Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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557 <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (557-1)ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: (557-3) raag vad-hans mehlaa 1 ghar 1. Raag Wadahans, First Mehl, First House: AmlI Amlu n AMbVY mCI nIru n hoie ] (557-4)amlee amal na ambrhai machhee neer na ho-ay. To the addict, there is nothing like the drug; to the fish, there is nothing else like water. jo rqy sih AwpxY iqn BwvY sBu koie ]1] (557-4)jo ratay seh aapnai tin bhaavai sabh ko-ay. ||1|| Those who are attuned to their Lord - everyone is pleasing to them. ||1|| hau vwrI vM\w KMnIAY vM\w qau swihb ky nwvY ]1] rhwau ] (557-4)ha-o vaaree vanjaa khannee-ai vanjaa ta-o saahib kay naavai. ||1|| rahaa-o. I am a sacrifice, cut apart into pieces, a sacrifice to Your Name, O Lord Master. ||1||Pause|| swihbu sPilE ruKVw AMimRqu jw kw nwau ] (557-5)saahib safli-o rukh-rhaa amrit jaa kaa naa-o. The Lord is the fruitful tree; His Name is ambrosial nectar. ijn pIAw qy iqRpq Bey hau iqn bilhwrY jwau ]2] (557-6)jin pee-aa tay taripat bha-ay ha-o tin balihaarai jaa-o. ||2|| Those who drink it in are satisfied; I am a sacrifice to them. ||2|| mY kI ndir n AwvhI vsih hBIAW nwil ] (557-6)mai kee nadar na aavhee vaseh habhee-aaN naal. You are not visible to me, although You dwell with everyone. iqKw iqhwieAw ikau lhY jw sr BIqir pwil ]3] (557-7)tikhaa tihaa-i-aa ki-o lahai jaa sar bheetar paal. ||3|| How can the thirst of the thirsty be quenched, with that wall between me and the pond? ||3|| nwnku qyrw bwxIAw qU swihbu mY rwis ] (557-7)naanak tayraa baanee-aa too saahib mai raas. Nanak is Your merchant; You, O Lord Master, are my merchandise. mn qy DoKw qw lhY jw isPiq krI Ardwis ]4]1] (557-8)man tay Dhokhaa taa lahai jaa sifat karee ardaas. ||4||1|| My mind is cleansed of doubt, only when I praise You, and pray to You. ||4||1|| vfhMsu mhlw 1 ] (557-8)vad-hans mehlaa 1. Wadahans, First Mehl: guxvMqI shu rwivAw inrguix kUky kwie ] (557-8)gunvantee saho raavi-aa nirgun kookay kaa-ay. The virtuous bride enjoys her Husband Lord; why does the unworthy one cry out? jy guxvMqI QI rhY qw BI shu rwvx jwie ]1] (557-9)jay gunvantee thee rahai taa bhee saho raavan jaa-ay. ||1|| If she were to become virtuous, then she too could enjoy her Husband Lord. ||1|| myrw kMqu rIswlU kI Dn Avrw rwvy jI ]1] rhwau ] (557-9)mayraa kant reesaaloo kee Dhan avraa raavay jee. ||1|| rahaa-o. My Husband Lord is loving and playful; why should the soul-bride enjoy anyone else? ||1||Pause|| krxI kwmx jy QIAY jy mnu Dwgw hoie ] (557-10)karnee kaaman jay thee-ai jay man Dhaagaa ho-ay. If the soul-bride does good deeds, and strings them on the thread of her mind, mwxku muil n pweIAY lIjY iciq proie ]2] (557-10)maanak mul na paa-ee-ai leejai chit paro-ay. ||2|| she obtains the jewel, which cannot be purchased for any price, strung upon the thread of her consciousness. ||2|| rwhu dsweI n julW AwKW AMmVIAwsu ] (557-11)raahu dasaa-ee na julaaN aakhaaN ambrhee-aas. I ask, but do not follow the way shown to me; still, I claim to have reached my destination. qY sh nwil AkUAxw ikau QIvY Gr vwsu ]3] (557-11)tai sah naal akoo-anaa ki-o theevai ghar vaas. ||3|| I do not speak with You, O my Husband Lord; how then can I come to have a place in Your home? ||3|| nwnk eykI bwhrw dUjw nwhI koie ] (557-12)naanak aykee baahraa doojaa naahee ko-ay. O Nanak, without the One Lord, there is no other at all. qY sh lgI jy rhY BI shu rwvY soie ]4]2] (557-12)tai sah lagee jay rahai bhee saho raavai so-ay. ||4||2|| If the soul-bride remains attached to You, then she shall enjoy her Husband Lord. ||4||2|| vfhMsu mhlw 1 Gru 2 ] (557-13)vad-hans mehlaa 1 ghar 2. Wadahans, First Mehl, Second House: morI rux Jux lwieAw BYxy swvxu AwieAw ] (557-13)moree run jhun laa-i-aa bhainay saavan aa-i-aa. The peacocks are singing so sweetly, O sister; the rainy season of Saawan has come. qyry muMD ktwry jyvfw iqin loBI loB luBwieAw ] (557-13)tayray munDh kataaray jayvdaa tin lobhee lobh lubhaa-i-aa. Your beauteous eyes are like a string of charms, fascinating and enticing the soul-bride. qyry drsn ivthu KMnIAY vM\w qyry nwm ivthu kurbwxo ] (557-14)tayray darsan vitahu khannee-ai vanjaa tayray naam vitahu kurbaano. I would cut myself into pieces for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan; I am a sacrifice to Your Name. jw qU qw mY mwxu kIAw hY quDu ibnu kyhw myrw mwxo ] (557-14)jaa too taa mai maan kee-aa hai tuDh bin kayhaa mayraa maano. I take pride in You; without You, what could I be proud of? cUVw BMnu plµG isau muMDy sxu bwhI sxu bwhw ] (557-15)choorhaa bhann palangh si-o munDhay san baahee san baahaa. So smash your bracelets along with your bed, O soul-bride, and break your arms, along with the arms of your couch. eyqy vys krydIey muMDy shu rwqo Avrwhw ] (557-15)aytay vays karaydee-ay munDhay saho raato avraahaa. In spite of all the decorations which you have made, O soul-bride, your Husband Lord is enjoying someone else. |
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