. ||2|| he may observe the ritual fasts, and perform religious ceremonies day and night. ||2|| kwjI mulW hovih syK ] (1169-2)kaajee mulaaN hoveh saykh. He may be a Qazi, a Mullah or a Shaykh, jogI jMgm Bgvy ByK ] (1169-3)jogee jangam bhagvay bhaykh. a Yogi or a wandering hermit wearing saffron-colored robes; ko igrhI krmw kI sMiD ] (1169-3)ko girhee karmaa kee sanDh. he may be a householder, working at his job; ibnu bUJy sB KVIAis bMiD ]3] (1169-3)bin boojhay sabh kharhee-as banDh. ||3|| but without understanding the essence of devotional worship, all people are eventually bound and gagged, and driven along by the Messenger of Death. ||3|| jyqy jIA ilKI isir kwr ] (1169-3)jaytay jee-a likhee sir kaar. Each person's karma is written on his forehead. krxI aupir hovig swr ] (1169-4)karnee upar hovag saar. According to their deeds, they shall be judged. hukmu krih mUrK gwvwr ] (1169-4)hukam karahi moorakh gaavaar. Only the foolish and the ignorant issue commands. nwnk swcy ky isPiq BMfwr ]4]3] (1169-4)naanak saachay kay sifat bhandaar. ||4||3|| O Nanak, the treasure of praise belongs to the True Lord alone. ||4||3|| bsMqu mhlw 3 qIjw ] (1169-5)basant mehlaa 3 teejaa. Basant, Third Mehl: bsqR auqwir idgMbru hogu ] (1169-5)bastar utaar digambar hog. A person may take off his clothes and be naked. jtwDwir ikAw kmwvY jogu ] (1169-5)jataaDhaar ki-aa kamaavai jog. What Yoga does he practice by having matted and tangled hair? mnu inrmlu nhI dsvY duAwr ] (1169-6)man nirmal nahee dasvai du-aar. If the mind is not pure, what use is it to hold the breath at the Tenth Gate? BRim BRim AwvY mUV@w vwro vwr ]1] (1169-6)bharam bharam aavai moorhHaa vaaro vaar. ||1|| The fool wanders and wanders, entering the cycle of reincarnation again and again. ||1|| eyku iDAwvhu mUV@ mnw ] (1169-6)ayk Dhi-aavahu moorhH manaa. Meditate on the One Lord, O my foolish mind, pwir auqir jwih iek iKnW ]1] rhwau ] (1169-7)paar utar jaahi ik khinaaN. ||1|| rahaa-o. and you shall cross over to the other side in an instant. ||1||Pause|| isimRiq swsqR krih viKAwx ] (1169-7)simrit saastar karahi vakhi-aan. Some recite and expound on the Simritees and the Shaastras; nwdI bydI pV@ih purwx ] (1169-7)naadee baydee parhHahi puraan. some sing the Vedas and read the Puraanas; pwKMf idRsit min kptu kmwih ] (1169-8)pakhand darisat man kapat kamaahi. but they practice hypocrisy and deception with their eyes and minds. iqn kY rmeIAw nyiV nwih ]2] (1169-8)tin kai rama-ee-aa nayrh naahi. ||2|| The Lord does not even come near them. ||2|| jy ko AYsw sMjmI hoie ] (1169-8)jay ko aisaa sanjmee ho-ay. Even if someone practices such self-discipline, ik®Aw ivsyK pUjw kryie ] (1169-9)kir-aa visaykh poojaa karay-i. compassion and devotional worship AMqir loBu mnu ibiKAw mwih ] (1169-9)antar lobh man bikhi-aa maahi. - if he is filled with greed, and his mind is engrossed in corruption, Eie inrMjnu kYsy pwih ]3] (1169-9)o-ay niranjan kaisay paahi. ||3|| how can he find the Immaculate Lord? ||3|| kIqw hoAw kry ikAw hoie ] (1169-9)keetaa ho-aa karay ki-aa ho-ay. What can the created being do? ijs no Awip clwey soie ] (1169-10)jis no aap chalaa-ay so-ay. The Lord Himself moves him. ndir kry qW Brmu cukwey ] (1169-10)nadar karay taaN bharam chukaa-ay. If the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, then his doubts are dispelled. hukmY bUJY qW swcw pwey ]4] (1169-10)hukmai boojhai taaN saachaa paa-ay. ||4|| If the mortal realizes the Hukam of the Lord's Command, he obtains the True Lord. ||4|| ijsu jIau AMqru mYlw hoie ] (1169-11)jis jee-o antar mailaa ho-ay. If someone's soul is polluted within, qIrQ BvY idsMqr loie ] (1169-11)tirath bhavai disantar lo-ay. what is the use of his traveling to sacred shrines of pilgrimage all over the world? nwnk imlIAY siqgur sMg ] (1169-11)naanak milee-ai satgur sang. O Nanak, when one joins the Society of the True Guru, qau Bvjl ky qUtis bMD ]5]4] (1169-12)ta-o bhavjal kay tootas banDh. ||5||4|| then the bonds of the terrifying world-ocean are broken. ||5||4|| bsMqu mhlw 1 ] (1169-12)basant mehlaa 1. Basant, First Mehl: sgl Bvn qyrI mwieAw moh ] (1169-12)sagal bhavan tayree maa-i-aa moh. All the worlds have been fascinated and enchanted by Your Maya, O Lord. mY Avru n dIsY srb qoh ] (1169-12)mai avar na deesai sarab toh. I do not see any other at all - You are everywhere. qU suir nwQw dyvw dyv ] (1169-13)too sur naathaa dayvaa dayv. You are the Master of Yogis, the Divinity of the divine. hir nwmu imlY gur crn syv ]1] (1169-13)har naam milai gur charan sayv. ||1|| Serving at the Guru's Feet, the Name of the Lord is received. ||1|| myry suMdr gihr gMBIr lwl ] (1169-13)mayray sundar gahir gambheer laal. O my Beauteous, Deep and Profound Beloved Lord. gurmuiK rwm nwm gun gwey qU AprMpru srb pwl ]1] rhwau ] (1169-14)gurmukh raam naam gun gaa-ay too aprampar sarab paal. ||1|| rahaa-o. As Gurmukh, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name. You are Infinite, the Cherisher of all. ||1||Pause|| ibnu swD n pweIAY hir kw sMgu ] (1169-14)bin saaDh na paa-ee-ai har kaa sang. Without the Holy Saint, association with the Lord is not obtained. ibnu gur mYl mlIn AMgu ] (1169-15)bin gur mail maleen ang. Without the Guru, one's very fiber is stained with filth. ibnu hir nwm n suDu hoie ] (1169-15)bin har naam na suDh ho-ay. Without the Lord's Name, one cannot become pure. gur sbid slwhy swcu soie ]2] (1169-15)gur sabad salaahay saach so-ay. ||2|| Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, sing the Praises of the True Lord. ||2|| jw kau qU rwKih rKnhwr ] (1169-16)jaa ka-o too raakhahi rakhanhaar. O Savior Lord, that person whom You have saved siqgurU imlwvih krih swr ] (1169-16)satguroo milaaveh karahi saar. - You lead him to meet the True Guru, and so take care of him. ibKu haumY mmqw prhrwie ] (1169-16)bikh ha-umai mamtaa parahraa-ay. You take away his poisonous egotism and attachment. siB dUK ibnwsy rwm rwie ]3] (1169-17)sabh dookh binaasay raam raa-ay. ||3|| You dispel all his sufferings, O Sovereign Lord God. ||3|| aUqm giq imiq hir gun srIr ] (1169-17)ootam gat mit har gun sareer. His state and condition are sublime; the Lord's Glorious Virtues permeate his body. gurmiq pRgty rwm nwm hIr ] (1169-17)gurmat pargatay raam naam heer. Through the Word of the Guru's Teachings, the diamond of the Lord's Name is revealed. ilv lwgI nwim qij dUjw Bwau ] (1169-18)liv laagee naam taj doojaa bhaa-o. He is lovingly attuned to the Naam; he is rid of the love of duality. jn nwnk hir guru gur imlwau ]4]5] (1169-18)jan naanak har gur gur milaa-o. ||4||5|| O Lord, let servant Nanak meet the Guru. ||4||5|| bsMqu mhlw 1 ] (1169-18)basant mehlaa 1. Basant, First Mehl: myrI sKI shylI sunhu Bwie ] (1169-19)mayree sakhee sahaylee sunhu bhaa-ay. O my friends and companions, listen with love in your heart. myrw ipru rIswlU sMig swie ] (1169-19)mayraa pir reesaaloo sang saa-ay. My Husband Lord is Incomparably Beautiful; He is always with me. Ehu AlKu n lKIAY khhu kwie ] (1169-19)oh alakh na lakhee-ai kahhu kaa-ay. He is Unseen - He cannot be seen. How can I describe Him? |
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