Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1353 AsiQru jo mwinE dyh so qau qyrau hoie hY Kyh ] (1353-1)asthir jo maani-o dayh so ta-o tayra-o ho-ay hai khayh. You believed that this body was permanent, but it shall turn to dust. ikau n hir ko nwmu lyih mUrK inlwj ry ]1] (1353-1)ki-o na har ko naam layhi moorakh nilaaj ray. ||1|| Why don't you chant the Name of the Lord, you shameless fool? ||1|| rwm Bgiq hIey Awin Cwif dy qY mn ko mwnu ] (1353-2)raam bhagat hee-ay aan chhaad day tai man ko maan. Let devotional worship of the Lord enter into your heart, and abandon the intellectualism of your mind. nwnk jn ieh bKwin jg mih ibrwju ry ]2]4] (1353-2)naanak jan ih bakhaan jag meh biraaj ray. ||2||4|| O Servant Nanak, this is the way to live in the world. ||2||4|| <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (1353-4)ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: (1353-6) salok sehaskiritee mehlaa 1. Shalok Sehskritee, First Mehl: piV@ pusœk sMiDAw bwdM ] (1353-7)parhH pustak sanDhi-aa baadaN. You study the scriptures, say your prayers and argue; isl pUjis bgul smwDM ] (1353-7)sil poojas bagul samaaDhaN. you worship stones and sit like a crane, pretending to meditate. muiK JUTu ibBUKn swrM ] (1353-7)mukh jhooth bibhookhan saaraN. You speak lies and well-ornamented falsehood, qRYpwl iqhwl ibcwrM ] (1353-7)taraipaal tihaal bichaaraN. and recite your daily prayers three times a day. gil mwlw iqlk illwtM ] (1353-8)gal maalaa tilak lilaataN. The mala is around your neck, and the sacred tilak mark is on your forehead. duie DoqI bsqR kpwtM ] (1353-8)du-ay Dhotee bastar kapaataN. You wear two loin cloths, and keep your head covered. jo jwnis bRhmM krmM ] (1353-8)jo jaanas barahmaN karmaN. If you know God and the nature of karma, sB Pokt inscY krmM ] (1353-8)sabh fokat nischai karmaN. you know that all these rituals and beliefs are useless. khu nwnk inscO iD´wvY ] (1353-9)kaho naanak nischou Dhi-yaavai. Says Nanak, meditate on the Lord with faith. ibnu siqgur bwt n pwvY ]1] (1353-9)bin satgur baat na paavai. ||1|| Without the True Guru, no one finds the Way. ||1|| inhPlµ qs´ jnms´ jwvd bRhm n ibMdqy ] (1353-9)nihfalaN tas-y janmas-y jaavad barahm na bindtay. The mortal's life is fruitless, as long as he does not know God. swgrM sMswrs´ gur prswdI qrih ky ] (1353-10)saagraN sansaarsa-y gur parsaadee tareh kay. Only a few, by Guru's Grace, cross over the world-ocean. krx kwrx smrQu hY khu nwnk bIcwir ] (1353-10)karan kaaran samrath hai kaho naanak beechaar. The Creator, the Cause of causes, is All-powerful. Thus speaks Nanak, after deep deliberation. kwrxu krqy vis hY ijin kl rKI Dwir ]2] (1353-11)kaaran kartay vas hai jin kal rakhee Dhaar. ||2|| The Creation is under the control of the Creator. By His Power, He sustains and supports it. ||2|| jog sbdM igAwn sbdM byd sbdM q bRwhmxh ] (1353-11)jog sabdaN gi-aan sabdaN bayd sabdaN ta barahmaneh. The Shabad is Yoga, the Shabad is spiritual wisdom; the Shabad is the Vedas for the Brahmin. K´qRI sbdM sUr sbdM sUdR sbdM prw ik®qh ] (1353-12)kha-ytaree sabdaN soor sabdaN soodar sabdaN paraa kirteh. The Shabad is heroic bravery for the Khshaatriya; the Shabad is service to others for the Soodra. srb sbdM q eyk sbdM jy ko jwnis Byau ] (1353-12)sarab sabdaN ta ayk sabdaN jay ko jaanas bhay-o. The Shabad for all is the Shabad, the Word of the One God, for one who knows this secret. nwnk qw ko dwsu hY soeI inrMjn dyau ]3] (1353-13)naanak taa ko daas hai so-ee niranjan day-o. ||3|| Nanak is the slave of the Divine, Immaculate Lord. ||3|| eyk ik®s˜M q srb dyvw dyv dyvw q Awqmh ] AwqmM sRI bwsÍdyvs´ jy koeI jwnis Byv ] (1353-13)ayk krisanN ta sarab dayvaa dayv dayvaa ta aatmah. aatmaN saree baasavdaivas-y jay ko-ee jaanas bhayv. The One Lord is the Divinity of all divinities. He is the Divinity of the soul. nwnk qw ko dwsu hY soeI inrMjn dyv ]4] (1353-14)naanak taa ko daas hai so-ee niranjan dayv. ||4|| Nanak is the slave of that one who knows the Secrets of the soul and the Supreme Lord God. He is the Divine Immaculate Lord Himself. ||4|| (1353-15) salok sehaskaritee mehlaa 5 Shalok Sehskritee , Fifth Mehl: <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (1353-15)ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: kqMc mwqw kqMc ipqw kqMc binqw ibnod suqh ] (1353-17)katanch maataa katanch pitaa katanch banitaa binod sutah. Who is the mother, and who is the father? Who is the son, and what is the pleasure of marriage? kqMc BRwq mIq ihq bMDv kqMc moh kutMb´qy ] (1353-17)katanch bharaat meet hit banDhav katanch moh kutamb-yatay. Who is the brother, friend, companion and relative? Who is emotionally attached to the family? kqMc cpl mohnI rUpM pyKMqy iqAwgM kroiq ] (1353-18)katanch chapal mohnee roopaN paykhantay ti-aagaN karot. Who is restlessly attached to beauty? It leaves, as soon as we see it. rhMq sMg Bgvwn ismrx nwnk lbD´M Acuq qnh ]1] (1353-18)rahant sang bhagvaan simran naanak labDha-yaN achut tanah. ||1|| Only the meditative remembrance of God remains with us. O Nanak, it brings the blessings of the Saints, the sons of the Imperishable Lord. ||1|| |
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