Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


<> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (1352-1)
ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace:

rwgu jYjwvMqI mhlw 9 ](1352-3)
raag jaijaavantee mehlaa 9.
Raag Jaijaavantee, Ninth Mehl:

rwmu ismir rwmu ismir iehY qyrY kwij hY ] (1352-4)
raam simar raam simar ihai tayrai kaaj hai.
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord - meditate on the Lord; this alone shall be of use to you.

mwieAw ko sMgu iqAwgu pRB jU kI srin lwgu ] (1352-4)
maa-i-aa ko sang ti-aag parabh joo kee saran laag.
Abandon your association with Maya, and take shelter in the Sanctuary of God.

jgq suK mwnu imiQAw JUTo sB swju hY ]1] rhwau ] (1352-4)
jagat sukh maan mithi-aa jhootho sabh saaj hai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remember that the pleasures of the world are false; this whole show is just an illusion. ||1||Pause||

supny ijau Dnu pCwnu kwhy pir krq mwnu ] (1352-5)
supnay ji-o Dhan pachhaan kaahay par karat maan.
You must understand that this wealth is just a dream. Why are you so proud?

bwrU kI BIiq jYsy bsuDw ko rwju hY ]1] (1352-5)
baaroo kee bheet jaisay basuDhaa ko raaj hai. ||1||
The empires of the earth are like walls of sand. ||1||

nwnku jnu khqu bwq ibnis jYhY qyro gwqu ] (1352-6)
naanak jan kahat baat binas jaihai tayro gaat.
Servant Nanak speaks the Truth: your body shall perish and pass away.

iCnu iCnu kir gieE kwlu qYsy jwqu Awju hY ]2]1] (1352-6)
chhin chhin kar ga-i-o kaal taisay jaat aaj hai. ||2||1||
Moment by moment, yesterday passed. Today is passing as well. ||2||1||

jYjwvMqI mhlw 9 ] (1352-7)
jaijaavantee mehlaa 9.
Jaijaavantee, Ninth Mehl:

rwmu Bju rwmu Bju jnmu isrwqu hY ] (1352-7)
raam bhaj raam bhaj janam siraat hai.
Meditate on the Lord - vibrate on the Lord; your life is slipping away.

khau khw bwr bwr smJq nh ikau gvwr ] (1352-8)
kaha-o kahaa baar baar samjhat nah ki-o gavaar.
Why am I telling you this again and again? You fool - why don't you understand?

ibnsq nh lgY bwr Ery sm gwqu hY ]1] rhwau ] (1352-8)
binsat nah lagai baar oray sam gaat hai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Your body is like a hail-stone; it melts away in no time at all. ||1||Pause||

sgl Brm fwir dyih goibMd ko nwmu lyih ] (1352-9)
sagal bharam daar deh gobind ko naam layhi.
So give up all your doubts, and utter the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

AMiq bwr sMig qyrY iehY eyku jwqu hY ]1] (1352-9)
ant baar sang tayrai ihai ayk jaat hai. ||1||
At the very last moment, this alone shall go along with you. ||1||

ibiKAw ibKu ijau ibswir pRB kO jsu hIey Dwir ] (1352-10)
bikhi-aa bikh ji-o bisaar parabh kou jas hee-ay Dhaar.
Forget the poisonous sins of corruption, and enshrine the Praises of God in your heart.

nwnk jn kih pukwir Aausru ibhwqu hY ]2]2] (1352-10)
naanak jan kahi pukaar a-osar bihaat hai. ||2||2||
Servant Nanak proclaims that this opportunity is slipping away. ||2||2||

jYjwvMqI mhlw 9 ] (1352-11)
jaijaavantee mehlaa 9.
Jaijaavantee, Ninth Mehl:

ry mn kaun giq hoie hY qyrI ] (1352-11)
ray man ka-un gat ho-ay hai tayree.
O mortal, what will your condition be?

ieh jg mih rwm nwmu so qau nhI suinE kwin ] (1352-11)
ih jag meh raam naam so ta-o nahee suni-o kaan.
In this world, you have not listened to the Lord's Name.

ibiKAn isau Aiq luBwin miq nwihn PyrI ]1] rhwau ] (1352-12)
bikhi-an si-o at lubhaan mat naahin fayree. ||1|| rahaa-o.
You are totally engrossed in corruption and sin; you have not turned your mind away from them at all. ||1||Pause||

mwns ko jnmu lInu ismrnu nh inmK kInu ] (1352-12)
maanas ko janam leen simran nah nimakh keen.
You obtained this human life, but you have not remembered the Lord in meditation, even for an instant.

dwrw suK BieE dInu pghu prI byrI ]1] (1352-13)
daaraa sukh bha-i-o deen pagahu paree bayree. ||1||
For the sake of pleasure, you have become subservient to your woman, and now your feet are bound. ||1||

nwnk jn kih pukwir supnY ijau jg pswru ] (1352-13)
naanak jan kahi pukaar supnai ji-o jag pasaar.
Servant Nanak proclaims that the vast expanse of this world is just a dream.

ismrq nh ikau murwir mwieAw jw kI cyrI ]2]3] (1352-14)
simrat nah ki-o muraar maa-i-aa jaa kee chayree. ||2||3||
Why not meditate on the Lord? Even Maya is His slave. ||2||3||

jYjwvMqI mhlw 9 ] (1352-14)
jaijaavantee mehlaa 9.
Jaijaavantee, Ninth Mehl:

bIq jYhY bIq jYhY jnmu Akwju ry ] (1352-14)
beet jaihai beet jaihai janam akaaj ray.
Slipping away - your life is uselessly slipping away.

inis idnu suin kY purwn smJq nh ry Ajwn ] (1352-15)
nis din sun kai puraan samjhat nah ray ajaan.
Night and day, you listen to the Puraanas, but you do not understand them, you ignorant fool!

kwlu qau phUicE Awin khw jYhY Bwij ry ]1] rhwau ] (1352-15)
kaal ta-o pahoochi-o aan kahaa jaihai bhaaj ray. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Death has arrived; now where will you run? ||1||Pause||