Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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558 nw mnIAwru n cUVIAw nw sy vMguVIAwhw ] (558-1)naa manee-aar na choorhee-aa naa say vangoorhee-aahaa. You don't have the bracelets of gold, nor the good crystal jewelry; you haven't dealt with the true jeweller. jo sh kMiT n lgIAw jlnu is bwhVIAwhw ] (558-1)jo sah kanth na lagee-aa jalan se bahrhee-aahaa. Those arms, which do not embrace the neck of the Husband Lord, burn in anguish. siB shIAw shu rwvix geIAw hau dwDI kY dir jwvw ] (558-2)sabh sahee-aa saho raavan ga-ee-aa ha-o daaDhee kai dar jaavaa. All my companions have gone to enjoy their Husband Lord; which door should I, the wretched one, go to? AMmwlI hau KrI sucjI qY sh eyik n Bwvw ] (558-2)ammaalee ha-o kharee suchjee tai sah ayk na bhaavaa. O friend, I may look very attractive, but I am not pleasing to my Husband Lord at all. mwiT guMdweˆØI ptIAw BrIAY mwg sMDUry ] (558-3)maath guNdaa-eeN patee-aa bharee-ai maag sanDhooray. I have woven my hair into lovely braids, and saturated their partings with vermillion; AgY geI n mMnIAw mrau ivsUir ivsUry ] (558-3)agai ga-ee na mannee-aa mara-o visoor visooray. but when I go before Him, I am not accepted, and I die, suffering in anguish. mY rovMdI sBu jgu runw ruMnVy vxhu pMKyrU ] (558-4)mai rovandee sabh jag runaa runnrhay vanhu pankhayroo. I weep; the whole world weeps; even the birds of the forest weep with me. ieku n runw myry qn kw ibrhw ijin hau iprhu ivCoVI ] (558-4)ik na runaa mayray tan kaa birhaa jin ha-o pirahu vichhorhee. The only thing which doesn't weep is my body's sense of separateness, which has separated me from my Lord. supnY AwieAw BI gieAw mY jlu BirAw roie ] (558-5)supnai aa-i-aa bhee ga-i-aa mai jal bhari-aa ro-ay. In a dream, He came, and went away again; I cried so many tears. Awie n skw quJ kin ipAwry Byij n skw koie ] (558-5)aa-ay na sakaa tujh kan pi-aaray bhayj na sakaa ko-ay. I can't come to You, O my Beloved, and I can't send anyone to You. Awau sBwgI nIdVIey mqu shu dyKw soie ] (558-6)aa-o sabhaagee need-rhee-ay mat saho daykhaa so-ay. Come to me, O blessed sleep - perhaps I will see my Husband Lord again. qY swihb kI bwq ij AwKY khu nwnk ikAw dIjY ] (558-6)tai saahib kee baat je aakhai kaho naanak ki-aa deejai. One who brings me a message from my Lord and Master - says Nanak, what shall I give to Him? sIsu vFy kir bYsxu dIjY ivxu isr syv krIjY ] (558-7)sees vadhay kar baisan deejai vin sir sayv kareejai. Cutting off my head, I give it to Him to sit upon; without my head, I shall still serve Him. ikau n mrIjY jIAVw n dIjY jw shu BieAw ivfwxw ]1]3] (558-7)ki-o na mareejai jee-arhaa na deejai jaa saho bha-i-aa vidaanaa. ||1||3|| Why haven't I died? Why hasn't my life just ended? My Husband Lord has become a stranger to me. ||1||3|| vfhMsu mhlw 3 Gru 1 (558-9)vad-hans mehlaa 3 ghar 1 Wadahans, Third Mehl, First House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (558-9)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: min mYlY sBu ikCu mYlw qin DoqY mnu hCw n hoie ] (558-10)man mailai sabh kichh mailaa tan Dhotai man hachhaa na ho-ay. When the mind is filthy, everything is filthy; by washing the body, the mind is not cleaned. ieh jgqu Brim BulwieAw ivrlw bUJY koie ]1] (558-10)ih jagat bharam bhulaa-i-aa virlaa boojhai ko-ay. ||1|| This world is deluded by doubt; how rare are those who understand this. ||1|| jip mn myry qU eyko nwmu ] (558-11)jap man mayray too ayko naam. O my mind, chant the One Name. siqguir dIAw mo kau eyhu inDwnu ]1] rhwau ] (558-11)satgur dee-aa mo ka-o ayhu niDhaan. ||1|| rahaa-o. The True Guru has given me this treasure. ||1||Pause|| isDw ky Awsx jy isKY ieMdRI vis kir kmwie ] (558-11)siDhaa kay aasan jay sikhai indree vas kar kamaa-ay. Even if one learns the Yogic postures of the Siddhas, and holds his sexual energy in check, mn kI mYlu n auqrY haumY mYlu n jwie ]2] (558-12)man kee mail na utrai ha-umai mail na jaa-ay. ||2|| still, the filth of the mind is not removed, and the filth of egotism is not eliminated. ||2|| iesu mn kau horu sMjmu ko nwhI ivxu siqgur kI srxwie ] (558-12)is man ka-o hor sanjam ko naahee vin satgur kee sarnaa-ay. This mind is not controlled by any other discipline, except the Sanctuary of the True Guru. sqguir imilAY aultI BeI khxw ikCU n jwie ]3] (558-13)satgur mili-ai ultee bha-ee kahnaa kichhoo na jaa-ay. ||3|| Meeting the True Guru, one is transformed beyond description. ||3|| Bxiq nwnku siqgur kau imldo mrY gur kY sbid iPir jIvY koie ] (558-14)bhanat naanak satgur ka-o mildo marai gur kai sabad fir jeevai ko-ay. Prays Nanak, one who dies upon meeting the True Guru, shall be rejuvenated through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. mmqw kI mlu auqrY iehu mnu hCw hoie ]4]1] (558-14)mamtaa kee mal utrai ih man hachhaa ho-ay. ||4||1|| The filth of his attachment and possessiveness shall depart, and his mind shall become pure. ||4||1|| vfhMsu mhlw 3 ] (558-15)vad-hans mehlaa 3. Wadahans, Third Mehl: ndrI sqguru syvIAY ndrI syvw hoie ] (558-15)nadree satgur sayvee-ai nadree sayvaa ho-ay. By His Grace, one serves the True Guru; by His Grace, service is performed. ndrI iehu mnu vis AwvY ndrI mnu inrmlu hoie ]1] (558-15)nadree ih man vas aavai nadree man nirmal ho-ay. ||1|| By His grace, this mind is controlled, and by His Grace, it becomes pure. ||1|| myry mn cyiq scw soie ] (558-16)mayray man chayt sachaa so-ay. O my mind, think of the True Lord. eyko cyqih qw suKu pwvih iPir dUKu n mUly hoie ]1] rhwau ] (558-16)ayko cheeteh taa sukh paavahi fir dookh na moolay ho-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. Think of the One Lord, and you shall obtain peace; you shall never suffer in sorrow again. ||1||Pause|| ndrI mir kY jIvIAY ndrI sbdu vsY min Awie ] (558-17)nadree mar kai jeevee-ai nadree sabad vasai man aa-ay. By His Grace, one dies while yet alive, and by His Grace, the Word of the Shabad is enshrined in the mind. ndrI hukmu buJIAY hukmy rhY smwie ]2] (558-17)nadree hukam bujhee-ai hukmay rahai samaa-ay. ||2|| By His Grace, one understands the Hukam of the Lord's Command, and by His Command, one merges into the Lord. ||2|| ijin ijhvw hir rsu n ciKE sw ijhvw jil jwau ] (558-18)jin jihvaa har ras na chakhi-o saa jihvaa jal jaa-o. That tongue, which does not savor the sublime essence of the Lord - may that tongue be burned off! An rs swdy lig rhI duKu pwieAw dUjY Bwie ]3] (558-18)an ras saaday lag rahee dukh paa-i-aa doojai bhaa-ay. ||3|| It remains attached to other pleasures, and through the love of duality, it suffers in pain. ||3|| sBnw ndir eyk hY Awpy Prku kryie ] (558-19)sabhnaa nadar ayk hai aapay farak karay-i. The One Lord grants His Grace to all; He Himself makes distinctions. nwnk sqguir imilAY Plu pwieAw nwmu vfweI dyie ]4]2] (558-19)naanak satgur mili-ai fal paa-i-aa naam vadaa-ee day-ay. ||4||2|| O Nanak, meeting the True Guru, the fruits are obtained, and one is blessed with the Glorious Greatness of the Naam. ||4||2|| |
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