Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa. |
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876 (876-1)raamkalee mehlaa 1 ghar 1 cha-upday Raamkalee, First Mehl, First House, Chau-Padas: <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (876-2)ik-oaNkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhaN gur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying. Beyond Birth. Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace: koeI pVqw shswikrqw koeI pVY purwnw ] (876-4)ko-ee parh-taa sehsaakirtaa ko-ee parhai puraanaa. Some read the Sanskrit scriptures, and some read the Puraanas. koeI nwmu jpY jpmwlI lwgY iqsY iDAwnw ] (876-4)ko-ee naam japai japmaalee laagai tisai Dhi-aanaa. Some meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and chant it on their malas, focusing on it in meditation. Ab hI kb hI ikCU n jwnw qyrw eyko nwmu pCwnw ]1] (876-4)ab hee kab hee kichhoo na jaanaa tayraa ayko naam pachhaanaa. ||1|| I know nothing, now or ever; I recognize only Your One Name, Lord. ||1|| n jwxw hry myrI kvn gqy ] (876-5)na jaanaa haray mayree kavan gatay. I do not know, Lord, what my condition shall be. hm mUrK AigAwn srin pRB qyrI kir ikrpw rwKhu myrI lwj pqy ]1] rhwau ] (876-5)ham moorakh agi-aan saran parabh tayree kar kirpaa raakho mayree laaj patay. ||1|| rahaa-o. I am foolish and ignorant; I seek Your Sanctuary, God. Please, save my honor and my self-respect. ||1||Pause|| kbhU jIAVw aUiB cVqu hY kbhU jwie pieAwly ] (876-6)kabhoo jee-arhaa oobh charhat hai kabhoo jaa-ay pa-i-aalay. Sometimes, the soul soars high in the heavens, and sometimes it falls to the depths of the nether regions. loBI jIAVw iQru n rhqu hY cwry kuMfw Bwly ]2] (876-7)lobhee jee-arhaa thir na rahat hai chaaray kundaa bhaalay. ||2|| The greedy soul does not remain stable; it searches in the four directions. ||2|| mrxu ilKwie mMfl mih Awey jIvxu swjih mweI ] (876-7)maran likhaa-ay mandal meh aa-ay jeevan saajeh maa-ee. With death pre-ordained, the soul comes into the world, gathering the riches of life. eyik cly hm dyKh suAwmI Bwih blµqI AweI ]3] (876-8)ayk chalay ham daykhah su-aamee bhaahi balantee aa-ee. ||3|| I see that some have already gone, O my Lord and Master; the burning fire is coming closer! ||3|| n iksI kw mIqu n iksI kw BweI nw iksY bwpu n mweI ] (876-8)na kisee kaa meet na kisee kaa bhaa-ee naa kisai baap na maa-ee. No one has any friend, and no one has any brother; no one has any father or mother. pRxviq nwnk jy qU dyvih AMqy hoie sKweI ]4]1] (876-9)paranvat naanak jay too dayveh antay ho-ay sakhaa-ee. ||4||1|| Prays Nanak, if You bless me with Your Name, it shall be my help and support in the end. ||4||1|| rwmklI mhlw 1 ] (876-10)raamkalee mehlaa 1. Raamkalee, First Mehl: srb joiq qyrI psir rhI ] (876-10)sarab jot tayree pasar rahee. Your Light is prevailing everywhere. jh jh dyKw qh nrhrI ]1] (876-10)jah jah daykhaa tah narharee. ||1|| Wherever I look, there I see the Lord. ||1|| jIvn qlb invwir suAwmI ] (876-11)jeevan talab nivaar su-aamee. Please rid me of the desire to live, O my Lord and Master. AMD kUip mwieAw mnu gwifAw ikau kir auqrau pwir suAwmI ]1] rhwau ] (876-11)anDh koop maa-i-aa man gaadi-aa ki-o kar utara-o paar su-aamee. ||1|| rahaa-o. My mind is entangled in the deep dark pit of Maya. How can I cross over, O Lord and Master? ||1||Pause|| jh BIqir Gt BIqir bisAw bwhir kwhy nwhI ] (876-12)jah bheetar ghat bheetar basi-aa baahar kaahay naahee. He dwells deep within, inside the heart; how can He not be outside as well? iqn kI swr kry inq swihbu sdw icMq mn mwhI ]2] (876-12)tin kee saar karay nit saahib sadaa chint man maahee. ||2|| Our Lord and Master always takes care of us, and keeps us in His thoughts. ||2|| Awpy nyVY Awpy dUir ] (876-13)aapay nayrhai aapay door. He Himself is near at hand, and He is far away. Awpy srb rihAw BrpUir ] (876-13)aapay sarab rahi-aa bharpoor. He Himself is all-pervading, permeating everywhere. sqguru imlY AMDyrw jwie ] (876-13)satgur milai anDhayraa jaa-ay. Meeting the True Guru, the darkness is dispelled. |
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