Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1254 (1254-1)raag malaar cha-upday mehlaa 1 ghar 1 Raag Malaar, Chau-Padas, First Mehl, First House: <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (1254-2)ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: Kwxw pIxw hsxw sauxw ivsir gieAw hY mrxw ] (1254-4)khaanaa peenaa hasnaa sa-unaa visar ga-i-aa hai marnaa. Eating, drinking, laughing and sleeping, the mortal forgets about dying. Ksmu ivswir KuAwrI kInI iDRgu jIvxu nhI rhxw ]1] (1254-4)khasam visaar khu-aaree keenee Dharig jeevan nahee rahnaa. ||1|| Forgetting his Lord and Master, the mortal is ruined, and his life is cursed. He cannot remain forever. ||1|| pRwxI eyko nwmu iDAwvhu ] (1254-5)paraanee ayko naam Dhi-aavahu. O mortal, meditate on the One Lord. ApnI piq syqI Gir jwvhu ]1] rhwau ] (1254-5)apnee pat saytee ghar jaavhu. ||1|| rahaa-o. You shall go to your true home with honor. ||1 Pause|| quDno syvih quJu ikAw dyvih mWgih lyvih rhih nhI ] (1254-5)tuDhno sayveh tujh ki-aa dayveh maaNgeh layveh raheh nahee. Those who serve You - what can they give You? They beg for and receive what cannot remain. qU dwqw jIAw sBnw kw jIAw AMdir jIau quhI ]2] (1254-6)too daataa jee-aa sabhnaa kaa jee-aa andar jee-o tuhee. ||2|| You are the Great Giver of all souls; You are the Life within all living beings. ||2|| gurmuiK iDAwvih is AMimRqu pwvih syeI sUcy hohI ] (1254-7)gurmukh Dhi-aavahi se amrit paavahi say-ee soochay hohee. The Gurmukhs meditate, and receive the Ambrosial Nectar; thus they become pure. Aihinis nwmu jphu ry pRwxI mYly hCy hohI ]3] (1254-7)ahinis naam japahu ray paraanee mailay hachhay hohee. ||3|| Day and night, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, O mortal. It makes the filthy immacuate. ||3|| jyhI ruiq kwieAw suKu qyhw qyho jyhI dyhI ] (1254-8)jayhee rut kaa-i-aa sukh tayhaa tayho jayhee dayhee. As is the season, so is the comfort of the body, and so is the body itself. nwnk ruiq suhwvI sweI ibnu nwvY ruiq kyhI ]4]1] (1254-8)naanak rut suhaavee saa-ee bin naavai rut kayhee. ||4||1|| O Nanak, that season is beautiful; without the Name, what season is it? ||4||1|| mlwr mhlw 1 ] (1254-9)malaar mehlaa 1. Malaar, First Mehl: krau ibnau gur Apny pRIqm hir vru Awix imlwvY ] (1254-9)kara-o bin-o gur apnay pareetam har var aan milaavai. I offer prayers to my Beloved Guru, that He may unite me with my Husband Lord. suix Gn Gor sIqlu mnu morw lwl rqI gux gwvY ]1] (1254-9)sun ghan ghor seetal man moraa laal ratee gun gaavai. ||1|| I hear the thunder in the clouds, and my mind is cooled and soothed; imbued with the Love of my Dear Beloved, I sing His Glorious Praises. ||1|| brsu Gnw myrw mnu BInw ] (1254-10)baras ghanaa mayraa man bheenaa. The rain pours down, and my mind is drenched with His Love. AMimRq bUMd suhwnI hIArY guir mohI mnu hir ris lInw ]1] rhwau ] (1254-10)amrit boond suhaanee hee-arai gur mohee man har ras leenaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. The drop of Ambrosial Nectar pleases my heart; the Guru has fascinated my mind, which is drenched in the sublime essence of the Lord. ||1||Pause|| shij suKI vr kwmix ipAwrI ijsu gur bcnI mnu mwinAw ] (1254-11)sahj sukhee var kaaman pi-aaree jis gur bachnee man maani-aa. With intuitive peace and poise, the soul-bride is loved by her Husband Lord; her mind is pleased and appeased by the Guru's Teachings. hir vir nwir BeI sohwgix min qin pRymu suKwinAw ]2] (1254-12)har var naar bha-ee sohagan man tan paraym sukhaani-aa. ||2|| She is the happy soul-bride of her Husband Lord; her mind and body are filled with joy by His Love. ||2|| Avgx iqAwig BeI bYrwgin AsiQru vru sohwgu hrI ] (1254-12)avgan ti-aag bha-ee bairaagan asthir var sohaag haree. Discarding her demerits, she becomes detached; with the Lord as her Husband, her marriage is eternal. sogu ivjogu iqsu kdy n ivAwpY hir pRiB ApxI ikrpw krI ]3] (1254-13)sog vijog tis kaday na vi-aapai har parabh apnee kirpaa karee. ||3|| She never suffers separation or sorrow; her Lord God showers her with His Grace. ||3|| Awvx jwxu nhI mnu inhclu pUry gur kI Et ghI ] (1254-14)aavan jaan nahee man nihchal pooray gur kee ot gahee. Her mind is steady and stable; she does not come and go in reincarnation. nwnk rwm nwmu jip gurmuiK Dnu sohwgix scu shI ]4]2] (1254-14)naanak raam naam jap gurmukh Dhan sohagan sach sahee. ||4||2|| She takes the Shelter of the Perfect Guru. O Nanak, as Gurmukh, chant the Naam; you shall be accepted as the true soul-bride of the Lord. ||4||2|| mlwr mhlw 1 ] (1254-15)malaar mehlaa 1. Malaar, First Mehl: swcI suriq nwim nhI iqRpqy haumY krq gvwieAw ] (1254-15)saachee surat naam nahee tariptai ha-umai karat gavaa-i-aa. They pretend to understand the Truth, but they are not satisfied by the Naam; they waste their lives in egotism. |
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