Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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877 jh dyKw qh rihAw smwie ]3] (877-1)jah daykhaa tah rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||3|| Wherever I look, there I see Him pervading. ||3|| AMqir shsw bwhir mwieAw nYxI lwgis bwxI ] (877-1)antar sahsaa baahar maa-i-aa nainee laagas banee. There is doubt within me, and Maya is outside; it hits me in the eyes like an arrow. pRxviq nwnku dwsin dwsw prqwpihgw pRwxI ]4]2] (877-2)paranvat naanak daasan daasaa partaapehgaa paraanee. ||4||2|| Prays Nanak, the slave of the Lord's slaves: such a mortal suffers terribly. ||4||2|| rwmklI mhlw 1 ] (877-2)raamkalee mehlaa 1. Raamkalee, First Mehl: ijqu dir vsih kvnu dru khIAY drw BIqir dru kvnu lhY ] (877-2)jit dar vaseh kavan dar kahee-ai daraa bheetar dar kavan lahai. Where is that door, where You live, O Lord? What is that door called? Among all doors, who can find that door? ijsu dr kwrix iPrw audwsI so dru koeI Awie khY ]1] (877-3)jis dar kaaran firaa udaasee so dar ko-ee aa-ay kahai. ||1|| For the sake of that door, I wander around sadly, detached from the world; if only someone would come and tell me about that door. ||1|| ikn ibiD swgru qrIAY ] (877-4)kin biDh saagar taree-ai. How can I cross over the world-ocean? jIviqAw nh mrIAY ]1] rhwau ] (877-4)jeevti-aa nah maree-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o. While I am living, I cannot be dead. ||1||Pause|| duKu drvwjw rohu rKvwlw Awsw AMdysw duie pt jVy ] (877-4)dukh darvaajaa rohu rakhvaalaa aasaa andaysaa du-ay pat jarhay. Pain is the door, and anger is the guard; hope and anxiety are the two shutters. mwieAw jlu KweI pwxI Gru bwiDAw sq kY Awsix purKu rhY ]2] (877-5)maa-i-aa jal khaa-ee paanee ghar baaDhi-aa sat kai aasan purakh rahai. ||2|| Maya is the water in the moat; in the middle of this moat, he has built his home. The Primal Lord sits in the Seat of Truth. ||2|| ikMqy nwmw AMqu n jwixAw qum sir nwhI Avru hry ] (877-6)kintay naamaa ant na jaani-aa tum sar naahee avar haray. You have so many Names, Lord, I do not know their limit. There is no other equal to You. aUcw nhI khxw mn mih rhxw Awpy jwxY Awip kry ]3] (877-6)oochaa nahee kahnaa man meh rahnaa aapay jaanai aap karay. ||3|| Do not speak out loud - remain in your mind. The Lord Himself knows, and He Himself acts. ||3|| jb Awsw AMdysw qb hI ikau kir eyku khY ] (877-7)jab aasaa andaysaa tab hee ki-o kar ayk kahai. As long as there is hope, there is anxiety; so how can anyone speak of the One Lord? Awsw BIqir rhY inrwsw qau nwnk eyku imlY ]4] (877-7)aasaa bheetar rahai niraasaa ta-o naanak ayk milai. ||4|| In the midst of hope, remain untouched by hope; then, O Nanak, you shall meet the One Lord. ||4|| ien ibiD swgru qrIAY ] (877-8)in biDh saagar taree-ai. In this way, you shall cross over the world-ocean. jIviqAw ieau mrIAY ]1] rhwau dUjw ]3] (877-8)jeevti-aa i-o maree-ai. ||1|| rahaa-o doojaa. ||3|| This is the way to remain dead while yet alive. ||1||Second Pause||3|| rwmklI mhlw 1 ] (877-9)raamkalee mehlaa 1. Raamkalee, First Mehl: suriq sbdu swKI myrI isM|I bwjY loku suxy ] (877-9)surat sabad saakhee mayree sinyee baajai lok sunay. Awareness of the Shabad and the Teachings is my horn; the people hear the sound of its vibrations. pqu JolI mMgx kY qweI BIiKAw nwmu pVy ]1] (877-9)pat jholee mangan kai taa-ee bheekhi-aa naam parhay. ||1|| Honor is my begging-bowl, and the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the charity I receive. ||1|| bwbw gorKu jwgY ] (877-10)baabaa gorakh jaagai. O Baba, Gorakh is the Lord of the Universe; He is always awake and aware. gorKu so ijin goie auTwlI krqy bwr n lwgY ]1] rhwau ] (877-10)gorakh so jin go-ay uthaalee kartay baar na laagai. ||1|| rahaa-o. He alone is Gorakh, who sustains the earth; He created it in an instant. ||1||Pause|| pwxI pRwx pvix bMiD rwKy cMdu sUrju muiK dIey ] (877-11)paanee paraan pavan banDh raakhay chand sooraj mukh dee-ay. Binding together water and air, He infused the breath of life into the body, and made the lamps of the sun and the moon. mrx jIvx kau DrqI dInI eyqy gux ivsry ]2] (877-11)maran jeevan ka-o Dhartee deenee aytay gun visray. ||2|| To die and to live, He gave us the earth, but we have forgotten these blessings. ||2|| isD swiDk Aru jogI jMgm pIr purs bhuqyry ] (877-12)siDh saaDhik ar jogee jangam peer puras bahutayray. There are so many Siddhas, seekers, Yogis, wandering pilgrims, spiritual teachers and good people. jy iqn imlw q kIriq AwKw qw mnu syv kry ]3] (877-12)jay tin milaa ta keerat aakhaa taa man sayv karay. ||3|| If I meet them, I chant the Lord's Praises, and then, my mind serves Him. ||3|| kwgdu lUxu rhY iGRq sMgy pwxI kmlu rhY ] (877-13)kaagad loon rahai gharit sangay paanee kamal rahai. Paper and salt, protected by ghee, remain untouched by water, as the lotus remains unaffected in water. AYsy Bgq imlih jn nwnk iqn jmu ikAw krY ]4]4] (877-13)aisay bhagat mileh jan naanak tin jam ki-aa karai. ||4||4|| Those who meet with such devotees, O servant Nanak - what can death do to them? ||4||4|| rwmklI mhlw 1 ] (877-14)raamkalee mehlaa 1. Raamkalee, First Mehl: suix mwiCMdRw nwnku bolY ] (877-14)sun maachhindaraa naanak bolai. Listen, Machhindra, to what Nanak says. vsgiq pMc kry nh folY ] (877-15)vasgat panch karay nah dolai. One who subdues the five passions does not waver. AYsI jugiq jog kau pwly ] (877-15)aisee jugat jog ka-o paalay. One who practices Yoga in such a way, Awip qrY sgly kul qwry ]1] (877-15)aap tarai saglay kul taaray. ||1|| saves himself, and saves all his generations. ||1|| so AauDUqu AYsI miq pwvY ] (877-15)so a-uDhoot aisee mat paavai. He alone is a hermit, who attains such understanding. Aihinis suMin smwiD smwvY ]1] rhwau ] (877-16)ahinis sunn samaaDh samaavai. ||1|| rahaa-o. Day and night, he remains absorbed in deepest Samaadhi. ||1||Pause|| iBiKAw Bwie Bgiq BY clY ] (877-16)bhikhi-aa bhaa-ay bhagat bhai chalai. He begs for loving devotion to the Lord, and lives in the Fear of God. hovY su iqRpiq sMqoiK AmulY ] (877-17)hovai so taripat santokh amulai. He is satisfied, with the priceless gift of contentment. iDAwn rUip hoie Awsxu pwvY ] (877-17)Dhi-aan roop ho-ay aasan paavai. Becoming the embodiment of meditation, he attains the true Yogic posture. sic nwim qwVI icqu lwvY ]2] (877-17)sach naam taarhee chit laavai. ||2|| He focuses his consciousness in the deep trance of the True Name. ||2|| nwnku bolY AMimRq bwxI ] (877-18)naanak bolai amrit banee. Nanak chants the Ambrosial Bani. suix mwiCMdRw AauDU nIswxI ] (877-18)sun maachhindaraa a-oDhoo neesaanee. Listen, O Machhindra: this is the insignia of the true hermit. Awsw mwih inrwsu vlwey ] (877-18)aasaa maahi niraas valaa-ay. One who, in the midst of hope, remains untouched by hope, inhcau nwnk krqy pwey ]3] (877-18)nihcha-o naanak kartay paa-ay. ||3|| shall truly find the Creator Lord. ||3|| pRxviq nwnku Agmu suxwey ] (877-19)paranvat naanak agam sunaa-ay. Prays Nanak, I share the mysterious secrets of God. gur cyly kI sMiD imlwey ] (877-19)gur chaylay kee sanDh milaa-ay. The Guru and His disciple are joined together! dIiKAw dwrU Bojnu Kwie ] (877-19)deekhi-aa daaroo bhojan khaa-ay. One who eats this food, this medicine of the Teachings, |
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