Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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878 iCA drsn kI soJI pwie ]4]5] (878-1)chhi-a darsan kee sojhee paa-ay. ||4||5|| has the wisdom of the six Shaastras. ||4||5|| rwmklI mhlw 1 ] (878-1)raamkalee mehlaa 1. Raamkalee, First Mehl: hm folq byVI pwp BrI hY pvxu lgY mqu jweI ] (878-1)ham dolat bayrhee paap bharee hai pavan lagai mat jaa-ee. My boat is wobbly and unsteady; it is filled with sins. The wind is rising - what if it tips over? snmuK isD Bytx kau Awey inhcau dyih vifAweI ]1] (878-2)sanmukh siDh bhaytan ka-o aa-ay nihcha-o deh vadi-aa-ee. ||1|| As sunmukh, I have turned to the Guru; O my Perfect Master; please be sure to bless me with Your glorious greatness. ||1|| gur qwir qwrxhwirAw ] (878-2)gur taar taaranhaari-aa. O Guru, my Saving Grace, please carry me across the world-ocean. dyih Bgiq pUrn AivnwsI hau quJ kau bilhwirAw ]1] rhwau ] (878-3)deh bhagat pooran avinaasee ha-o tujh ka-o balihaari-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. Bless me with devotion to the perfect, imperishable Lord God; I am a sacrifice to You. ||1||Pause|| isD swiDk jogI Aru jMgm eyku isDu ijnI iDAwieAw ] (878-3)siDh saaDhik jogee ar jangam ayk siDh jinee Dhi-aa-i-aa. He alone is a Siddha, a seeker, a Yogi, a wandering pilgrim, who meditates on the One Perfect Lord. prsq pYr isJq qy suAwmI AKru ijn kau AwieAw ]2] (878-4)parsat pair sijhat tay su-aamee akhar jin ka-o aa-i-aa. ||2|| Touching the feet of the Lord Master, they are emancipated; they come to receive the Word of the Teachings. ||2|| jp qp sMjm krm n jwnw nwmu jpI pRB qyrw ] (878-5)jap tap sanjam karam na jaanaa naam japee parabh tayraa. I know nothing of charity, meditation, self-discipline or religious rituals; I only chant Your Name, God. guru prmysru nwnk ByitE swcY sbid inbyrw ]3]6] (878-5)gur parmaysar naanak bhayti-o saachai sabad nibayraa. ||3||6|| Nanak has met the Guru, the Transcendent Lord God; through the True Word of His Shabad, he is set free. ||3||6|| rwmklI mhlw 1 ] (878-6)raamkalee mehlaa 1. Raamkalee, First Mehl: surqI suriq rlweIAY eyqu ] (878-6)surtee surat ralaa-ee-ai ayt. Focus your consciousness in deep absorption on the Lord. qnu kir qulhw lµGih jyqu ] (878-6)tan kar tulhaa langheh jayt. Make your body a raft, to cross over. AMqir Bwih iqsY qU rKu ] (878-7)antar bhaahi tisai too rakh. Deep within is the fire of desire; keep it in check. Aihinis dIvw blY AQku ]1] (878-7)ahinis deevaa balai athak. ||1|| Day and night, that lamp shall burn unceasingly. ||1|| AYsw dIvw nIir qrwie ] (878-7)aisaa deevaa neer taraa-ay. Float such a lamp upon the water; ijqu dIvY sB soJI pwie ]1] rhwau ] (878-7)jit deevai sabh sojhee paa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. this lamp will bring total understanding. ||1||Pause|| hCI imtI soJI hoie ] (878-8)hachhee mitee sojhee ho-ay. This understanding is good clay; qw kw kIAw mwnY soie ] (878-8)taa kaa kee-aa maanai so-ay. a lamp made of such clay is acceptable to the Lord. krxI qy kir ckhu Fwil ] (878-8)karnee tay kar chakahu dhaal. So shape this lamp on the wheel of good actions. AYQY EQY inbhI nwil ]2] (878-9)aithai othai nibhee naal. ||2|| In this world and in the next, this lamp shall be with you. ||2|| Awpy ndir kry jw soie ] (878-9)aapay nadar karay jaa so-ay. When He Himself grants His Grace, gurmuiK ivrlw bUJY koie ] (878-9)gurmukh virlaa boojhai ko-ay. then, as Gurmukh, one may understand Him. iqqu Git dIvw inhclu hoie ] (878-9)tit ghat deevaa nihchal ho-ay. Within the heart, this lamp is permanently lit. pwxI mrY n buJwieAw jwie ] (878-10)paanee marai na bujhaa-i-aa jaa-ay. It is not extinguished by water or wind. AYsw dIvw nIir qrwie ]3] (878-10)aisaa deevaa neer taraa-ay. ||3|| Such a lamp will carry you across the water. ||3|| folY vwau n vfw hoie ] (878-10)dolai vaa-o na vadaa ho-ay. Wind does not shake it, or put it out. jwpY ijau isMGwsix loie ] (878-11)jaapai ji-o singhaasan lo-ay. Its light reveals the Divine Throne. KqRI bRwhmxu sUdu ik vYsu ] (878-11)khatree baraahman sood ke vais. The Kh'shaatriyas, Brahmins, Soodras and Vaishyas inriq n pweIAw gxI shMs ] (878-11)nirat na paa-ee-aa ganee sahaNs. cannot find its value, even by thousands of calculations. AYsw dIvw bwly koie ] (878-12)aisaa deevaa baalay ko-ay. If any of them lights such a lamp, nwnk so pwrMgiq hoie ]4]7] (878-12)naanak so paarangat ho-ay. ||4||7|| O Nanak, he is emancipated. ||4||7|| rwmklI mhlw 1 ] (878-12)raamkalee mehlaa 1. Raamkalee, First Mehl: quDno invxu mMnxu qyrw nwau ] (878-12)tuDhno nivan manan tayraa naa-o. To place one's faith in Your Name, Lord, is true worship. swcu Byt bYsx kau Qwau ] (878-13)saach bhayt baisan ka-o thaa-o. With an offering of Truth, one obtains a place to sit. squ sMqoKu hovY Ardwis ] (878-13)sat santokh hovai ardaas. If a prayer is offered with truth and contentment, qw suix sid bhwly pwis ]1] (878-13)taa sun sad bahaalay paas. ||1|| the Lord will hear it, and call him in to sit by Him. ||1|| nwnk ibrQw koie n hoie ] (878-14)naanak birthaa ko-ay na ho-ay. O Nanak, no one returns empty-handed; AYsI drgh swcw soie ]1] rhwau ] (878-14)aisee dargeh saachaa so-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o. such is the Court of the True Lord. ||1||Pause|| pRwpiq poqw krmu pswau ] (878-14)paraapat potaa karam pasaa-o. The treasure I seek is the gift of Your Grace. qU dyvih mMgq jn cwau ] (878-15)too dayveh mangat jan chaa-o. Please bless this humble beggar - this is what I seek. BwfY Bwau pvY iqqu Awie ] (878-15)bhaadai bhaa-o pavai tit aa-ay. Please, pour Your Love into the cup of my heart. Duir qY CofI kImiq pwie ]2] (878-15)Dhur tai chhodee keemat paa-ay. ||2|| This is Your pre-determined value. ||2|| ijin ikCu kIAw so ikCu krY ] (878-16)jin kichh kee-aa so kichh karai. The One who created everything, does everything. ApnI kImiq Awpy DrY ] (878-16)apnee keemat aapay Dharai. He Himself appraises His own value. gurmuiK prgtu hoAw hir rwie ] (878-16)gurmukh pargat ho-aa har raa-ay. The Sovereign Lord King becomes manifest to the Gurmukh. nw ko AwvY nw ko jwie ]3] (878-17)naa ko aavai naa ko jaa-ay. ||3|| He does not come, and He does not go. ||3|| loku iDkwru khY mMgq jn mwgq mwnu n pwieAw ] (878-17)lok Dhikaar kahai mangat jan maagat maan na paa-i-aa. People curse at the beggar; by begging, he does not receive honor. sh kIAw glw dr kIAw bwqw qY qw khxu khwieAw ]4]8] (878-18)sah kee-aa galaa dar kee-aa baataa tai taa kahan kahaa-i-aa. ||4||8|| O Lord, You inspire me to speak Your Words, and tell the Story of Your Court. ||4||8|| rwmklI mhlw 1 ] (878-18)raamkalee mehlaa 1. Raamkalee, First Mehl: swgr mih bUMd bUMd mih swgru kvxu buJY ibiD jwxY ] (878-18)saagar meh boond boond meh saagar kavan bujhai biDh jaanai. The drop is in the ocean, and the ocean is in the drop. Who understands, and knows this? auqBuj clq Awip kir cInY Awpy qqu pCwxY ]1] (878-19)ut-bhuj chalat aap kar cheenai aapay tat pachhaanai. ||1|| He Himself creates the wondrous play of the world. He Himself contemplates it, and understands its true essence. ||1|| |
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