Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


goNf ] (874-1)

moih lwgqI qwlwbylI ] (874-1)
mohi laagtee taalaabaylee.
I am restless and unhappy.

bCry ibnu gwie AkylI ]1] (874-1)
bachhray bin gaa-ay akaylee. ||1||
Without her calf, the cow is lonely. ||1||

pwnIAw ibnu mInu qlPY ] (874-1)
paanee-aa bin meen talfai.
Without water, the fish writhes in pain.

AYsy rwm nwmw ibnu bwpuro nwmw ]1] rhwau ] (874-2)
aisay raam naamaa bin baapuro naamaa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
So is poor Naam Dayv without the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

jYsy gwie kw bwCw CUtlw ] (874-2)
jaisay gaa-ay kaa baachhaa chhootlaa.
Like the cow's calf, which, when let loose,

Qn coKqw mwKnu GUtlw ]2] (874-3)
than chokh-taa maakhan ghootlaa. ||2||
sucks at her udders and drinks her milk -||2||

nwmdyau nwrwienu pwieAw ] (874-3)
naamday-o naaraa-in paa-i-aa.
So has Naam Dayv found the Lord.

guru Bytq AlKu lKwieAw ]3] (874-3)
gur bhaytat alakh lakhaa-i-aa. ||3||
Meeting the Guru, I have seen the Unseen Lord. ||3||

jYsy ibKY hyq pr nwrI ] (874-4)
jaisay bikhai hayt par naaree.
As the man driven by sex wants another man's wife,

AYsy nwmy pRIiq murwrI ]4] (874-4)
aisay naamay pareet muraaree. ||4||
so does Naam Dayv love the Lord. ||4||

jYsy qwpqy inrml Gwmw ] (874-4)
jaisay taaptay nirmal ghaamaa.
As the earth burns in the dazzling sunlight,

qYsy rwm nwmw ibnu bwpuro nwmw ]5]4] (874-4)
taisay raam naamaa bin baapuro naamaa. ||5||4||
so does poor Naam Dayv burn without the Lord's Name. ||5||4||

rwgu goNf bwxI nwmdyau jIau kI Gru 2 (874-6)
raag gond banee naamday-o jee-o kee ghar 2
Raag Gond, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (874-6)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hir hir krq imty siB Brmw ] (874-7)
har har karat mitay sabh bharmaa.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, all doubts are dispelled.

hir ko nwmu lY aUqm Drmw ] (874-7)
har ko naam lai ootam Dharmaa.
Chanting the Name of the Lord is the highest religion.

hir hir krq jwiq kul hrI ] (874-7)
har har karat jaat kul haree.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, erases social classes and ancestral pedigrees.

so hir AMDuly kI lwkrI ]1] (874-8)
so har anDhulay kee laakree. ||1||
The Lord is the walking stick of the blind. ||1||

hrey nmsqy hrey nmh ] (874-8)
har-ay namastay har-ay namah.
I bow to the Lord, I humbly bow to the Lord.

hir hir krq nhI duKu jmh ]1] rhwau ] (874-8)
har har karat nahee dukh jamah. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, you will not be tormented by the Messenger of Death. ||1||Pause||

hir hrnwKs hry prwn ] (874-9)
har harnaakhas haray paraan.
The Lord took the life of Harnaakhash,

AjYml kIE bYkuMTih Qwn ] (874-9)
ajaimal kee-o baikuntheh thaan.
and gave Ajaamal a place in heaven.

sUAw pVwvq ginkw qrI ] (874-9)
soo-aa parhaavat ganikaa taree.
Teaching a parrot to speak the Lord's Name, Ganika the prostitute was saved.

so hir nYnhu kI pUqrI ]2] (874-10)
so har nainhu kee pootree. ||2||
That Lord is the light of my eyes. ||2||

hir hir krq pUqnw qrI ] (874-10)
har har karat pootnaa taree.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Pootna was saved,

bwl GwqnI kptih BrI ] (874-10)
baal ghaatnee kaptahi bharee.
even though she was a deceitful child-killer.

ismrn dRopd suq auDrI ] (874-11)
simran daropad sut uDhree.
Contemplating the Lord, Dropadi was saved.

gaUqm sqI islw insqrI ]3] (874-11)
ga-ootam satee silaa nistaree. ||3||
Gautam's wife, turned to stone, was saved. ||3||

kysI kMs mQnu ijin kIAw ] (874-11)
kaysee kans mathan jin kee-aa.
The Lord, who killed Kaysee and Kans,

jIA dwnu kwlI kau dIAw ] (874-12)
jee-a daan kaalee ka-o dee-aa.
gave the gift of life to Kali.

pRxvY nwmw AYso hrI ] (874-12)
paranvai naamaa aiso haree.
Prays Naam Dayv, such is my Lord;

jwsu jpq BY Apdw trI ]4]1]5] (874-12)
jaas japat bhai apdaa taree. ||4||1||5||
meditating on Him, fear and suffering are dispelled. ||4||1||5||

goNf ] (874-13)

BYrau BUq sIqlw DwvY ] (874-13)
bhairo bhoot seetlaa Dhaavai.
One who chases after the god Bhairau, evil spirits and the goddess of smallpox,

Kr bwhnu auhu Cwru aufwvY ]1] (874-13)
khar baahan uho chhaar udaavai. ||1||
is riding on a donkey, kicking up the dust. ||1||

hau qau eyku rmeIAw lYhau ] (874-13)
ha-o ta-o ayk rama-ee-aa laiha-o.
I take only the Name of the One Lord.

Awn dyv bdlwvin dYhau ]1] rhwau ] (874-14)
aan dayv badlaavan daiha-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.
I have given away all other gods in exchange for Him. ||1||Pause||

isv isv krqy jo nru iDAwvY ] (874-14)
siv siv kartay jo nar Dhi-aavai.
That man who chants "Shiva, Shiva", and meditates on him,

brd cFy faurU FmkwvY ]2] (874-14)
barad chadhay da-uroo dhamkaavai. ||2||
is riding on a bull, shaking a tambourine. ||2||

mhw mweI kI pUjw krY ] (874-15)
mahaa maa-ee kee poojaa karai.
One who worships the Great Goddess Maya

nr sY nwir hoie AauqrY ]3] (874-15)
nar sai naar ho-ay a-utarai. ||3||
will be reincarnated as a woman, and not a man. ||3||

qU khIAq hI Awid BvwnI ] (874-15)
too kahee-at hee aad bhavaanee.
You are called the Primal Goddess.

mukiq kI brIAw khw CpwnI ]4] (874-16)
mukat kee baree-aa kahaa chhapaanee. ||4||
At the time of liberation, where will you hide then? ||4||

gurmiq rwm nwm ghu mIqw ] (874-16)
gurmat raam naam gahu meetaa.
Follow the Guru's Teachings, and hold tight to the Lord's Name, O friend.

pRxvY nwmw ieau khY gIqw ]5]2]6] (874-17)
paranvai naamaa i-o kahai geetaa. ||5||2||6||
Thus prays Naam Dayv, and so says the Gita as well. ||5||2||6||

iblwvlu goNf ] (874-17)
bilaaval gond.
Bilaaval Gond:

Awju nwmy bITlu dyiKAw mUrK ko smJwaU ry ] rhwau ] (874-17)
aaj naamay beethal daykhi-aa moorakh ko samjhaa-oo ray. rahaa-o.
Today, Naam Dayv saw the Lord, and so I will instruct the ignorant. ||Pause||

pWfy qumrI gwieqRI loDy kw Kyqu KwqI QI ] (874-18)
paaNday tumree gaa-itaree loDhay kaa khayt khaatee thee.
O Pandit, O religious scholar, your Gayatri was grazing in the fields.

lY kir Tygw tgrI qorI lWgq lWgq jwqI QI ]1] (874-18)
lai kar thaygaa tagree toree laaNgat laaNgat jaatee thee. ||1||
Taking a stick, the farmer broke its leg, and now it walks with a limp. ||1||

pWfy qumrw mhwdyau Dauly bld ciVAw Awvqu dyiKAw Qw ] (874-19)
paaNday tumraa mahaaday-o Dha-ulay balad charhi-aa aavat daykhi-aa thaa.
O Pandit, I saw your great god Shiva, riding along on a white bull.

modI ky Gr Kwxw pwkw vw kw lVkw mwirAw Qw ]2] (874-19)
modee kay ghar khaanaa paakaa vaa kaa larhkaa maari-aa thaa. ||2||
In the merchant's house, a banquet was prepared for him - he killed the merchant's son. ||2||