Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1385 <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (1385-1)ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: (1385-3) sava-yay saree mukhbaak-y mehlaa 5. Swaiyas From The Mouth Of The Great Fifth Mehl: Awid purK krqwr krx kwrx sB Awpy ] (1385-4)aad purakh kartaar karan kaaran sabh aapay. O Primal Lord God, You Yourself are the Creator, the Cause of all causes. srb rihE BrpUir sgl Gt rihE ibAwpy ] (1385-4)sarab rahi-o bharpoor sagal ghat rahi-o bi-aapay. You are All-pervading everywhere, totally filling all hearts. b´wpqu dyKIAY jgiq jwnY kaunu qyrI giq srb kI rK´w krY Awpy hir piq ] (1385-5)ba-yaapat daykhee-ai jagat jaanai ka-un tayree gat sarab kee rakh-yaa karai aapay har pat. You are seen pervading the world; who can know Your State? You protect all; You are our Lord and Master. AibnwsI Aibgq Awpy Awip auqpiq ] (1385-5)abhinaasee abigat aapay aap utpat. O my Imperishable and Formless Lord, You formed Yourself. eykY qUhI eykY An nwhI qum Biq ] (1385-6)aykai toohee aykai an naahee tum bhat. You are the One and Only; no one else is like You. hir AMqu nwhI pwrwvwru kaunu hY krY bIcwru jgq ipqw hY sRb pRwn ko ADwru ] (1385-6)har ant naahee paaraavaar ka-un hai karai beechaar jagat pitaa hai sarab paraan ko aDhaar. O Lord, You have no end or limitation. Who can contemplate You? You are the Father of the world, the Support of all life. jnu nwnku Bgqu dir quil bRhm smsir eyk jIh ikAw bKwnY ] (1385-7)jan naanak bhagat dar tul barahm samsar ayk jeeh ki-aa bakhaanai. Your devotees are at Your Door, O God - they are just like You. How can servant Nanak describe them with only one tongue? hW ik bil bil bil bil sd bilhwir ]1] (1385-8)haaN ke bal bal bal bal sad balihaar. ||1|| I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, forever a sacrifice to them. ||1|| AMimRq pRvwh sir Aqul BMfwr Bir prY hI qy prY Apr Apwr pir ] (1385-8)amrit parvaah sar atul bhandaar bhar parai hee tay parai apar apaar par. Streams of Ambrosial Nectar flow; Your Treasures are unweighable and overflowing in abundance. You are the Farthest of the far, Infinite and Incomparably Beautiful. Awpuno Bwvnu kir mMiqR n dUsro Dir Epiq prlO eykY inmK qu Gir ] (1385-9)aapuno bhaavan kar mantar na doosro Dhar opat parloua aykai nimakh to ghar. You do whatever You please; You do not take advice from anyone else. In Your Home, creation and destruction happen in an instant. Awn nwhI smsir aujIAwro inrmir koit prwCq jwih nwm lIey hir hir ] (1385-10)aan naahee samsar ujee-aaro nirmar kot paraachhat jaahi naam lee-ay har har. No one else is equal to You; Your Light is Immaculate and Pure. Millions of sins are washed away, chanting Your Name, Har, Har. jnu nwnku Bgqu dir quil bRhm smsir eyk jIh ikAw bKwnY ] (1385-11)jan naanak bhagat dar tul barahm samsar ayk jeeh ki-aa bakhaanai. Your devotees are at Your Door, God - they are just like You. How can servant Nanak describe them with only one tongue? hW ik bil bil bil bil sd bilhwir ]2] (1385-11)haaN ke bal bal bal bal sad balihaar. ||2|| I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, a sacrifice, forever a sacrifice to them. ||2|| sgl Bvn Dwry eyk QyN kIey ibsQwry pUir rihE sRb mih Awip hY inrwry ] (1385-12)sagal bhavan Dhaaray ayk thayN kee-ay bisthaaray poor rahi-o sarab meh aap hai niraaray. You established all the worlds from within Yourself, and extended them outward. You are All-pervading amongst all, and yet You Yourself remain detached. hir gun nwhI AMq pwry jIA jMq siB Qwry sgl ko dwqw eykY AlK murwry ] (1385-13)har gun naahee ant paaray jee-a jant sabh thaaray sagal ko daataa aykai alakh muraaray. O Lord, there is no end or limit to Your Glorious Virtues; all beings and creatures are Yours. You are the Giver of all, the One Invisible Lord. |
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