Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


rwgu swrg caupdy mhlw 1 Gru 1(1197-1)
raag saarag cha-upday mehlaa 1 ghar 1
Raag Saarang, Chau-Padas, First Mehl, First House:

<> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (1197-2)
ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace:

Apuny Twkur kI hau cyrI ] (1197-4)
apunay thaakur kee ha-o chayree.
I am the hand-maiden of my Lord and Master.

crn ghy jgjIvn pRB ky haumY mwir inbyrI ]1] rhwau ] (1197-4)
charan gahay jagjeevan parabh kay ha-umai maar nibayree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have grasped the Feet of God, the Life of the world. He has killed and eradicated my egotism. ||1||Pause||

pUrn prm joiq prmysr pRIqm pRwn hmwry ] (1197-4)
pooran param jot parmaysar pareetam paraan hamaaray.
He is the Perfect, Supreme Light, the Supreme Lord God, my Beloved, my Breath of Life.

mohn moih lIAw mnu myrw smJis sbdu bIcwry ]1] (1197-5)
mohan mohi lee-aa man mayraa samjhas sabad beechaaray. ||1||
The Fascinating Lord has fascinated my mind; contemplating the Word of the Shabad, I have come to understand. ||1||

mnmuK hIn hoCI miq JUTI min qin pIr srIry ] (1197-6)
manmukh heen hochhee mat jhoothee man tan peer sareeray.
The worthless self-willed manmukh, with false and shallow understanding - his mind and body are held in pain's grip.

jb kI rwm rMgIlY rwqI rwm jpq mn DIry ]2] (1197-6)
jab kee raam rangeelai raatee raam japat man Dheeray. ||2||
Since I came to be imbued with the Love of my Beautiful Lord, I meditate on the Lord, and my mind is encouraged. ||2||

haumY Coif BeI bYrwgin qb swcI suriq smwnI ] (1197-7)
ha-umai chhod bha-ee bairaagan tab saachee surat samaanee.
Abandoning egotism, I have become detached. And now, I absorb true intuitive understanding.

Akul inrMjn isau mnu mwinAw ibsrI lwj luokwnI ]3] (1197-7)
akul niranjan si-o man maani-aa bisree laaj lokaanee. ||3||
The mind is pleased and appeased by the Pure, Immaculate Lord; the opinions of other people are irrelevant. ||3||

BUr BivK nwhI qum jYsy myry pRIqm pRwn ADwrw ] (1197-8)
bhoor bhavikh naahee tum jaisay mayray pareetam paraan aDhaaraa.
There is no other like You, in the past or in the future, O my Beloved, my Breath of Life, my Support.

hir kY nwim rqI sohwgin nwnk rwm Bqwrw ]4]1] (1197-8)
har kai naam ratee sohaagan naanak raam bhataaraa. ||4||1||
The soul-bride is imbued with the Name of the Lord; O Nanak, the Lord is her Husband. ||4||1||

swrg mhlw 1 ] (1197-9)
saarag mehlaa 1.
Saarang, First Mehl:

hir ibnu ikau rhIAY duKu ibAwpY ] (1197-9)
har bin ki-o rahee-ai dukh bi-aapai.
How can I survive without the Lord? I am suffering in pain.

ijhvw swdu n PIkI rs ibnu ibnu pRB kwlu sMqwpY ]1] rhwau ] (1197-10)
jihvaa saad na feekee ras bin bin parabh kaal santaapai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My tongue does not taste - all is bland without the Lord's sublime essence. Without God, I suffer and die. ||1||Pause||

jb lgu drsu n prsY pRIqm qb lgu BUK ipAwsI ] (1197-10)
jab lag daras na parsai pareetam tab lag bhookh pi-aasee.
As long as I do not attain the Blessed Vision of my Beloved, I remain hungry and thirsty.

drsnu dyKq hI mnu mwinAw jl ris kml ibgwsI ]1] (1197-11)
darsan daykhat hee man maani-aa jal ras kamal bigaasee. ||1||
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, my mind is pleased and appeased. The lotus blossoms forth in the water. ||1||

aUniv Gnhru grjY brsY koikl mor bYrwgY ] (1197-11)
oonav ghanhar garjai barsai kokil mor bairaagai.
The low-hanging clouds crack with thunder and burst. The cuckoos and the peacocks are filled with passion,

qrvr ibrK ibhMg BuieAMgm Gir ipru Dn sohwgY ]2] (1197-12)
tarvar birakh bihang bhu-i-angam ghar pir Dhan sohaagai. ||2||
along with the birds in the trees, the bulls and the snakes. The soul-bride is happy when her Husband Lord returns home. ||2||

kuicl kurUip kunwir kulKnI ipr kw shju n jwinAw ] (1197-13)
kuchil kuroop kunaar kulakhnee pir kaa sahj na jaani-aa.
She is filthy and ugly, unfeminine and ill-mannered - she has no intuitive understanding of her Husband Lord.

hir rs rMig rsn nhI iqRpqI durmiq dUK smwinAw ]3] (1197-13)
har ras rang rasan nahee tariptee durmat dookh samaani-aa. ||3||
She is not satisfied by the sublime essence of her Lord's Love; she is evil-minded, immersed in her pain. ||3||

Awie n jwvY nw duKu pwvY nw duK drdu srIry ] (1197-14)
aa-ay na jaavai naa dukh paavai naa dukh darad sareeray.
The soul-bride does not come and go in reincarnation or suffer in pain; her body is not touched by the pain of disease.

nwnk pRB qy shj suhylI pRB dyKq hI mnu DIry ]4]2] (1197-14)
naanak parabh tay sahj suhaylee parabh daykhat hee man Dheeray. ||4||2||
O Nanak, she is intuitively embellished by God; seeing God, her mind is encouraged. ||4||2||

swrg mhlw 1 ] (1197-15)
saarag mehlaa 1.
Saarang, First Mehl:

dUir nwhI myro pRBu ipAwrw ] (1197-15)
door naahee mayro parabh pi-aaraa.
My Beloved Lord God is not far away.

siqgur bcin myro mnu mwinAw hir pwey pRwn ADwrw ]1] rhwau ] (1197-15)
satgur bachan mayro man maani-aa har paa-ay paraan aDhaaraa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
My mind is pleased and appeased by the Word of the True Guru's Teachings. I have found the Lord, the Support of my breath of life. ||1||Pause||