Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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1365 lY Pwhy auiT Dwvqy is jwin mwry BgvMq ]10] (1365-1)lai faahay uth Dhaavtay se jaan maaray bhagvant. ||10|| They take the noose and run around; but rest assured that God shall destroy them. ||10|| kbIr cMdn kw ibrvw Blw byiV@E Fwk plws ] (1365-1)kabeer chandan kaa birvaa bhalaa bayrheha-o dhaak palaas. Kabeer, the sandalwood tree is good, even though it is surrounded by weeds. Eie BI cMdnu hoie rhy bsy ju cMdn pwis ]11] (1365-2)o-ay bhee chandan ho-ay rahay basay jo chandan paas. ||11|| Those who dwell near the sandalwood tree, become just like the sandalwood tree. ||11|| kbIr bWsu bfweI bUifAw ieau mq fUbhu koie ] (1365-2)kabeer baaNs badaa-ee boodi-aa i-o mat doobahu ko-ay. Kabeer, the bamboo is drowned in its egotistical pride. No one should drown like this. cMdn kY inkty bsY bWsu sugMDu n hoie ]12] (1365-3)chandan kai niktay basai baaNs suganDh na ho-ay. ||12|| Bamboo also dwells near the sandalwood tree, but it does not take up its fragrance. ||12|| kbIr dInu gvwieAw dunI isau dunI n cwlI swiQ ] (1365-3)kabeer deen gavaa-i-aa dunee si-o dunee na chaalee saath. Kabeer, the mortal loses his faith, for the sake of the world, but the world shall not go along with him in the end. pwie kuhwVw mwirAw gwPil ApunY hwiQ ]13] (1365-4)paa-ay kuhaarhaa maari-aa gaafal apunai haath. ||13|| The idiot strikes his own foot with the axe by his own hand. ||13|| kbIr jh jh hau iPirE kauqk TwE Twie ] (1365-4)kabeer jah jah ha-o firi-o ka-utak thaa-o thaa-ay. Kabeer, wherever I go, I see wonders everywhere. iek rwm snyhI bwhrw aUjru myrY BWie ]14] (1365-5)ik raam sanayhee baahraa oojar mayrai bhaaN-ay. ||14|| But without the devotees of the One Lord, it is all wilderness to me. ||14|| kbIr sMqn kI JuMgIAw BlI BiT kusqI gwau ] (1365-5)kabeer santan kee jhungee-aa bhalee bhath kustee gaa-o. Kabeer, the dwelling of the Saints is good; the dwelling of the unrighteous burns like an oven. Awig lgau iqh Daulhr ijh nwhI hir ko nwau ]15] (1365-6)aag laga-o tih Dha-ulhar jih naahee har ko naa-o. ||15|| Those mansions in which the Lord's Name is not chanted might just as well burn down. ||15|| kbIr sMq mUey ikAw roeIAY jo Apuny igRih jwie ] (1365-6)kabeer sant moo-ay ki-aa ro-ee-ai jo apunay garihi jaa-ay. Kabeer, why cry at the death of a Saint? He is just going back to his home. rovhu swkq bwpury ju hwtY hwt ibkwie ]16] (1365-7)rovhu saakat baapuray jo haatai haat bikaa-ay. ||16|| Cry for the wretched, faithless cynic, who is sold from store to store. ||16|| kbIr swkqu AYsw hY jYsI lsn kI Kwin ] (1365-7)kabeer saakat aisaa hai jaisee lasan kee khaan. Kabeer, the faithless cynic is like a piece of garlic. kony bYTy KweIAY prgt hoie indwin ]17] (1365-8)konay baithay khaa-ee-ai pargat ho-ay nidaan. ||17|| Even if you eat it sitting in a corner, it becomes obvious to everyone. ||17|| kbIr mwieAw folnI pvnu Jkolnhwru ] (1365-8)kabeer maa-i-aa dolnee pavan jhakolanhaar. Kabeer, Maya is the butter-churn, and the breath is the churning-stick. sMqhu mwKnu KwieAw CwiC pIAY sMswru ]18] (1365-9)santahu maakhan khaa-i-aa chhaachh pee-ai sansaar. ||18|| The Saints eat the butter, while the world drinks the whey. ||18|| kbIr mwieAw folnI pvnu vhY ihv Dwr ] (1365-9)kabeer maa-i-aa dolnee pavan vahai hiv Dhaar. Kabeer, Maya is the butter-churn; the breath flows like ice water. ijin ibloieAw iqin KwieAw Avr iblovnhwr ]19] (1365-10)jin bilo-i-aa tin khaa-i-aa avar bilovanhaar. ||19|| Whoever does the churning eats the butter; the others are just churning-sticks. ||19|| kbIr mwieAw cortI muis muis lwvY hwit ] (1365-10)kabeer maa-i-aa chortee mus mus laavai haat. Kabeer, Maya is the thief, which breaks in and plunders the store. eyku kbIrw nw musY ijin kInI bwrh bwt ]20] (1365-11)ayk kabeeraa naa musai jin keenee baarah baat. ||20|| Only Kabeer is not plundered; he has cut her into twelve pieces. ||20|| kbIr sUKu n eyNh juig krih ju bhuqY mIq ] (1365-11)kabeer sookh na ayNh jug karahi jo bahutai meet. Kabeer, peace does not come in this world by making lots of friends. jo icqu rwKih eyk isau qy suKu pwvih nIq ]21] (1365-12)jo chit raakhahi ayk si-o tay sukh paavahi neet. ||21|| Those who keep their consciousness focused on the One Lord shall find eternal peace. ||21|| kbIr ijsu mrny qy jgu frY myry min Awnµdu ] (1365-12)kabeer jis marnay tay jag darai mayray man aanand. Kabeer, the world is afraid of death - that death fills my mind with bliss. mrny hI qy pweIAY pUrnu prmwnµdu ]22] (1365-13)marnay hee tay paa-ee-ai pooran parmaanand. ||22|| It is only by death that perfect, supreme bliss is obtained. ||22|| rwm pdwrQu pwie kY kbIrw gWiT n Kol@ ] (1365-13)raam padaarath paa-ay kai kabeeraa gaaNth na kholH. The Treasure of the Lord is obtained, O Kabeer, but do not undo its knot. nhI ptxu nhI pwrKU nhI gwhku nhI molu ]23] (1365-14)nahee patan nahee paarkhoo nahee gaahak nahee mol. ||23|| There is no market to sell it, no appraiser, no customer, and no price. ||23|| kbIr qw isau pRIiq kir jw ko Twkuru rwmu ] (1365-14)kabeer taa si-o pareet kar jaa ko thaakur raam. Kabeer, be in love with only that one, whose Master is the Lord. pMifq rwjy BUpqI Awvih kauny kwm ]24] (1365-15)pandit raajay bhooptee aavahi ka-unay kaam. ||24|| The Pandits, the religious scholars, kings and landlords - what good is love for them? ||24|| kbIr pRIiq iek isau kIey Awn duibDw jwie ] (1365-15)kabeer pareet ik si-o kee-ay aan dubiDhaa jaa-ay. Kabeer, when you are in love with the One Lord, duality and alienation depart. BwvY lWby kys kru BwvY Grir mufwie ]25] (1365-16)bhaavai laaNbay kays kar bhaavai gharar mudaa-ay. ||25|| You may have long hair, or you may shave your head bald. ||25|| kbIr jgu kwjl kI koTrI AMD pry iqs mwih ] (1365-16)kabeer jag kaajal kee kothree anDh paray tis maahi. Kabeer, the world is a room filled with black soot; the blind fall into its trap. hau bilhwrI iqn kau pYis ju nIkis jwih ]26] (1365-17)ha-o balihaaree tin ka-o pais jo neekas jaahi. ||26|| I am a sacrifice to those who are thrown in, and still escape. ||26|| kbIr iehu qnu jwiegw skhu q lyhu bhoir ] (1365-17)kabeer ih tan jaa-igaa sakahu ta layho bahor. Kabeer, this body shall perish; save it, if you can. nWgy pwvhu qy gey ijn ky lwK kroir ]27] (1365-18)naaNgay paavhu tay ga-ay jin kay laakh karor. ||27|| Even those who have tens of thousands and millions, must depart bare-footed in the end. ||27|| kbIr iehu qnu jwiegw kvnY mwrig lwie ] (1365-18)kabeer ih tan jaa-igaa kavnai maarag laa-ay. Kabeer, this body shall perish; place it on the path. kY sMgiq kir swD kI kY hir ky gun gwie ]28] (1365-18)kai sangat kar saaDh kee kai har kay gun gaa-ay. ||28|| Either join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, or sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||28|| kbIr mrqw mrqw jgu mUAw mir BI n jwinAw koie ] (1365-19)kabeer martaa martaa jag moo-aa mar bhee na jaani-aa ko-ay. Kabeer, dying, dying, the whole world has to die, and yet, none know how to die. |
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