Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1361 pRIqm Bgvwn Acuq ] (1361-1)pareetam bhagvaan achut. The Beloved Eternal Lord God, nwnk sMswr swgr qwrxh ]14] (1361-1)naanak sansaar saagar taarnah. ||14|| O Nanak, carries us across the world-ocean. ||14|| mrxM ibsrxM goibMdh ] (1361-1)marnaN bisranaN gobindah. It is death to forget the Lord of the Universe. jIvxM hir nwm D´wvxh ] (1361-2)jeevanaN har naam Dha-yaavaneh. It is life to meditate on the Name of the Lord. lBxM swD sMgyx ] (1361-2)labh-naN saaDh sangayn. The Lord is found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, nwnk hir pUrib ilKxh ]15] (1361-2)naanak har poorab likh-neh. ||15|| O Nanak, by pre-ordained destiny. ||15|| dsn ibhUn BuXMgM mMqRM gwruVI invwrM ] (1361-2)dasan bihoon bhu-yaaNgaN mantraN gaarurhee nivaaraN. The snake-charmer, by his spell, neutralizes the poison and leaves the snake without fangs. b´wiD aupwVx sMqM ] (1361-3)bayaaDh upaarhan santaN. Just so, the Saints remove suffering; nwnk lbD krmxh ]16] (1361-3)naanak labaDh karamneh. ||16|| O Nanak, they are found by good karma. ||16|| jQ kQ rmxM srxM srbqR jIAxh ] (1361-3)jath kath ramnaN sarnaN sarbatar jee-anah. The Lord is All-pervading everywhere; He gives Sanctuary to all living beings. qQ lgxM pRym nwnk ] (1361-4)tath lagnaN paraym naanak. The mind is touched by His Love, O Nanak, prswdM gur drsnh ]17] (1361-4)parsaadaN gur darasneh. ||17|| by Guru's Grace, and the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||17|| crxwribMd mn ibD´M ] (1361-4)charnaarbind man biDh-yaN. My mind is pierced through by the Lord's Lotus Feet. isD´M srb kuslxh ] (1361-4)siDh-yaN sarab kusalneh. I am blessed with total happiness. gwQw gwvMiq nwnk Bb´M prw pUrbxh ]18] (1361-5)gaathaa gavant naanak bhab-yaN paraa poorabneh. ||18|| Holy people have been singing this Gaat'haa, O Nanak, since the very beginning of time. ||18|| suB bcn rmxM gvxM swD sMgyx auDrxh ] sMswr swgrM nwnk punrip jnm n lB´qy ]19] (1361-5)subh bachan ramnaN gavnaN saaDh sangayn uDharneh. sansaar saagraN naanak punrap janam na labh-yatai. ||19|| Chanting and singing the Sublime Word of God in the Saadh Sangat, mortals are saved from the world-ocean. O Nanak, they shall never again be consigned to reincarnation. ||19|| byd purwx swsqR bIcwrM ] (1361-6)bayd puraan saastar beechaaraN. People contemplate the Vedas, Puraanas and Shaastras. eykMkwr nwm aur DwrM ] (1361-6)aykankaar naam ur DhaaraN. But by enshrining in their hearts the Naam, the Name of the One and Only Creator of the Universe, kulh smUh sgl auDwrM ] (1361-7)kulah samooh sagal uDhaaraN. everyone can be saved. bfBwgI nwnk ko qwrM ]20] (1361-7)badbhaagee naanak ko taaraN. ||20|| By great good fortune, O Nanak, a few cross over like this. ||20|| ismrxM goibMd nwmM auDrxM kul smUhxh ] (1361-7)simarnaN gobind naamaN uDharnaN kul samoohneh. Meditating in remembrance on the Naam, the Name of Lord of the Universe, all one's generations are saved. lbiDAM swD sMgyx nwnk vfBwgI BytMiq drsnh ]21] (1361-8)labDhi-aN saaDh sangayn naanak vadbhaagee bhaytant darasneh. ||21|| It is obtained in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. O Nanak, by great good fortune, the Blessed Vision of His Darshan is seen. ||21|| srb doK prMiqAwgI srb Drm idRVMqxÚ ] (1361-8)sarab dokh paraNtiaagee sarab Dharam darirh-aaNtanh. Abandon all your evil habits, and implant all Dharmic faith within. lbDyix swD sMgyix nwnk msqik ilK´xÚ ]22] (1361-9)labh-Dhayn saaDh sangayn naanak mastak likh-yan-a. ||22|| The Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, is obtained, O Nanak, by those who have such destiny written upon their foreheads. ||22|| hoXo hY hovMqo hrx Brx sMpUrxÚ ] (1361-9)hoyo hai hovanto haran bharan sampooran-a. God was, is, and shall always be. He sustains and destroys all. swDU sqm jwxo nwnk pRIiq kwrxM ]23] (1361-10)saaDhoo satam jaano naanak pareet kaarnaN. ||23|| Know that these Holy people are true, O Nanak; they are in love with the Lord. ||23|| suKyx bYx rqnµ rcnµ ksuMB rMgxÚ ] (1361-10)sukhayn bain ratanaN rachanaN kasumbh raNgan-a. The mortal is engrossed in sweet words and transitory pleasures which shall soon fade away. rog sog ibEgM nwnk suKu n supnh ]24] (1361-11)rog sog biogaN naanak sukh na supnah. ||24|| Disease, sorrow and separation afflict him; O Nanak, he never finds peace, even in dreams. ||24|| (1361-12) funhay mehlaa 5 Phunhay, Fifth Mehl: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1361-12)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: hwiQ klµm AgMm msqik lyKwvqI ] (1361-13)haath kalamm agamm mastak laykhaavatee. With Pen in Hand, the Unfathomable Lord writes the mortal's destiny upon his forehead. auriJ rihE sB sMig AnUp rUpwvqI ] (1361-13)urajh rahi-o sabh sang anoop roopaavatee. The Incomparably Beautiful Lord is involved with all. ausqiq khnu n jwie muKhu quhwrIAw ] (1361-13)ustat kahan na jaa-ay mukhahu tuhaaree-aa. I cannot utter Your Praises with my mouth. mohI dyiK drsu nwnk bilhwrIAw ]1] (1361-14)mohee daykh daras naanak balihaaree-aa. ||1|| Nanak is fascinated, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. I am a sacrifice to You. ||1|| sMq sBw mih bYis ik kIriq mY khW ] (1361-14)sant sabhaa meh bais ke keerat mai kahaaN. Seated in the Society of the Saints, I chant the Lord's Praises. ArpI sBu sIgwru eyhu jIau sBu idvw ] (1361-15)arpee sabh seegaar ayhu jee-o sabh divaa. I dedicate all my adornments to Him, and give all this soul to Him. Aws ipAwsI syj su kMiq ivCweIAY ] (1361-15)aas pi-aasee sayj so kant vichhaa-ee-ai. With hopeful yearning for Him, I have made the bed for my Husband. hirhW msqik hovY Bwgu q swjnu pweIAY ]2] (1361-15)harihaaN mastak hovai bhaag ta saajan paa-ee-ai. ||2|| O Lord! If such good destiny is inscribed upon my forehead, then I shall find my Friend. ||2|| sKI kwjl hwr qMbol sBY ikCu swijAw ] (1361-16)sakhee kaajal haar tambol sabhai kichh saaji-aa. O my companion, I have prepared everything: make-up, garlands and betel-leaves. solh kIey sIgwr ik AMjnu pwijAw ] (1361-16)solah kee-ay seegaar ke anjan paaji-aa. I have embellished myself with the sixteen decorations, and applied the mascara to my eyes. jy Gir AwvY kMqu q sBu ikCu pweIAY ] (1361-17)jay ghar aavai kant ta sabh kichh paa-ee-ai. If my Husband Lord comes to my home, then I obtain everything. hirhW kMqY bwJu sIgwru sBu ibrQw jweIAY ]3] (1361-17)harihaaN kantai baajh seegaar sabh birthaa jaa-ee-ai. ||3|| O Lord! Without my Husband, all these adornments are useless. ||3|| ijsu Gir visAw kMqu sw vfBwgxy ] (1361-18)jis ghar vasi-aa kant saa vadbhaagnay. Very fortunate is she, within whose home the Husband Lord abides. iqsu bixAw hBu sIgwru sweI sohwgxy ] (1361-18)tis bani-aa habh seegaar saa-ee sohaagnay. She is totally adorned and decorated; she is a happy soul-bride. hau suqI hoie AicMq min Aws purweIAw ] (1361-19)ha-o sutee ho-ay achint man aas puraa-ee-aa. I sleep in peace, without anxiety; the hopes of my mind have been fulfilled. hirhW jw Gir AwieAw kMqu q sBu ikCu pweIAw ]4] (1361-19)harihaaN jaa ghar aa-i-aa kant ta sabh kichh paa-ee-aa. ||4|| O Lord! When my Husband came into the home of my heart, I obtained everything. ||4|| |
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