Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


AYsy mrny jo mrY bhuir n mrnw hoie ]29] (1366-1)
aisay marnay jo marai bahur na marnaa ho-ay. ||29||
Let those who die, die such a death, that they shall never have to die again. ||29||

kbIr mwns jnmu dulµBu hY hoie n bwrY bwr ] (1366-1)
kabeer maanas janam dulambh hai ho-ay na baarai baar.
Kabeer, it is so difficult to obtain this human body; it does not just come over and over again.

ijau bn Pl pwky Buie igrih bhuir n lwgih fwr ]30] (1366-1)
ji-o ban fal paakay bhu-ay gireh bahur na laageh daar. ||30||
It is like the ripe fruit on the tree; when it falls to the ground, it cannot be re-attached to the branch. ||30||

kbIrw quhI kbIru qU qyro nwau kbIru ] (1366-2)
kabeeraa tuhee kabeer too tayro naa-o kabeer.
Kabeer, you are Kabeer; your name means great.

rwm rqnu qb pweIAY jau pihly qjih srIru ]31] (1366-3)
raam ratan tab paa-ee-ai ja-o pahilay tajeh sareer. ||31||
O Lord, You are Kabeer. The Jewel of the Lord is obtained, when the mortal first gives up his body. ||31||

kbIr JMKu n JMKIAY qumro kihE n hoie ] (1366-3)
kabeer jhankh na jhankhee-ai tumro kahi-o na ho-ay.
Kabeer, do not struggle in stubborn pride; nothing happens just because you say so.

krm krIm ju kir rhy myit n swkY koie ]32] (1366-4)
karam kareem jo kar rahay mayt na saakai ko-ay. ||32||
No one can erase the actions of the Merciful Lord. ||32||

kbIr ksautI rwm kI JUTw itkY n koie ] (1366-4)
kabeer kasa-utee raam kee jhoothaa tikai na ko-ay.
Kabeer, no one who is false can withstand the Touchstone of the Lord.

rwm ksautI so shY jo mir jIvw hoie ]33] (1366-5)
raam kasa-utee so sahai jo mar jeevaa ho-ay. ||33||
He alone can pass the test of the Lord's Touchstone, who remains dead while yet alive. ||33||

kbIr aUjl pihrih kwpry pwn supwrI Kwih ] (1366-5)
kabeer oojal pahirahi kaapray paan supaaree khaahi.
Kabeer, some wear gaudy robes, and chew betel leaves and betel nuts.

eyks hir ky nwm ibnu bwDy jm puir jWih ]34] (1366-6)
aykas har kay naam bin baaDhay jam pur jaaNhi. ||34||
Without the Name of the One Lord, they are bound and gagged and taken to the City of Death. ||34||

kbIr byVw jrjrw PUty CyNk hjwr ] (1366-6)
kabeer bayrhaa jarjaraa footay chhayNk hajaar.
Kabeer, the boat is old, and it has thousands of holes.

hrUey hrUey iqir gey fUby ijn isr Bwr ]35] (1366-6)
haroo-ay haroo-ay tir ga-ay doobay jin sir bhaar. ||35||
Those who are light get across, while those who carry the weight of their sins on their heads are drowned. ||35||

kbIr hwf jry ijau lwkrI kys jry ijau Gwsu ] (1366-7)
kabeer haad jaray ji-o laakree kays jaray ji-o ghaas.
Kabeer, the bones burn like wood, and the hair burns like straw.

iehu jgu jrqw dyiK kY BieE kbIru audwsu ]36] (1366-7)
ih jag jartaa daykh kai bha-i-o kabeer udaas. ||36||
Seeing the world burning like this, Kabeer has become sad. ||36||

kbIr grbu n kIjIAY cwm lpyty hwf ] (1366-8)
kabeer garab na keejee-ai chaam lapaytay haad.
Kabeer, do not be so proud of your bones wrapped up in skin.

hYvr aUpir CqR qr qy Puin DrnI gwf ]37] (1366-8)
haivar oopar chhatar tar tay fun Dharnee gaad. ||37||
Those who were on their horses and under their canopies, were eventually buried under the ground. ||37||

kbIr grbu n kIjIAY aUcw dyiK Avwsu ] (1366-9)
kabeer garab na keejee-ai oochaa daykh avaas.
Kabeer, do not be so proud of your tall mansions.

Awju kwil@ Buie lytxw aUpir jwmY Gwsu ]38] (1366-9)
aaj kaaliH bhu-ay laytnaa oopar jaamai ghaas. ||38||
Today or tomorrow, you shall lie beneath the ground, and the grass shall grow above you. ||38||

kbIr grbu n kIjIAY rMku n hsIAY koie ] (1366-10)
kabeer garab na keejee-ai rank na hasee-ai ko-ay.
Kabeer, do not be so proud, and do not laugh at the poor.

Ajhu su nwau smuMdR mih ikAw jwnau ikAw hoie ]39] (1366-10)
ajahu so naa-o samundar meh ki-aa jaan-o ki-aa ho-ay. ||39||
Your boat is still out at sea; who knows what will happen? ||39||

kbIr grbu n kIjIAY dyhI dyiK surMg ] (1366-11)
kabeer garab na keejee-ai dayhee daykh surang.
Kabeer, do not be so proud, looking at your beautiful body.

Awju kwil@ qij jwhugy ijau kWcurI BuXMg ]40] (1366-11)
aaj kaaliH taj jaahugay ji-o kaaNchuree bhuyang. ||40||
Today or tomorrow, you will have to leave it behind, like the snake shedding its skin. ||40||

kbIr lUtnw hY q lUit lY rwm nwm hY lUit ] (1366-12)
kabeer lootnaa hai ta loot lai raam naam hai loot.
Kabeer, if you must rob and plunder, then plunder the plunder of the Lord's Name.

iPir pwCY pCuqwhugy pRwn jwihMgy CUit ]41] (1366-12)
fir paachhai pachhutaahugay paraan jaahingay chhoot. ||41||
Otherwise, in the world hereafter, you will regret and repent, when the breath of life leaves the body. ||41||

kbIr AYsw koeI n jnimE ApnY Gir lwvY Awig ] (1366-13)
kabeer aisaa ko-ee na janmi-o apnai ghar laavai aag.
Kabeer, there is no one born, who burns his own home,

pWcau lirkw jwir kY rhY rwm ilv lwig ]42] (1366-13)
paaNcha-o larikaa jaar kai rahai raam liv laag. ||42||
and burning his five sons, remains lovingly attuned to the Lord. ||42||

ko hY lirkw byceI lirkI bycY koie ] (1366-14)
ko hai larikaa baych-ee larikee baychai ko-ay.
Kabeer, how rare are those who sell their son and sell their daughter

swJw krY kbIr isau hir sMig bnju kryie ]43] (1366-14)
saajhaa karai kabeer si-o har sang banaj karay-i. ||43||
and, entering into partnership with Kabeer, deal with the Lord. ||43||

kbIr ieh cyqwvnI mq shsw rih jwie ] (1366-15)
kabeer ih chaytaavnee mat sahsaa reh jaa-ay.
Kabeer, let me remind you of this. Do not be skeptical or cynical.

pwCY Bog ju Bogvy iqn ko guVu lY Kwih ]44] (1366-15)
paachhai bhog jo bhogvay tin ko gurh lai khaahi. ||44||
Those pleasures which you enjoyed so much in the past - now you must eat their fruits. ||44||

kbIr mY jwinE piVbo Blo piVby isau Bl jogu ] (1366-16)
kabeer mai jaani-o parhibo bhalo parhibay si-o bhal jog.
Kabeer, at first, I thought learning was good; then I thought Yoga was better.

Bgiq n Cwfau rwm kI BwvY inMdau logu ]45] (1366-16)
bhagat na chhaada-o raam kee bhaavai ninda-o log. ||45||
I shall never abandon devotional worship of the Lord, even though people may slander me. ||45||

kbIr logu ik inMdY bpuVw ijh min nwhI igAwnu ] (1366-17)
kabeer log ke nindai bapurhaa jih man naahee gi-aan.
Kabeer, how can the wretched people slander me? They have no wisdom or intelligence.

rwm kbIrw riv rhy Avr qjy sB kwm ]46] (1366-17)
raam kabeeraa rav rahay avar tajay sabh kaam. ||46||
Kabeer continues to dwell upon the Lord's Name; I have abandoned all other affairs. ||46||

kbIr prdysI kY GwGrY chu idis lwgI Awig ] (1366-18)
kabeer pardaysee kai ghaaghrai chahu dis laagee aag.
Kabeer, the robe of the stranger-soul has caught fire on all four sides.

iKMQw jil koielw BeI qwgy AWc n lwg ]47] (1366-18)
khinthaa jal ko-ilaa bha-ee taagay aaNch na laag. ||47||
The cloth of the body has been burnt and reduced to charcoal, but the fire did not touch the thread of the soul. ||47||

kbIr iKMQw jil koielw BeI Kwpru PUt mPUt ] (1366-19)
kabeer khinthaa jal ko-ilaa bha-ee khaapar foot mafoot.
Kabeer, the cloth has been burnt and reduced to charcoal, and the begging bowl is shattered into pieces.

jogI bpuVw KyilE Awsin rhI ibBUiq ]48] (1366-19)
jogee bapurhaa khayli-o aasan rahee bibhoot. ||48||
The poor Yogi has played out his game; only ashes remain on his seat. ||48||