Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1407 gur Arjun gux shij ibcwrM ] (1407-1)gur arjun gun sahj bichaaraN. With intuitive peace and poise, I contemplate the Glorious Virtues of Guru Arjun. gur rwmdws Gir kIAau pRgwsw ] (1407-1)gur raamdaas ghar kee-a-o pargaasaa. He was revealed in the House of Guru Raam Daas, sgl mnorQ pUrI Awsw ] (1407-1)sagal manorath pooree aasaa. and all hopes and desires were fulfilled. qY jnmq gurmiq bRhmu pCwixE ] (1407-2)tai janmat gurmat barahm pachhaani-o. From birth, He realized God through the Guru's Teachings. klŽ joiV kr sujsu vKwixE ] (1407-2)kal-y jorh kar sujas vakhaani-o. With palms pressed together, KALL the poet speaks His praises. Bgiq jog kO jYqvwru hir jnku aupwXau ] (1407-2)bhagat jog kou jaitvaar har janak upaa-ya-o. The Lord brought Him into the world, to practice the Yoga of devotional worship. sbdu gurU prkwisE hir rsn bswXau ] (1407-3)sabad guroo parkaasi-o har rasan basaa-ya-o. The Word of the Guru's Shabad has been revealed, and the Lord dwells on His tongue. gur nwnk AMgd Amr lwig auqm pdu pwXau ] (1407-3)gur naanak angad amar laag utam pad paa-ya-o. Attached to Guru Nanak, Guru Angad and Guru Amar Daas, He attained the supreme status. guru Arjunu Gir gur rwmdws Bgq auqir AwXau ]1] (1407-4)gur arjun ghar gur raamdaas bhagat utar aa-ya-o. ||1|| In the House of Guru Raam Daas, the devotee of the Lord, Guru Arjun was born. ||1|| bfBwgI aunmwinAau irid sbdu bswXau ] (1407-4)badbhaagee unmaani-a-o rid sabad basaa-ya-o. By great good fortune, the mind is uplifted and exalted, and the Word of the Shabad dwells in the heart. mnu mwxku sMqoiKAau guir nwmu idRV@wXau ] (1407-5)man maanak santhokhi-a-o gur naam darirhaaH-ya-o. The jewel of the mind is contented; the Guru has implanted the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within. Agmu Agocru pwrbRhmu siqguir drswXau ] (1407-5)agam agochar paarbarahm satgur darsaa-ya-o. The Inaccessible and Unfathomable, Supreme Lord God is revealed through the True Guru. guru Arjunu Gir gur rwmdws AnBau ThrwXau ]2] (1407-6)gur arjun ghar gur raamdaas anbha-o thahraa-ya-o. ||2|| In the House of Guru Raam Daas, Guru Arjun has appeared as the Embodiment of the Fearless Lord. ||2|| jnk rwju brqwieAw sqjugu AwlIxw ] (1407-6)janak raaj bartaa-i-aa satjug aaleenaa. The benign rule of Raja Janak has been established, and the Golden Age of Sat Yuga has begun. gur sbdy mnu mwinAw ApqIju pqIxw ] (1407-7)gur sabday man maani-aa apteej pateenaa. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the mind is pleased and appeased; the unsatisfied mind is satisfied. guru nwnku scu nIv swij siqgur sMig lIxw ] (1407-7)gur naanak sach neev saaj satgur sang leenaa. Guru Nanak laid the foundation of Truth; He is blended with the True Guru. guru Arjunu Gir gur rwmdws AprMpru bIxw ]3] (1407-8)gur arjun ghar gur raamdaas aprampar beenaa. ||3|| In the House of Guru Raam Daas, Guru Arjun has appeared as the Embodiment of the Infinite Lord. ||3|| Kylu gUV@au kIAau hir rwie sMqoiK smwcirŽE ibml buiD siqguir smwxau ] (1407-8)khayl goorhHa-o kee-a-o har raa-ay santokh samaachri-ya-o bimal buDh satgur samaana-o. The Sovereign Lord King has staged this wondrous play; contentment was gathered together, and pure understanding was infused in the True Guru. AwjonI sMBivAau sujsu klŽ kvIAix bKwixAau ] (1407-9)aajonee sambhvi-a-o sujas kal-y kavee-an bakhaani-a-o. KALL the poet utters the Praises of the Unborn, Self-existent Lord. guir nwnik AMgdu vrŽau guir AMgid Amr inDwnu ] (1407-10)gur naanak angad var-ya-o gur angad amar niDhaan. Guru Nanak blessed Guru Angad, and Guru Angad blessed Guru Amar Daas with the treasure. guir rwmdws Arjunu vrŽau pwrsu prsu pRmwxu ]4] (1407-10)gur raamdaas arjun var-ya-o paaras paras parmaan. ||4|| Guru Raam Daas blessed Guru Arjun, who touched the Philosopher's Stone, and was certified. ||4|| sd jIvxu Arjunu Amolu AwjonI sMBau ] (1407-11)sad jeevan arjun amol aajonee sambha-o. O Guru Arjun, You are Eternal, Invaluable, Unborn, Self-existent, BX BMjnu pr duK invwru Apwru An”Bau ] (1407-11)bha-y bhanjan par dukh nivaar apaar anmbha-o. the Destroyer of fear, the Dispeller of pain, Infinite and Fearless. Agh ghxu BRmu BRWiq dhxu sIqlu suK dwqau ] (1407-12)agah gahan bharam bharaaNt dahan seetal sukh daata-o. You have grasped the Ungraspable, and burnt away doubt and skepticism. You bestow cooling and soothing peace. AwsMBau audivAau purKu pUrn ibDwqau ] (1407-12)asambha-o udvi-a-o purakh pooran biDhaata-o. The Self-existent, Perfect Primal Lord God Creator has taken birth. nwnk Awid AMgd Amr siqgur sbid smwieAau ] (1407-13)naanak aad angad amar satgur sabad samaa-i-a-o. First, Guru Nanak, then Guru Angad and Guru Amar Daas, the True Guru, have been absorbed into the Word of the Shabad. Dnu DMnu gurU rwmdws guru ijin pwrsu pris imlwieAau ]5] (1407-13)Dhan Dhan guroo raamdaas gur jin paaras paras milaa-i-a-o. ||5|| Blessed, blessed is Guru Raam Daas, the Philosopher's Stone, who transformed Guru Arjun unto Himself. ||5|| jY jY kwru jwsu jg AMdir mMdir Bwgu jugiq isv rhqw ] (1407-14)jai jai kaar jaas jag andar mandar bhaag jugat siv rahtaa. His victory is proclaimed all over the world; His Home is blessed with good fortune; He remains united with the Lord. guru pUrw pwXau bf BwgI ilv lwgI mydin Bru shqw ] (1407-15)gur pooraa paa-ya-o bad bhaagee liv laagee maydan bhar sahtaa. By great good fortune, He has found the Perfect Guru; He remains lovingly attuned to Him, and endures the load of the earth. BX BMjnu pr pIr invwrnu klŽ shwru qoih jsu bkqw ] (1407-15)bha-y bhanjan par peer nivaaran kal-y sahaar tohi jas baktaa. He is the Destroyer of fear, the Eradicator of the pains of others. Kall Sahaar the poet utters Your Praise, O Guru. kuil soFI gur rwmdws qnu Drm Dujw Arjunu hir Bgqw ]6] (1407-16)kul sodhee gur raamdaas tan Dharam Dhujaa arjun har bhagtaa. ||6|| In the Sodhi family, is born Arjun, the son of Guru Raam Daas, the holder of the banner of Dharma and the devotee of God. ||6|| DRMm DIru gurmiq gBIru pr duK ibswrxu ] (1407-17)Dharamm Dheer gurmat gabheer par dukh bisaaran. The Support of the Dharma, immersed in the deep and profound Teachings of the Guru, the Remover of the pains of others. sbd swru hir sm audwru AhMmyv invwrxu ] (1407-17)sabad saar har sam udaar ahaNmayv nivaaran. The Shabad is excellent and sublime, kind and generous like the Lord, the Destroyer of egotism. mhw dwin siqgur igAwin min cwau n hutY ] (1407-18)mahaa daan satgur gi-aan man chaa-o na hutai. The Great Giver, the spiritual wisdom of the True Guru, His mind does not grow weary of its yearning for the Lord. siqvMqu hir nwmu mMqRü nv iniD n inKutY ] (1407-18)satvant har naam mantar nav niDh na nikhutai. The Embodiment of Truth, the Mantra of the Lord's Name, the nine treasures are never exhausted. gur rwmdws qnu srb mY shij cMdoAw qwixAau ] (1407-19)gur raamdaas tan sarab mai sahj chando-aa taani-a-o. O Son of Guru Raam Daas, You are contained amidst all; the canopy of intuitive wisdom is spread above You. gur Arjun klŽücrY qY rwj jog rsu jwixAau ]7] (1407-19)gur arjun kal-yuchrai tai raaj jog ras jaani-a-o. ||7|| So speaks KALL the poet: O Guru Arjun, You know the sublime essence of Raja Yoga, the Yoga of meditation and success. ||7|| |
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