Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1425 slok mhlw 5 (1425-1)salok mehlaa 5 Shalok, Fifth Mehl: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1425-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: rqy syeI ij muKu n moVMin@ ijn@I is\wqw sweI ] (1425-2)ratay say-ee je mukh na morhaNniH jinHee sinjaataa saa-ee. They alone are imbued with the Lord, who do not turn their faces away from Him - they realize Him. JiV JiV pvdy kcy ibrhI ijn@w kwir n AweI ]1] (1425-2)jharh jharh pavday kachay birhee jinHaa kaar na aa-ee. ||1|| The false, immature lovers do not know the way of love, and so they fall. ||1|| DxI ivhUxw pwt ptMbr BwhI syqI jwly ] (1425-3)Dhanee vihoonaa paat patambar bhaahee saytee jaalay. Without my Master, I will burn my silk and satin clothes in the fire. DUVI ivic lufMdVI sohW nwnk qY sh nwly ]2] (1425-3)Dhoorhee vich ludand-rhee sohaaN naanak tai sah naalay. ||2|| Even rolling in the dust, I look beautiful, O Nanak, if my Husband Lord is with me. ||2|| gur kY sbid ArwDIAY nwim rMig bYrwgu ] (1425-4)gur kai sabad araaDhee-ai naam rang bairaag. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, I worship and adore the Naam, with love and balanced detachment. jIqy pMc bYrweIAw nwnk sPl mwrU iehu rwgu ]3] (1425-4)jeetay panch bairaa-ee-aa naanak safal maaroo ih raag. ||3|| When the five enemies are overcome, O Nanak, this musical measure of Raga Maaroo becomes frtuiful. ||3|| jW mUM ieku q lK qau ijqI ipnxy dir ikqVy ] (1425-5)jaaN mooN ik ta lakh ta-o jitee pinnay dar kit-rhay. When I have the One Lord, I have tens of thousands. Otherwise, people like me beg from door to door. bwmxu ibrQw gieE jnµmu ijin kIqo so ivsry ]4] (1425-5)baaman birthaa ga-i-o jannam jin keeto so visray. ||4|| O Brahmin, your life has passed away uselessly; you have forgotten the One who created you. ||4|| soriT so rsu pIjIAY kbhU n PIkw hoie ] (1425-6)sorath so ras peejee-ai kabhoo na feekaa ho-ay. In Raga Sorat'h, drink in this sublime essence, which never loses its taste. nwnk rwm nwm gun gweIAih drgh inrml soie ]5] (1425-6)naanak raam naam gun gaa-ee-ah dargeh nirmal so-ay. ||5|| O Nanak, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord's Name, one's reputation is immaculate in the Court of the Lord. ||5|| jo pRiB rKy Awip iqn koie n mwreI ] (1425-7)jo parabh rakhay aap tin ko-ay na maar-ee. No one can kill those whom God Himself protects. AMdir nwmu inDwnu sdw gux swreI ] (1425-7)andar naam niDhaan sadaa gun saar-ee. The treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is within them. They cherish His Glorious Virtues forever. eykw tyk AgMm min qin pRBu DwreI ] (1425-8)aykaa tayk agamm man tan parabh Dhaar-ee. They take the Support of the One, the Inaccessible Lord; they enshrine God in their mind and body. lgw rMgu Apwru ko n auqwreI ] (1425-8)lagaa rang apaar ko na utaara-ee. They are imbued with the Love of the Infinite Lord, and no one can wipe it away. gurmuiK hir gux gwie shij suKu swreI ] (1425-8)gurmukh har gun gaa-ay sahj sukh saar-ee. The Gurmukhs sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; they obtain the most excellent celestial peace and poise. nwnk nwmu inDwnu irdY auir hwreI ]6] (1425-9)naanak naam niDhaan ridai ur haar-ee. ||6|| O Nanak, they enshrine the treasure of the Naam in their hearts. ||6|| kry su cMgw mwin duXI gxq lwih ] (1425-9)karay so changa maan duyee ganat laahi. Whatever God does, accept that as good; leave behind all other judgements. ApxI ndir inhwil Awpy lYhu lwie ] (1425-10)apnee nadar nihaal aapay laihu laa-ay. He shall cast His Glance of Grace, and attach you to Himself. jn dyhu mqI aupdysu ivchu Brmu jwie ] (1425-10)jan dayh matee updays vichahu bharam jaa-ay. Instruct yourself with the Teachings, and doubt will depart from within. jo Duir iliKAw lyKu soeI sB kmwie ] (1425-10)jo Dhur likhi-aa laykh so-ee sabh kamaa-ay. Everyone does that which is pre-ordained by destiny. sBu kCu iqs dY vis dUjI nwih jwie ] (1425-11)sabh kachh tis dai vas doojee naahi jaa-ay. Everything is under His control; there is no other place at all. nwnk suK And Bey pRB kI mMin rjwie ]7] (1425-11)naanak sukh anad bha-ay parabh kee man rajaa-ay. ||7|| Nanak is in peace and bliss, accepting the Will of God. ||7|| guru pUrw ijn ismirAw syeI Bey inhwl ] (1425-12)gur pooraa jin simri-aa say-ee bha-ay nihaal. Those who meditate in remembrance on the Perfect Guru, are exalted and uplifted. nwnk nwmu ArwDxw kwrju AwvY rwis ]8] (1425-12)naanak naam araaDhanaa kaaraj aavai raas. ||8|| O Nanak, dwelling on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, all affairs are resolved. ||8|| pwpI krm kmwvdy krdy hwey hwie ] (1425-13)paapee karam kamaavday karday haa-ay haa-ay. The sinners act, and generate bad karma, and then they weep and wail. nwnk ijau mQin mwDwxIAw iqau mQy DRm rwie ]9] (1425-13)naanak ji-o mathan maaDhaanee-aa ti-o mathay Dharam raa-ay. ||9|| O Nanak, just as the churning stick churns the butter, so does the Righteous Judge of Dharma churn them. ||9|| nwmu iDAwiein swjnw jnm pdwrQu jIiq ] (1425-14)naam Dhi-aa-in saajnaa janam padaarath jeet. Meditating on the Naam, O friend, the treasure of life is won. nwnk Drm AYsy cvih kIqo Bvnu punIq ]10] (1425-14)naanak Dharam aisay chaveh keeto bhavan puneet. ||10|| O Nanak, speaking in Righteousness, one's world becomes sanctified. ||10|| KuBVI kuQwie imTI glix kumMqRIAw ] (1425-15)khubh-rhee kuthaa-ay mithee galan kumantaree-aa. I am stuck in an evil place, trusting the sweet words of an evil advisor. nwnk syeI aubry ijnw Bwgu mQwih ]11] (1425-15)naanak say-ee ubray jinaa bhaag mathaahi. ||11|| O Nanak, they alone are saved, who have such good destiny inscribed upon their foreheads. ||11|| suqVy suKI svMin@ jo rqy sh AwpxY ] (1425-16)sut-rhay sukhee savaNniH jo ratay sah aapnai. They alone sleep and dream in peace, who are imbued with the Love of their Husband Lord. pRym ivCohw DxI sau ATy phr lvMin@ ]12] (1425-16)paraym vichhohaa Dhanee sa-o athay pahar lavaNniH. ||12|| Those who have been separated from the Love of their Master, scream and cry twenty-four hours a day. ||12|| suqVy AsMK mwieAw JUTI kwrxy ] (1425-17)sut-rhay asaNkh maa-i-aa jhoothee kaarnay. Millions are asleep, in the false illusion of Maya. nwnk sy jwgMin@ ij rsnw nwmu aucwrxy ]13] (1425-17)naanak say jaagaNniH je rasnaa naam uchaarnay. ||13|| O Nanak, they alone are awake and aware, who chant the Naam with their tongues. ||13|| imRg iqsnw pyiK Bulxy vuTy ngr gMDRb ] (1425-17)marig tisnaa paykh bhulnay vuthay nagar ganDharab. Seeing the mirage, the optical illusion, the people are confused and deluded. ijnI scu ArwiDAw nwnk min qin Pb ]14] (1425-18)jinee sach araaDhi-aa naanak man tan fab. ||14|| Those who worship and adore the True Lord, O Nanak, their minds and bodies are beautiful. ||14|| piqq auDwrx pwrbRhmu sMmRQ purKu Apwru ] (1425-18)patit uDhaaran paarbarahm samrath purakh apaar. The All-powerful Supreme Lord God, the Infinite Primal Being, is the Saving Grace of sinners. |
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