Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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729 sUhI mhlw 1 Gru 6 (729-1)soohee mehlaa 1 ghar 6 Soohee, First Mehl, Sixth House: <> siqgur pRswid ] (729-1)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: aujlu kYhw iclkxw Goitm kwlVI msu ] (729-2)ujal kaihaa chilkanaa ghotim kaalrhee mas. Bronze is bright and shiny, but when it is rubbed, its blackness appears. DoiqAw jUiT n auqrY jy sau Dovw iqsu ]1] (729-2)Dhoti-aa jooth na utrai jay sa-o Dhovaa tis. ||1|| Washing it, its impurity is not removed, even if it is washed a hundred times. ||1|| sjx syeI nwil mY clidAw nwil clµin@ ] (729-2)sajan say-ee naal mai chaldi-aa naal chalaNniH. They alone are my friends, who travel along with me; ijQY lyKw mMgIAY iqQY KVy idsMin ]1] rhwau ] (729-3)jithai laykhaa mangee-ai tithai kharhay disann. ||1|| rahaa-o. and in that place, where the accounts are called for, they appear standing with me. ||1||Pause|| koTy mMfp mwVIAw pwshu icqvIAwhw ] (729-3)kothay mandap maarhee-aa paashu chitvee-aahaa. There are houses, mansions and tall buildings, painted on all sides; FTIAw kMim n Awvn@I ivchu sKxIAwhw ]2] (729-4)dhathee-aa kamm na aavnHee vichahu sakh-nee-aahaa. ||2|| but they are empty within, and they crumble like useless ruins. ||2|| bgw bgy kpVy qIrQ mMiJ vsMin@ ] (729-4)bagaa bagay kaprhay tirath manjh vasaNniH. The herons in their white feathers dwell in the sacred shrines of pilgrimage. Guit Guit jIAw Kwvxy bgy nw khIAin@ ]3] (729-5)ghut ghut jee-aa khaavnay bagay naa kahee-aniH. ||3|| They tear apart and eat the living beings, and so they are not called white. ||3|| isMml ruKu srIru mY mYjn dyiK Bulµin@ ] (729-5)simmal rukh sareer mai maijan daykh bhulaNniH. My body is like the simmal tree; seeing me, other people are fooled. sy Pl kMim n Awvn@I qy gux mY qin hMin@ ]4] (729-6)say fal kamm na aavnHee tay gun mai tan haNniH. ||4|| Its fruits are useless - just like the qualities of my body. ||4|| AMDulY Bwru auTwieAw fUgr vwt bhuqu ] (729-6)anDhulai bhaar uthaa-i-aa doogar vaat bahut. The blind man is carrying such a heavy load, and his journey through the mountains is so long. AKI loVI nw lhw hau ciV lµGw ikqu ]5] (729-7)akhee lorhee naa lahaa ha-o charh langhaa kit. ||5|| My eyes can see, but I cannot find the Way. How can I climb up and cross over the mountain? ||5|| cwkrIAw cMigAweIAw Avr isAwxp ikqu ] (729-7)chaakree-aa chang-aa-ee-aa avar si-aanap kit. What good does it do to serve, and be good, and be clever? nwnk nwmu smwil qUM bDw Cutih ijqu ]6]1]3] (729-8)naanak naam samaal tooN baDhaa chhuteh jit. ||6||1||3|| O Nanak, contemplate the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and you shall be released from bondage. ||6||1||3|| sUhI mhlw 1 ] (729-8)soohee mehlaa 1. Soohee, First Mehl: jp qp kw bMDu byVulw ijqu lµGih vhylw ] (729-8)jap tap kaa banDh bayrhulaa jit langheh vahaylaa. Build the raft of meditation and self-discipline, to carry you across the river. nw srvru nw aUClY AYsw pMQu suhylw ]1] (729-9)naa sarvar naa oochhlai aisaa panth suhaylaa. ||1|| There will be no ocean, and no rising tides to stop you; this is how comfortable your path shall be. ||1|| qyrw eyko nwmu mMjITVw rqw myrw colw sd rMg Folw ]1] rhwau ] (729-9)tayraa ayko naam manjeeth-rhaa rataa mayraa cholaa sad rang dholaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Your Name alone is the color, in which the robe of my body is dyed. This color is permanent, O my Beloved. ||1||Pause|| swjn cly ipAwirAw ikau mylw hoeI ] (729-10)saajan chalay pi-aari-aa ki-o maylaa ho-ee. My beloved friends have departed; how will they meet the Lord? jy gux hovih gMTVIAY mylygw soeI ]2] (729-10)jay gun hoveh ganth-rhee-ai maylaygaa so-ee. ||2|| If they have virtue in their pack, the Lord will unite them with Himself. ||2|| imilAw hoie n vICuVY jy imilAw hoeI ] (729-11)mili-aa ho-ay na veechhurhai jay mili-aa ho-ee. Once united with Him, they will not be separated again, if they are truly united. Awvw gauxu invwirAw hY swcw soeI ]3] (729-11)aavaa ga-on nivaari-aa hai saachaa so-ee. ||3|| The True Lord brings their comings and goings to an end. ||3|| haumY mwir invwirAw sIqw hY colw ] (729-12)ha-umai maar nivaari-aa seetaa hai cholaa. One who subdues and eradicates egotism, sews the robe of devotion. gur bcnI Plu pwieAw sh ky AMimRq bolw ]4] (729-12)gur bachnee fal paa-i-aa sah kay amrit bolaa. ||4|| Following the Word of the Guru's Teachings, she receives the fruits of her reward, the Ambrosial Words of the Lord. ||4|| nwnku khY shylIho shu Krw ipAwrw ] (729-12)naanak kahai sahayleeho saho kharaa pi-aaraa. Says Nanak, O soul-brides, our Husband Lord is so dear! hm sh kyrIAw dwsIAw swcw Ksmu hmwrw ]5]2]4] (729-13)ham sah kayree-aa daasee-aa saachaa khasam hamaaraa. ||5||2||4|| We are the servants, the hand-maidens of the Lord; He is our True Lord and Master. ||5||2||4|| sUhI mhlw 1 ] (729-14)soohee mehlaa 1. Soohee, First Mehl: ijn kau BWfY Bwau iqnw svwrsI ] (729-14)jin ka-o bhaaNdai bhaa-o tinaa savaarasee. Those whose minds are filled with love of the Lord, are blessed and exalted. sUKI krY pswau dUK ivswrsI ] (729-14)sookhee karai pasaa-o dookh visaarasee. They are blessed with peace, and their pains are forgotten. shsw mUly nwih srpr qwrsI ]1] (729-14)sahsaa moolay naahi sarpar taarsee. ||1|| He will undoubtedly, certainly save them. ||1|| iqn@w imilAw guru Awie ijn kau lIiKAw ] (729-15)tinHaa mili-aa gur aa-ay jin ka-o leekhi-aa. The Guru comes to meet those whose destiny is so pre-ordained. AMimRqu hir kw nwau dyvY dIiKAw ] (729-15)amrit har kaa naa-o dayvai deekhi-aa. He blesses them with the Teachings of the Ambrosial Name of the Lord. cwlih siqgur Bwie Bvih n BIiKAw ]2] (729-16)chaaleh satgur bhaa-ay bhaveh na bheekhi-aa. ||2|| Those who walk in the Will of the True Guru, never wander begging. ||2|| jw kau mhlu hjUir dUjy invY iksu ] (729-16)jaa ka-o mahal hajoor doojay nivai kis. And one who lives in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, why should he bow down to any other? dir drvwxI nwih mUly puC iqsu ] (729-16)dar darvaanee naahi moolay puchh tis. The gate-keeper at the Lord's Gate shall not stop him to ask any questions. CutY qw kY boil swihb ndir ijsu ]3] (729-17)chhutai taa kai bol saahib nadar jis. ||3|| And one who is blessed with the Lord's Glance of Grace - by his words, others are emancipated as well. ||3|| Gly Awxy Awip ijsu nwhI dUjw mqY koie ] (729-17)ghalay aanay aap jis naahee doojaa matai ko-ay. The Lord Himself sends out, and recalls the mortal beings; no one else gives Him advice. Fwih auswry swij jwxY sB soie ] (729-18)dhaahi usaaray saaj jaanai sabh so-ay. He Himself demolishes, constructs and creates; He knows everything. nwau nwnk bKsIs ndrI krmu hoie ]4]3]5] (729-18)naa-o naanak bakhsees nadree karam ho-ay. ||4||3||5|| O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord is the blessing, given to those who receive His Mercy, and His Grace. ||4||3||5|| |
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