Bwih blµdVI buiJ geI rKMdVo pRBu Awip ] (710-1)
bhaahi baland-rhee bujh ga-ee rakhand-rho parabh aap.
The burning fire has been put out; God Himself has saved me.
ijin aupweI mydnI nwnk so pRBu jwip ]2] (710-1)
jin upaa-ee maydnee naanak so parabh jaap. ||2||
Meditate on that God, O Nanak, who created the universe. ||2||
pauVI ] (710-2)
jw pRB Bey dieAwl n ibAwpY mwieAw ] (710-2)
jaa parabh bha-ay da-i-aal na bi-aapai maa-i-aa.
When God becomes merciful, Maya does not cling.
koit AGw gey nws hir ieku iDAwieAw ] (710-2)
kot aghaa ga-ay naas har ik Dhi-aa-i-aa.
Millions of sins are eliminated, by meditating on the Naam, the Name of the One Lord.
inrml Bey srIr jn DUrI nwieAw ] (710-3)
nirmal bha-ay sareer jan Dhooree naa-i-aa.
The body is made immaculate and pure, bathing in the dust of the feet of the Lord's humble servants.
mn qn Bey sMqoK pUrn pRBu pwieAw ] (710-3)
man tan bha-ay santokh pooran parabh paa-i-aa.
The mind and body become contented, finding the Perfect Lord God.
qry kutMb sMig log kul sbwieAw ]18] (710-4)
taray kutamb sang log kul sabaa-i-aa. ||18||
One is saved, along with his family, and all his ancestors. ||18||
slok ] (710-4)
gur goibMd gopwl gur gur pUrn nwrwiexh ] (710-4)
gur gobind gopaal gur gur pooran naaraa-ineh.
The Guru is the Lord of the Universe; the Guru is the Lord of the world; the Guru is the Perfect Pervading Lord God.
gur dieAwl smrQ gur gur nwnk piqq auDwrxh ]1] (710-5)
gur da-i-aal samrath gur gur naanak patit uDhaarneh. ||1||
The Guru is compassionate; the Guru is all-powerful; the Guru, O Nanak, is the Saving Grace of sinners. ||1||
Baujlu ibKmu Asgwhu guir boihQY qwirAmu ] (710-5)
bha-ojal bikham asgaahu gur bohithai taari-am.
The Guru is the boat, to cross over the dangerous, treacherous, unfathomable world-ocean.
nwnk pUr krMm siqgur crxI ligAw ]2] (710-6)
naanak poor karamm satgur charnee lagi-aa. ||2||
O Nanak, by perfect good karma, one is attached to the feet of the True Guru. ||2||
pauVI ] (710-6)
DMnu DMnu gurdyv ijsu sMig hir jpy ] (710-6)
Dhan Dhan gurdayv jis sang har japay.
Blessed, blessed is the Divine Guru; associating with Him, one meditates on the Lord.
gur ik®pwl jb Bey q Avgux siB Cpy ] (710-7)
gur kirpaal jab bha-ay ta avgun sabh chhapay.
When the Guru becomes merciful, then all one's demerits are dispelled.
pwrbRhm gurdyv nIchu auc Qpy ] (710-7)
paarbarahm gurdayv neechahu uch thapay.
The Supreme Lord God, the Divine Guru, uplifts and exalts the lowly.
kwit islk duK mwieAw kir lIny Ap dsy ] (710-8)
kaat silak dukh maa-i-aa kar leenay ap dasay.
Cutting away the painful noose of Maya, He makes us His own slaves.
gux gwey byAMq rsnw hir jsy ]19] (710-8)
gun gaa-ay bay-ant rasnaa har jasay. ||19||
With my tongue, I sing the Glorious Praises of the infinite Lord God. ||19||
slok ] (710-9)
idRstMq eyko sunIAMq eyko vrqMq eyko nrhrh ] (710-9)
daristaNt ayko sunee-ant ayko vartant ayko narhareh.
I see only the One Lord; I hear only the One Lord; the One Lord is all-pervading.
nwm dwnu jwcMiq nwnk dieAwl purK ik®pw krh ]1] (710-9)
naam daan jaachant naanak da-i-aal purakh kirpaa karah. ||1||
Nanak begs for the gift of the Naam; O Merciful Lord God, please grant Your Grace. ||1||
ihku syvI ihku sMmlw hir ieksu pih Ardwis ] (710-10)
hik sayvee hik sammlaa har ikas peh ardaas.
I serve the One Lord, I contemplate the One Lord, and to the One Lord, I offer my prayer.
nwm vKru Dnu sMicAw nwnk scI rwis ]2] (710-10)
naam vakhar Dhan sanchi-aa naanak sachee raas. ||2||
Nanak has gathered in the wealth, the merchandise of the Naam; this is the true capital. ||2||
pauVI ] (710-11)
pRB dieAwl byAMq pUrn ieku eyhu ] (710-11)
parabh da-i-aal bay-ant pooran ik ayhu.
God is merciful and infinite. The One and Only is all-pervading.
sBu ikCu Awpy Awip dUjw khw kyhu ] (710-11)
sabh kichh aapay aap doojaa kahaa kayhu.
He Himself is all-in-all. Who else can we speak of?
Awip krhu pRB dwnu Awpy Awip lyhu ] (710-12)
aap karahu parabh daan aapay aap layho.
God Himself grants His gifts, and He Himself receives them.
Awvx jwxw hukmu sBu inhclu quDu Qyhu ] (710-12)
aavan jaanaa hukam sabh nihchal tuDh thayhu.
Coming and going are all by the Hukam of Your Will; Your place is steady and unchanging.
nwnku mMgY dwnu kir ikrpw nwmu dyhu ]20]1] (710-13)
naanak mangai daan kar kirpaa naam dayh. ||20||1||
Nanak begs for this gift; by Your Grace, Lord, please grant me Your Name. ||20||1||
jYqsrI bwxI Bgqw kI (710-14)
jaitsaree banee bhagtaa kee
Jaitsree, The Word Of The Devotees:
<> siqgur pRswid ] (710-14)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
nwQ kCUA n jwnau ] (710-15)
naath kachhoo-a na jaan-o.
O my Lord and Master, I know nothing.
mnu mwieAw kY hwiQ ibkwnau ]1] rhwau ] (710-15)
man maa-i-aa kai haath bikaana-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind has sold out, and is in Maya's hands. ||1||Pause||
qum khIAq hO jgq gur suAwmI ] (710-15)
tum kahee-at hou jagat gur su-aamee.
You are called the Lord and Master, the Guru of the World.
hm khIAq kiljug ky kwmI ]1] (710-16)
ham kahee-at kalijug kay kaamee. ||1||
I am called a lustful being of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||1||
ien pMcn myro mnu ju ibgwirE ] (710-16)
in panchan mayro man jo bigaari-o.
The five vices have corrupted my mind.
plu plu hir jI qy AMqru pwirE ]2] (710-16)
pal pal har jee tay antar paari-o. ||2||
Moment by moment, they lead me further away from the Lord. ||2||
jq dyKau qq duK kI rwsI ] (710-17)
jat daykh-a-u tat dukh kee raasee.
Wherever I look, I see loads of pain and suffering.
AjON n pq´wie ingm Bey swKI ]3] (710-17)
ajouN na pat-yaa-ay nigam bha-ay saakhee. ||3||
I do not have faith, even though the Vedas bear witness to the Lord. ||3||
goqm nwir aumwpiq sÍwmI ] sIsu Drin shs Bg gWmI ]4] (710-17)
gotam naar umaapat savaamee. sees Dharan sahas bhag gaaNmee. ||4||
Shiva cut off Brahma's head, and Gautam's wife and the Lord Indra mated; Brahma's head got stuck to Shiva's hand, and Indra came to bear the marks of a thousand female organs. ||4||
ien dUqn Klu bDu kir mwirE ] (710-18)
in dootan khal baDh kar maari-o.
These demons have fooled, bound and destroyed me.
bfo inlwju AjhU nhI hwirE ]5] (710-18)
bado nilaaj ajhoo nahee haari-o. ||5||
I am very shameless - even now, I am not tired of them. ||5||
kih rivdws khw kYsy kIjY ] (710-19)
kahi ravidaas kahaa kaisay keejai.
Says Ravi Daas, what am I to do now?
ibnu rGunwQ srin kw kI lIjY ]6]1] (710-19)
bin raghunaath saran kaa kee leejai. ||6||1||
Without the Sanctuary of the Lord's Protection, who else's should I seek? ||6||1||