Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa.


pWfy qumrw rwmcMdu so BI Awvqu dyiKAw Qw ] (875-1)
paaNday tumraa raamchand so bhee aavat daykhi-aa thaa.
O Pandit, I saw your Raam Chand coming too

rwvn syqI srbr hoeI Gr kI joie gvweI QI ]3] (875-1)
raavan saytee sarbar ho-ee ghar kee jo-ay gavaa-ee thee. ||3||
; he lost his wife, fighting a war against Raawan. ||3||

ihMdU AMn@w qurkU kwxw ] (875-2)
hindoo anHaa turkoo kaanaa.
The Hindu is sightless; the Muslim has only one eye.

duhW qy igAwnI isAwxw ] (875-2)
duhaaN tay gi-aanee si-aanaa.
The spiritual teacher is wiser than both of them.

ihMdU pUjY dyhurw muslmwxu msIiq ] (875-3)
hindoo poojai dayhuraa musalmaan maseet.
The Hindu worships at the temple, the Muslim at the mosque.

nwmy soeI syivAw jh dyhurw n msIiq ]4]3]7] (875-3)
naamay so-ee sayvi-aa jah dayhuraa na maseet. ||4||3||7||
Naam Dayv serves that Lord, who is not limited to either the temple or the mosque. ||4||3||7||

rwgu goNf bwxI rivdws jIau kI Gru 2 (875-4)
raag gond banee ravidaas jee-o kee ghar 2
Raag Gond, The Word Of Ravi Daas Jee, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ] (875-4)
ik-oaNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mukMd mukMd jphu sMswr ] (875-5)
mukand mukand japahu sansaar.
Meditate on the Lord Mukanday, the Liberator, O people of the world.

ibnu mukMd qnu hoie Aauhwr ] (875-5)
bin mukand tan ho-ay a-uhaar.
Without Mukanday, the body shall be reduced to ashes.

soeI mukMdu mukiq kw dwqw ] (875-5)
so-ee mukand mukat kaa daataa.
Mukanday is the Giver of liberation.

soeI mukMdu hmrw ipq mwqw ]1] (875-5)
so-ee mukand hamraa pit maataa. ||1||
Mukanday is my father and mother. ||1||

jIvq mukMdy mrq mukMdy ] (875-6)
jeevat mukanday marat mukanday.
Meditate on Mukanday in life, and meditate on Mukanday in death.

qw ky syvk kau sdw Anµdy ]1] rhwau ] (875-6)
taa kay sayvak ka-o sadaa ananday. ||1|| rahaa-o.
His servant is blissful forever. ||1||Pause||

mukMd mukMd hmwry pRwnµ ] (875-7)
mukand mukand hamaaray paraanaN.
The Lord, Mukanday, is my breath of life.

jip mukMd msqik nIswnµ ] (875-7)
jap mukand mastak neesaanaN.
Meditating on Mukanday, one's forehead will bear the Lord's insignia of approval.

syv mukMd krY bYrwgI ] (875-7)
sayv mukand karai bairaagee.
The renunciate serves Mukanday.

soeI mukMdu durbl Dnu lwDI ]2] (875-7)
so-ee mukand durbal Dhan laaDhee. ||2||
Mukanday is the wealth of the poor and forlorn. ||2||

eyku mukMdu krY aupkwru ] (875-8)
ayk mukand karai upkaar.
When the One Liberator does me a favor,

hmrw khw krY sMswru ] (875-8)
hamraa kahaa karai sansaar.
then what can the world do to me?

mytI jwiq hUey drbwir ] (875-8)
maytee jaat hoo-ay darbaar.
Erasing my social status, I have entered His Court.

quhI mukMd jog jug qwir ]3] (875-9)
tuhee mukand jog jug taar. ||3||
You, Mukanday, are potent throughout the four ages. ||3||

aupijE igAwnu hUAw prgws ] (875-9)
upji-o gi-aan hoo-aa pargaas.
Spiritual wisdom has welled up, and I have been enlightened.

kir ikrpw lIny kIt dws ] (875-9)
kar kirpaa leenay keet daas.
In His Mercy, the Lord has made this worm His slave.

khu rivdws Ab iqRsnw cUkI ] (875-10)
kaho ravidaas ab tarisnaa chookee.
Says Ravi Daas, now my thirst is quenched;

jip mukMd syvw qwhU kI ]4]1] (875-10)
jap mukand sayvaa taahoo kee. ||4||1||
I meditate on Mukanday the Liberator, and I serve Him. ||4||1||

goNf ] (875-10)

jy Ehu ATsiT qIrQ n@wvY ] (875-11)
jay oh athsath tirath nHaavai.
Someone may bathe at the sixty-eight sacred shrines of pilgrimage,

jy Ehu duAwds islw pUjwvY ] (875-11)
jay oh du-aadas silaa poojaavai.
and worship the twelve Shiva-lingam stones,

jy Ehu kUp qtw dyvwvY ] (875-11)
jay oh koop tataa dayvaavai.
and dig wells and pools,

krY inMd sB ibrQw jwvY ]1] (875-11)
karai nind sabh birthaa jaavai. ||1||
but if he indulges in slander, then all of this is useless. ||1||

swD kw inMdku kYsy qrY ] (875-12)
saaDh kaa nindak kaisay tarai.
How can the slanderer of the Holy Saints be saved?

srpr jwnhu nrk hI prY ]1] rhwau ] (875-12)
sarpar jaanhu narak hee parai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Know for certain, that he shall go to hell. ||1||Pause||

jy Ehu gRhn krY kulKyiq ] (875-13)
jay oh garahan karai kulkhayt.
Someone may bathe at Kuruk-shaytra during a solar eclipse,

ArpY nwir sIgwr smyiq ] (875-13)
arpai naar seegaar samayt.
and give his decorated wife in offering,

sglI isMimRiq sRvnI sunY ] (875-13)
saglee simrit sarvanee sunai.
and listen to all the Simritees,

krY inMd kvnY nhI gunY ]2] (875-14)
karai nind kavnai nahee gunai. ||2||
but if he indulges in slander, these are of no account. ||2||

jy Ehu Aink pRswd krwvY ] (875-14)
jay oh anik parsaad karaavai.
Someone may give countless feasts,

BUim dwn soBw mMfip pwvY ] (875-14)
bhoom daan sobhaa mandap paavai.
and donate land, and build splendid buildings;

Apnw ibgwir ibrWnw sWFY ] (875-15)
apnaa bigaar biraaNnaa saaNdhai.
he may neglect his own affairs to work for others,

krY inMd bhu jonI hWFY ]3] (875-15)
karai nind baho jonee haaNdhai. ||3||
but if he indulges in slander, he shall wander in countless incarnations. ||3||

inMdw khw krhu sMswrw ] (875-15)
nindaa kahaa karahu sansaaraa.
Why do you indulge in slander, O people of the world?

inMdk kw prgit pwhwrw ] (875-15)
nindak kaa pargat paahaaraa.
The emptiness of the slanderer is soon exposed.

inMdku soiD swiD bIcwirAw ] (875-16)
nindak soDh saaDh beechaari-aa.
I have thought, and determined the fate of the slanderer.

khu rivdws pwpI nrik isDwirAw ]4]2]11]7]2]49] joVu ] (875-16)
kaho ravidaas paapee narak siDhaari-aa. ||4||2||11||7||2||49|| jorh.
Says Ravi Daas, he is a sinner; he shall go to hell. ||4||2||11||7||2||49|| Total||