Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1363 hY koaU AYsw mIqu ij qorY ibKm gWiT ] (1363-1)hai ko-oo aisaa meet je torai bikham gaaNth. Is there any such friend, who can untie this difficult knot? nwnk ieku sRIDr nwQu ij tUty lyie sWiT ]15] (1363-1)naanak ik sareeDhar naath je tootay lay-ay saaNth. ||15|| O Nanak, the One Supreme Lord and Master of the earth reunites the separated ones. ||15|| Dwvau dsw Anyk pRym pRB kwrxy ] (1363-2)Dhaava-o dasaa anayk paraym parabh kaarnay. I run around in all directions, searching for the love of God. pMc sqwvih dUq kvn ibiD mwrxy ] (1363-2)panch sataaveh doot kavan biDh maarnay. The five evil enemies are tormenting me; how can I destroy them? qIKx bwx clwie nwmu pRB D´weIAY ] (1363-2)teekhan baan chalaa-ay naam parabh Dha-yaa-ee-ai. Shoot them with the sharp arrows of meditation on the Name of God. hirhW mhW ibKwdI Gwq pUrn guru pweIAY ]16] (1363-3)harihaaN mahaaN bikhaadee ghaat pooran gur paa-ee-ai. ||16|| O Lord! The way to slaughter these terrible sadistic enemies is obtained from the Perfect Guru. ||16|| siqgur kInI dwiq mUil n inKuteI ] (1363-3)satgur keenee daat mool na nikhuta-ee. The True Guru has blessed me with the bounty which shall never be exhausted. Kwvhu BuMchu siB gurmuiK CuteI ] (1363-4)kaavahu bhunchahu sabh gurmukh chhut-ee. Eating and consuming it, all the Gurmukhs are emancipated. AMimRqu nwmu inDwnu idqw quis hir ] (1363-4)amrit naam niDhaan ditaa tus har. The Lord, in His Mercy, has blessed me with the treasure of the Ambrosial Naam. nwnk sdw ArwiD kdy n jWih mir ]17] (1363-5)naanak sadaa araaDh kaday na jaaNhi mar. ||17|| O Nanak, worship and adore the Lord, who never dies. ||17|| ijQY jwey Bgqu su Qwnu suhwvxw ] (1363-5)jithai jaa-ay bhagat so thaan suhaavanaa. Wherever the Lord's devotee goes is a blessed, beautiful place. sgly hoey suK hir nwmu iDAwvxw ] (1363-5)saglay ho-ay sukh har naam Dhi-aavanaa. All comforts are obtained, meditating on the Lord's Name. jIA krin jYkwru inMdk muey pic ] (1363-6)jee-a karan jaikaar nindak mu-ay pach. People praise and congratulate the devotee of the Lord, while the slanderers rot and die. swjn min Awnµdu nwnk nwmu jip ]18] (1363-6)saajan man aanand naanak naam jap. ||18|| Says Nanak, O friend, chant the Naam, and your mind shall be filled with bliss. ||18|| pwvn piqq punIq kqh nhI syvIAY ] (1363-7)paavan patit puneet katah nahee sayvee-ai. The mortal never serves the Immaculate Lord, the Purifier of sinners. JUTY rMig KuAwru khW lgu KyvIAY ] (1363-7)jhoothai rang khu-aar kahaaN lag khayvee-ai. The mortal wastes away in false pleasures. How long can this go on? hircMdaurI pyiK kwhy suKu mwinAw ] (1363-8)harichand-uree paykh kaahay sukh maani-aa. Why do you take such pleasure, looking at this mirage? hirhW hau bilhwrI iqMn ij drgih jwinAw ]19] (1363-8)harihaaN ha-o balihaaree tinn je dargahi jaani-aa. ||19|| O Lord! I am a sacrifice to those who are known and approved in the Court of the Lord. ||19|| kIny krm Anyk gvwr ibkwr Gn ] (1363-9)keenay karam anayk gavaar bikaar ghan. The fool commits countless foolish actions and so many sinful mistakes. mhw dRügMDq vwsu sT kw Cwru qn ] (1363-9)mahaa darugaNDhat vaas sath kaa chhaar tan. The fool's body smells rotten, and turns to dust. iPrqau grb gubwir mrxu nh jwneI ] (1363-9)firta-o garab gubaar maran nah jaan-ee. He wanders lost in the darkness of pride, and never thinks of dying. hirhW hircMdaurI pyiK kwhy scu mwneI ]20] (1363-10)harihaaN harichand-uree paykh kaahay sach maan-ee. ||20|| O Lord! The mortal gazes upon the mirage; why does he think it is true? ||20|| ijs kI pUjY AauD iqsY kauxu rwKeI ] (1363-10)jis kee poojai a-oDh tisai ka-un raakh-ee. When someone's days are over, who can save him? bYdk Aink aupwv khW lau BwKeI ] (1363-11)baidak anik upaav kahaaN la-o bhaakh-ee. How long can the physicians go on, suggesting various therapies? eyko cyiq gvwr kwij qyrY AwveI ] (1363-11)ayko chayt gavaar kaaj tayrai aavee. You fool, remember the One Lord; only He shall be of use to you in the end. hirhW ibnu nwvY qnu Cwru ibRQw sBu jwveI ]21] (1363-12)harihaaN bin naavai tan chhaar baritha sabh jaav-ee. ||21|| O Lord! Without the Name, the body turns to dust, and everything goes to waste. ||21|| AauKDu nwmu Apwru Amolku pIjeI ] (1363-12)a-ukhaDh naam apaar amolak peej-ee. Drink in the medicine of the Incomparable, Priceless Name. imil imil Kwvih sMq sgl kau dIjeI ] (1363-13)mil mil khaaveh sant sagal ka-o deej-ee. Meeting and joining together, the Saints drink it in, and give it to everyone. ijsY prwpiq hoie iqsY hI pwvxy ] (1363-13)jisai paraapat ho-ay tisai hee paavnay. He alone is blessed with it, who is destined to receive it. hirhW hau bilhwrI iqMn@ ij hir rMgu rwvxy ]22] (1363-13)harihaaN ha-o balihaaree tinH je har rang raavnay. ||22|| O Lord! I am a sacrifice to those who enjoy the Love of the Lord. ||22|| vYdw sMdw sMgu iekTw hoieAw ] (1363-14)vaidaa sandaa sang ikthaa ho-i-aa. The physicians meet together in their assembly. AauKd Awey rwis ivic Awip KloieAw ] (1363-14)a-ukhad aa-ay raas vich aap khalo-i-aa. The medicines are effective, when the Lord Himself stands in their midst. jo jo Enw krm sukrm hoie psirAw ] (1363-15)jo jo onaa karam sukaram ho-ay pasri-aa. Their good deeds and karma become apparent. hirhW dUK rog siB pwp qn qy iKsirAw ]23] (1363-15)harihaaN dookh rog sabh paap tan tay khisri-aa. ||23|| O Lord! Pains, diseases and sins all vanish from their bodies. ||23|| (1363-17) cha-ubolay mehlaa 5 Chaubolas, Fifth Mehl: <> siqgur pRswid ] (1363-17)ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: sMmn jau ies pRym kI dm ik´hu hoqI swt ] (1363-18)samman ja-o is paraym kee dam ki-yahoo hotee saat. O Samman, if one could buy this love with money, rwvn huqy su rMk nih ijin isr dIny kwit ]1] (1363-18)raavan hutay so rank neh jin sir deenay kaat. ||1|| then consider Raawan the king. He was not poor, but he could not buy it, even though he offered his head to Shiva. ||1|| pRIiq pRym qnu Kic rihAw bIcu n rweI hoq ] (1363-19)pareet paraym tan khach rahi-aa beech na raa-ee hot. My body is drenched in love and affection for the Lord; there is no distance at all between us. crn kml mnu byiDE bUJnu suriq sMjog ]2] (1363-19)charan kamal man bayDhi-o boojhan surat sanjog. ||2|| My mind is pierced through by the Lotus Feet of the Lord. He is realized when one's intuitive consciousness is attuned to Him. ||2|| |
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